Plutocrats From the Gold Rush

Chapter 100 One-year loss and profit, and a new journey

On the sea outside the artificial island manor, under the warm sun, Xie Jin was sitting on the side of his yacht, fishing with a sea pole.

He has been sitting for three hours without any bait and knowing the sea conditions.

He finally succeeded in harvesting a small sea fish, but he still didn't know its name.

As for this, he only caught it under the perception of his breath of the wilderness.

If it wasn't really unnecessary, to be honest, he wanted to get into the net and catch all this group of ignorant fish.

It was so fucking annoying that he sent the bait in the middle of the school.

I thought it was easy to catch.

But if you don't eat the bait, it's outrageous.

Although his bait is not good, and he doesn't know how to catch and choose the time, but this group of fish is really not particular about it, and there is no pattern at all.


Putting away the fishing rod, Xie Jin almost broke the rod with an angry expression on his face. With a dark face, Xie Jin turned his head to look at Aisha, who was expressionless but was laughing wildly in his heart.

"Is there a result?"

"Yes, the first day of Thanksgiving, our animated film was very successful.

Thanks to the vigorous promotion and marketing of various Internet platforms.

The current word-of-mouth and influence are improving step by step.

It also benefited from the large-scale share transfer strategy we signed with the theater.

Our schedule is also very good.

At present, the box office is down 24 hours on the first day.

Plus our revolutionary Internet pre-sale box office program that we pioneered.

So far we've had more than $26.5 million in its first day at the box office.

And the overall evaluation is very good.

On our movie rating website: Rotten Tomatoes, and the discussion in the super forum, the popularity is very good.

There have also begun to be many,

Because of our marketing campaigns and leads, speaking online, getting ready to take your own family into the cinema.

In addition, perhaps because of the relationship between oriental elements, our current movies are extremely strong among Asian groups.

At present, in general, your Internet matrix and promotion strategy have been considered a success.

Next, as long as there are no problems with the movie, then we can start the plan after that. "

"Yeah." Listening to Aisha's answer, Xie Jin got a lot of relief from his depressed mood because of fishing.

"Big Six, and those brand owners that have already been contacted?

what's the result? "

"Here is the file, you can take a look at the mining industry yourself, the effect is beyond imagination, they probably can't fall asleep now.

Since our movie started to be promoted, someone from the Big Six immediately reported to their superiors, and the core management team reported the situation.

However, because they haven't seen the effect yet, although they pay attention to it, they obviously don't pay enough attention to it.

It is also obvious that we underestimated our influence, as well as the basis of the Internet as its foundation.

After that, after our pre-sale started, and today's world premiere, we achieved staged success.

They have fully paid attention to it, and are currently looking for professionals all over the world who can understand your plan and the influence of the whole thing, and want to analyze our operation strategy and structure.

But obviously, they haven't fully seen the real power of the system you developed.

After that, along with Dongguo's toy peripherals, it began to be sold in the market simultaneously.

There are also various panda services and costumes introduced in various games.

Super forums, show ticket stubs, and draw prizes.

And Netflix launched that as long as you rent the video on Netflix, you can watch the Kung Fu Panda video for free.

There are also fan novels, videos, and animation creations based on Kung Fu Pandas that are encouraged.

Choose one of the classics and join the next generation of Kung Fu Panda II.

From the current point of view, we are working on the Kung Fu Panda project, whether it is on the bright side, or in the accounts, or in terms of joint benefits and benefits of other affiliated companies.

As a result, there will be no loss, but a lot of profit.

And because they are all systems independent of the Sixth National Congress, they can still develop very well.

We are basically not afraid of their threats at all now. "

"Huh?" She glanced at Aisha in surprise, Xie Jin was a little surprised that the other party praised him so much today and encouraged him.

"I know what you said.

But, don't you have conflicts with Barbara? Why are you advocating this with me today? "

"How is it possible, and work is work. My boss, who is very separated, will not bring personal feelings into work."

"Really?" Xie Jin looked at Aisha, who was a little nervous inside, with a smile, Xie Jin laughed, and said nothing.

As for the reason why Aisha did this, it is actually very simple.

After the release of Kung Fu Panda, Barbara had no time to see Xie Jin for half a month.

What's more, after the release, there are even more things to be busy, such as various complicated interest links, negotiations, confrontations, cooperation, advertising endorsements, and so on.

What else could Aisha say that for?

It's not just the Chinese New Year, it's Christmas.

She is going to let Xie Jin continue to increase the size, and then lock Barbara in Hollywood, Los Angeles, and cannot come back.

Then she can happily spend Christmas with Xie Jin alone, and finally she can go back to Dongguo with Xie Jin for the New Year.


I sighed in my heart, and Xie Jin would naturally not show any emotions about it.

