Poison Doctor Demon Consort

Chapter 055, banquet provocation

Chapter 055, Banquet and Provocation If the Vietnamese soldiers don't come to attack the city, Zhu Youhong will not move, and he doesn't want to send troops out of the city immediately to invite a fight. The enemy came from afar and captured three cities in a row, and the morale was high for a while. The Yan army is stationed in the city, with sufficient food and grass, so they are not afraid of being exhausted with the enemy for the time being.

The army really successfully entered the city one step ahead. They were happy for a while, and held a big banquet in the city at night. The generals of Tianyan City toasted to show that they would welcome the soldiers led by Lord Jiu to clean up the dust.

"Hahaha! Although Young Commander Linghu has no strength to restrain a chicken, he is indeed resourceful! He has never fought a war, but he is well versed in tactics, and he took the falsehood as reality, and entered the Skyyan City first. Otherwise, if we let them attack the city first, we only have a city wall of 10,000 soldiers, and we are really vulnerable!"

Zhang Fushan, one of the guards of Skyyan City, after drinking a few cups of wine, went mad for a while, laughed and babbled nonsense. This remark was originally a compliment, but the bad thing was that he said four words - no power to restrain the chicken!

Zhu Youchen sneered and said: "Vice General Zhang, how dare you laugh at our Young Commander Linghu's inability to restrain a chicken? Maybe you can't beat him! He can even tame a tiger, what are you?"

Along the way, Zhu Youchen tested Young Marshal Linghu more than once, wondering if he was hiding something. But in fact, he really has no internal strength. However, day to night, he had some subtle feelings towards Young Marshal Linghu.

When others laughed that Young Master Linghu had no strength to restrain a chicken, he actually became a little unhappy when he heard it, especially when his eyes fell on Young Master Linghu's peerless face.

However, Vice General Zhang Fushan couldn't hear Master Zhu's anger because he was a little drunk, and he still smiled drunkenly and raised his glass: "Haha! Will Master Linghu subdue the tiger? That young general really wants to open his eyes! Why don't we take advantage of the joy tonight, let's make gestures and let Master Jiu and Master Liu appreciate it?"

While Zhang Fushan was talking, he actually walked out of his seat with a glass of wine in his hand. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, and provoked Young Marshal Linghu.

In fact, ever since the emperor appointed Linghu Huori as a young marshal, many people were dissatisfied. They fought bloody battles on the battlefield, fighting to the death to become a little general.

It's fine that Linghu Huori has never been on a battlefield, but he has no strength to fight back, and he was named a young marshal based on his father's shadow. No matter how you say it, some people are very dissatisfied.

"Presumptuous! Zhang Fushan, are you going to offend me?" Jiuye saw Zhang Fushan staggering towards Linghu Shuiyue who smelled of alcohol, and felt uncomfortable, frowned and scolded.

Linghu Shuiyue was also forced to drink two glasses of wine, she is her elder brother Linghu Huori at the moment, does this guy dare to look down on her elder brother like this?

Although no one mentioned the matter of being teased by the third prince Duanmu of the Yue Kingdom, Linghu Shuiyue also felt that she had lost face to her brother.

It's a small thing to lose face, but it's absolutely impossible to lose face of brother.

During the march for half a month, although she was non-stop day and night, she secretly practiced the martial arts secret book bestowed by Master Jiu.

How heavy is Zhang Fushan? If my brother really came, would he really be humiliated by him? Thinking that his elder brother would be humiliated by this person, Linghu Shuiyue, who had drunk some wine, became angry.

She also stood up from her seat and said: "Since Vice General Zhang wants to compete so much, let's compete! This young commander will do as much as he can, as long as he doesn't hurt his friend, and save his real strength to deal with the enemy."

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