Plutocrats From the Gold Rush

Chapter 98 Xu Feng and the researcher came to the door

The artificial island manor was just when the entire Internet industry was boiling and the penguins were dead and desperate.

In Xie Jin's manor, a special guest was welcomed, the embassy staff of Dongguo in San Francisco.

"Mr. Xu, please come inside, the boss is already waiting for you."


Smiling and nodding to Martha, Xu Feng, carrying a briefcase, walked into the study of the main house with some trepidation.

The purpose of his coming today is actually not very friendly to Xie Jin.

Not a very reasonable and friendly behavior either.

However, in the end, after some departments' research and judgment, he could only bite the bullet and come here.

Look for this Dongguo person who has huge influence in the entire capital world.

And the reason for everything is very simple, that is instant messaging.

Since the last time, Xie Jin made an excuse to pass on some of his views on various situations.

They immediately arranged various experts and scholars to conduct a top-secret analysis and classification of all the words and meanings Xie Jin said.

In the end, they also came up with a lot of shocking information.

Although Dongguo has realized the importance and opportunity of the Internet and some other technologies and changes in it a long time ago.

But Xie Jin's words made them see many things that they didn't see.

And because of this, they paid more attention to Xie Jin.

But at the same time, it also brought some troubles.

That's instant messaging.

Originally, although Penguin had foreign capital, after all, its main body, database, and safety supervision of the entire company were all in China.

Nanfei Bank has no power to reject Dong Guo, and even has some power.

However, before Xie Jin announced to enter the instant messaging.


Dongguo began to conduct research and judgment.

After discovering that Xie Jin is serious, and there are so many preparations and preparations in the early stage.

There is great possibility and power, after being able to kill the penguin.

Some departments, experts, scholars, and analysts in Dongguo immediately felt a certain sense of crisis.

Because standing on a neutral standpoint, a standpoint without emotional factors.

There is no way for them to ignore Xie Jin, a person with great power in the capital world, who controls the Internet in his hands.

However, Xie Jin's identity made it difficult for them to do anything.

So, this is the reason for this trip.

The purpose is to find out what Xie Jin meant, he really wanted to intervene, but he didn't have any malicious intentions.

Then we have to see if we can negotiate amicably and let him back down a bit.

He still has some bad intentions and wants to control the Dongguo Internet.

Then how should they respond.

These are things that urgently need to be clarified and understood.

After thinking for a long time, he stood in Xie Jin's spacious study.

Xu Feng finally came to his senses, stood in front of Xie Jin's study door, and knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Soon, with a clear voice, he walked into the house.

"Please come in."

"Hello, Mr. Xie."

Walking into the house, he shook hands with Xie Jin respectfully.

In any case, Xie Jin was at least very kind to Dongguo and helped a lot.

"You're welcome, please sit down."

Seeing Xu Feng with a heavy heart in front of him, Xie Jin looked at him with a smile and waved his hand.

He didn't care about the guard and fear in the other party's heart.

Because to be reasonable, it is this cautiousness, rigidity, and ruthlessness.

Only then has the life and survival of the countless billions of people in the future been preserved.

Now if the opposite is someone who is willing to compromise, indulge, and has no bottom line.

He Xie Jin would not show any emotion on the contrary.


Are there not enough countries like that? Those licks are destined not to develop.

Does he need to care, and respect, to give them face?

Say something bad?

"Mr. Xie, I'm really sorry to take the liberty to visit. I'm here this time..."

He waved his hand, indicating that the other party needn't say more.

Xie Jin smiled and stretched out his hand, and handed over a document directly.

"I know what your purpose of coming this time is.

Actually, I understand even if you don’t tell me.

im thing right?

You don't have to think too much, you don't have to be burdened, and you don't need to care about my thoughts.

I understand and understand.

For the sake of the people, these are beyond reproach.

No matter how good a friend is, it is not as important as the responsibility in your heart, nor is it as important as the safety and life of the people.

This is my home, and I understand it. "

"..." Looking at Xie Jin who handed over the documents casually, Xu Feng's face flashed with astonishment and shock for a moment.

Then he came back to his senses in an instant.

He first glanced at Xie Jin complicatedly, then paused silently for a moment, and then said nothing, but with mixed feelings, feeling aggrieved and moved, as if he had gained understanding.

He reached out and took the document in Xie Jin's hand.

Looking at this young embassy staff member, I felt the complex emotions in the other party's heart.

Xie Jin shook his head and didn't say much.

In any case, one's own motherland can develop.