After the big deal, take some time to appease Barbara.

You have to keep it from the little vinegar jar.

As for this matter?

Naturally, I can only fulfill the wish of the little jealous jar.

Otherwise, what can he do?


"Then let's do this, let people spread the news to Stan Entertainment, and give them more resources.

What about the rest? Except for those film companies in Hollywood.

What about those advertisers and brands?

After all, they are making products, and they are concerned about this kind of publicity and effect.

It should be more sensitive and decisive than those Hollywood film companies. "

Seeing that Xie Jin asked about it, and then acquiesced to her proposal and idea, Aisha felt a little joy in her heart, and the corners of her mouth rose.

Everything was exposed in Xie Jin's eyes, leaving him speechless.

"Those brands and big companies have indeed paid attention to us.

Among them, the sensitivity and speed of the FMCG industry are the fastest.

You are absolutely right, boss.

In addition to the fast-moving consumer goods industry, some other industries with phantom popularity, or monopoly enterprises, have not received enough attention.

They obviously do not have such a highly market-focused department, so they are relatively slow in responding.

Among the various fast-moving consumer goods industries, we have already contacted us to ask if there is such an advertising combination that can help cooperate and join the user promotion matrix.

The first is Coca-Cola and the second is Burger King.

After that, there are laundry detergent and powder, as well as shampoo, clothing, and other fast-selling products.

At present, we are also negotiating tentative cooperation with them according to the plan.

Basically, it is given to some fast-moving consumer goods brands that have sufficient qualifications and can cooperate with each other for a long time.

Provide one free, 15-day matrix promotion, or software banner advertisement.

Or game event endorsement.

This program will last approximately three months.

In addition, it will also cover most of our Internet products that have been developed.

Test each operating advertising space, as well as the income and results of various operations.

Finally, determine the overall and overall price and grade of each advertising space.

Make all the adequate preparations for your subsequent advertising affiliate program. "

"Well, that's good, everything will follow the plan you agreed upon, as long as there are no mistakes."

Standing on the top floor of the yacht, sitting on the sofa, overlooking the sea.

Xie Jin paused while speaking, and then continued to ask.

"By the way, how is the annual audit progress of major companies?

Also, how effective is Charlie's supervisory department?

How are the other guys doing recently? "

When she heard the question, Aisha didn't answer in a hurry, but stretched out her hand to pinch Xie Jin's shoulder, and said while rubbing it for him.

"Most of the audit reports have come out.

Some special cases, as well as some substandard and corrupt individuals, have basically all been discovered by the supervision department, and they have almost been cleaned up.

This year, you can probably get $12.3 billion in dividends from Stan Mining Group.

In addition, the three big ones and one small four top gemstone mines you found in Sri Lanka, in addition to the existing shares.

It also helped you get more than 5.5 billion US dollars in cash.

In addition, next year and the year after that, your cooperation with Europa, as well as various prospecting agencies, will gradually enter the right track.

If your prospecting income is normal at that time, you will also have a large percentage of income.

In addition, in the futures and stock markets, your total assets have probably exceeded 30 billion US dollars.

Because the follow-up gold futures market is still in continuous operation.

At the same time, some of your stock and investment fund returns are gradually being realized, so your returns and book assets will continue to increase by a large percentage.

However, although the profit is high, the loss is also high.

All your Internet companies, except for game projects, are currently at a loss stage.

But with the launch of the ad network program and matrix.

It is believed that this situation of making ends meet will soon be alleviated and profits will be made.

And according to think tank estimates, this profit will become more and more valuable with the passage of time and the development of the Internet industry.

Then it will become your other cash cow.

Except for Internet companies, Stan Entertainment is basically in a state of overall loss at present.

However, because of Stan Entertainment's benefits and matrix functions, he has provided the Internet industry with great development opportunities and asset growth and growth.

Therefore, this book loss is still within an acceptable range.

Experts in think tanks all suggest that we continue to expand this link and matrix structure, strive to become bigger and stronger, and form a new, unshakable new system and consortium.

In addition to these two losses, the other two cannot see any hope and profit. The advantage is that they are currently in a state of pure loss.

It is the Tesla super car plan, which is currently estimated to have invested about three billion U.S. dollars.

By around March next year, all the preliminary planning of the company will be completely completed.

It is expected to design and build according to investment and various personnel.

In addition to the predictable brand value, it will also continue to lose at least two billion U.S. dollars every year.

Moreover, this does not include equipment depreciation, replacement and replacement of high-tech equipment.

Order some super machinery, use some super materials to spend relationship and favor costs.

And an unexpected budget that exceeds the specification.

In addition to Tesla, Stein Electronics Semiconductor Laboratory, you have been paying attention recently, so I won’t say much.

