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Chapter 631

"Su...Miss Su, how do you know they can see us?" Bai Zhe asked nervously.

"Look at the two children at the table by the window!" Su Ruoxi said via voice transmission.

Hearing this, Bai Zhe looked at the seat behind him by the window, there were two men, two women, and two little boys sitting there! At the moment, the four adults were chatting and laughing, but the two little boys were looking at their table. When Bai Zhe turned his head, he happened to meet the eyes of one of the little boys...

Bai Zhe could see the doubt in the opponent's eyes and the child's curiosity! It turns out that they can really see themselves and others, but what are they...

Bai Zhe felt trembling all over. He was not afraid of such a person, but if it was a ghost, he had never seen so many...

It's not just Bai Zhe, except for Su Ruoxi and Feng Che, the rest of the people can't help but feel hairy! Although they have lived for a long time, but this is the first time in hell...

Wen Renyu and Sima Yutian beside Elder Yan, their faces turned green with fright! Although the two of them are lawless in the Pill City, in fact, they have not been to other places except the Pill City...

Finally, I followed Elder Yan to Lingcheng this time to participate in this refiner conference, in order to come to the Abyss of Wraith to find the key to Fengwu's map...

However, the two of them were not very peaceful during the small fights along the way, but after all, with Elder Yan by their side, the two of them didn't cause any serious troubles, so this is good...

Directly in this Lingyuan Inn, the blue sky and the white day saw a ghost, and the two of them were really scared! Elder Yan glared at the two of them and said, "Come on, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

"Yes... Elder Yan... But is that really a ghost?" Wen Renyu swallowed, and asked cautiously.

"How do I know!" Elder Yan said angrily. He also wanted to know whether the people around him were people or ghosts...

"It doesn't matter if it's a ghost or anything else, no one is scary after all! Don't worry too much..." Su Ruoxi said with a smile seeing everyone's nervousness.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and it made sense to think about it. Isn't the most terrifying thing in this world is human beings...

"Little Xi'er, do you know what they are?" Feng Che looked at Su Ruoxi and asked dotingly.

He found out, it seems that there is nothing this girl is afraid of!

"It's a wraith!" Su Ruoxi said.

If Xiaozhong hadn't told her that these were ghosts, she would have thought they were all ghosts! It's just that Xiaozhong said that these grievances are trapped here...

Moreover, there is another thing that puzzles her, why they can see these resentful spirits, but the people in the Lingyuan Inn can't see them?

There can only be two reasons for such a phenomenon. The first is that there are problems with some of them, and the second is that the people in the Lingyuan Inn have problems...

"Resentful spirits? But they seem to be no different from humans?" Feng Che raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, and I can actually sense the human breath on them!" Feng Lao exclaimed.

"They are indeed vengeful spirits. Xiaozhong said that they are all high-level vengeful spirits, but they are all trapped in this inn for some reason! Moreover, we still don't know whether it is our problem that we can see them , or there is a problem with the people in the Lingyuan Inn, I can't see them!" Su Ruoxi glanced at the wraiths around him who were no different from human beings and said.

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