So far, all kinds of manpower and network costs are not included.

Just halfway through the formation, there are relevant researchers invited, various treatments, guarantees, and invitation rewards.

We've burned three billion.

If you don't restrain yourself in the future, and continue to continue with such a high standard.

It is conservatively estimated that US$5 billion will be invested this year.

Starting from next year, there will be at least a loss of more than 4 billion yuan a year, and the expansion of research and laboratories will consume even more funds. "

"Fuck, so ruthless? So much money?"

Hearing Aisha's answer, Xie Jin was also taken aback.

He actually expected Tesla's losses. At the beginning, it was for burning money, and then stacked up, in order to finally launch the Tesla brand and the electric vehicle market.

But it's only been a long time, and the electronic semiconductor laboratory has actually dropped 3 billion, at least 5 billion this year.

This is something he didn't expect, it's simply outrageous.

Off the charts, even the previous maximum consumption estimate was not so ruthless.

"Don't be so surprised, my dear boss.

What I just said is just the most accurate conservative estimate.

According to your requirements, you probably don't know about the top-level laboratories and various research equipment.

A standard top-level laboratory, a set of equipment, at least tens of millions.

And such a standard top-level semiconductor laboratory, even if some equipment is averaged, and then the time is set and used in batches.

For example, experimental verification, supercomputers for running data, various rooms that require special environments, and various high-tech research and experimental instruments and equipment.

However, that laboratory also needs at least an average investment of 4-5 million US dollars in equipment.

And the treatment you give these researchers.

The range and breadth of the coverage, the various materials provided, the lobbying and public relations of some of the relationships and links, the contacts and support needed..."

Raising her head, Aisha paused halfway through her speech, looked at Xie Jin helplessly, and finally asked.

"I, the people in the think tank, and your accountants all want to check with you again, to be sure.

Are you really so optimistic about the semiconductor industry? Is this industry really so indispensable? "


Speechlessly looking at the helpless Aisha, Xie Jin didn't say anything, just nodded, and then calmly changed the subject.

"Anything else?"

"..." Looking at Xie Jin with a determined face, Aisha shook her head immediately and didn't say anything.

No way, Xie Jin said the boss, she is not the boss's wife now, not her own money, the boss thinks it can be done, but she can't help it.

Moreover, Xie Jin's past gazes all proved that his gaze was extremely correct, full of foresight and independent vision.

So, she didn't have much to say about it.

She has fulfilled her duty of advice.

To be honest, if it weren't for the think tanks below, as well as the heads of various companies, Martha, Barbara, and almost everyone, they would be extremely incomprehensible about this matter inside and out.

In fact, Aisha would not come to question Xie Jin continuously, asking if he really made up his mind.

But now, it was obvious that Xie Jin had made up his mind.

Then she has nothing to say.

"There really is one thing.

We didn't expect it before.

That is, we all underestimated your influence in the Internet industry.

Currently, because of our Internet Advertising Matrix program.

Just less than half a day after we just succeeded.

Microsoft, Apple, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, almost all sent us signals inviting cooperation.

They are extremely interested in our advertising operation strategy.

Like a hungry wolf that sees fat.

In addition, some people behind them are also trying to figure out a way to try us out.

We are doing everything we can to open subscriptions and sales of shares in Stansoft.

At present, some people are willing to debut 300 million US dollars to occupy 5% of the shares. "

"These guys are thinking about farts?

I haven't completely established myself yet, and they think I will give them something that has laid a foundation?

Also, it's that idiot who dares to ask me for shares?

Is he really an idiot or who does he think he is? "

"Um, so boss, Google is willing to enter into a strategic partnership with us and share the shares we have negotiated.

Expanding to transfer 15%, before the listing plan, can be regarded as good for their listing plan.

Then they want to get our support and join our affiliate program and matrix.

But they need a certain right to speak of the advertising network.

Apple said that our investment in Apple can coordinate some shares and give us a board seat.

It is also hope that we will have some deep cooperation with each other.

Including the field of electronic semiconductors.

Amazon said that it can accept our investment and strategic stake.

However, the shares must be replaced by companies of equivalent value, and cash shares are not accepted.

You can also give us a seat depending on the situation.

Their condition is to deeply enter the advertising alliance system.

And want to access their payment system, enter our software matrix series.

In this regard, they are willing to transfer a part and pay for the shares of the software. "

"Amazon's idiots want to eat ass? Think they're the only ones holding the gold bowl?

Continue to talk, don't worry, our advertising alliance has fatal lethality and attraction to them.

They have no choice.

Google and Apple agreed, but they had to guard against the old guy Jobs, and they were not allowed to touch and visit our laboratory, unless it was a cooperative project.

This damn has a criminal record. "

"Yes, I see."

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