How do you erase what they did?

You can't do anything with your own mouth.

Those are all kinds of unspeakable difficulties, heartache, blood and tears, things, hidden in it, and finally done.

Miracles are not so easy to accomplish, and they can even surpass the bald eagle.

Of course, some situations cannot be avoided.

It is very complicated, not as simple as imagined, and can be solved.

Like this time about Xie Jin.

If he is really going to do black hands, it will be for the entire country.

What can Dongguo do in the end?

Interrupt the teeth and swallow the blood, minimize it as much as possible, and use various tricks.

Then still welcome him with a smiling face, and will not use any negative force or means.

It's cruel to admit defeat when you lose, and try to remedy it in various ways.

This is just an external cause, what about the internal cause in some cases? What about objective facts?

what can you do

Of course, many things will also be recorded in the notebook, and we will find ways to find opportunities to solve them in the future.


Here, Xie Jin was in a daze, while on the other side, Xu Feng went through the entire document quickly and carefully, making sure that he would not forget a single word.

As diplomats, many people actually don't know it.

Almost every diplomatic system has quite a few super special talents, even geniuses.

They include psychologists, sketch experts, negotiators, security experts, intelligence experts and so on.

Among these special talents, the photographic memory is almost a standard skill.

These people will follow various diplomatic personnel to visit various factories, scientific research, or special diplomatic sites to witness and record.

Then record all kinds of situations and things on the scene exactly.

After going back, I completely reproduced the scene I saw.

Or painting, or copying, to figure out all kinds of parameter data.

Describe the subtle expression changes and body movements of the other party.

Then let the psychologists do psychological profiling, predictive analysis and so on bit by bit.

Predict the other party's mental state and activities, the bottom line.

After the convenience, or the next day, continue to negotiate, or test, apply psychological pressure, and prepare for various responses.

Of course, this level is generally not used.

It's too exaggerated, this kind of talent is not Chinese cabbage, not everyone and occasions will use it.

But it was obvious that Xie Jin was at this level.

Therefore, few people know about this ordinary-looking Xu Feng.

In fact, three out of ten thousand people are geniuses with an unforgettable memory.

He is a Ph.D. in Human Behavioral Psychology, a master of sketching and drawing, and has the ability of photographic memory. His real IQ exceeds 153.

Being proficient in multi-language voices can really only be regarded as his ordinary diplomatic skills.

"..." Silently looking at the document in front of him, sorting out the information in it.

Xu Feng had achieved the purpose of coming this time so smoothly, suddenly he didn't know what to say.

Because it was very simple, such a document told him everything he wanted to know, and what he didn't want to know.

Even, including what he didn't want to know, there were some safety suggestions from a special perspective, and the follow-up plan also told him.

Obviously, Xie Jin had prepared this for a long time.

And according to the follow-up plan, it can also be easily drawn.

He didn't do that, come on, I'll come up with this plan.

If you don't come, I will continue to test and prepare for the trial.

It was a plan that was prepared from the very beginning.

This makes him have some pressure and burden instead, that is, he feels happy and joyful.

There is also some guilt, anxiety, and guilt.

Obviously, his age is still a bit young, and he has not yet reached the stage where he is completely firm and does not use any external objects to affect his inner emotions and judgments.

As for this plan, it is actually very simple.

On the whole, it is actually devouring penguins.

In other words, Penguin swallowed the game department of Xie Networks, as well as the instant messaging department.

Completely independent, the structure is more reasonable, and it promotes the development of the Internet ecology.

Xie Jin, on the other hand, will hold shares in the new penguin and have certain voting rights.

Then use your own strength to boost the development of newborn penguins.

Finally, through the link of Stan software, Penguin has the ability and power to communicate some services to the whole world.

Of course, among them, the basic thing is to expel Nanfei Bank and introduce some domestic supervision funds.

The personnel options are as far as possible within the Eastern Kingdom.

The database is built-in and will not be moved outside. The payment software used is still the same security system.

There are two instant messaging companies inside and outside, and the data is independent.

Then the core database will invite relevant departments to settle in and take over.

Help build, maintain operations, security architecture to prevent data breaches.

These are terms to be implemented.

The bilateral data interaction and docking will be placed on the Xiangjiang server for interaction.

Send people to each other to filter and filter.

Allow independent systems of data, under supervision, to come in.

There are many others, which is roughly such a process.

"...Thank you, thank you, Mr. Xie, thank you for everything you have done for Dongguo."

Seeing Xu Feng who was somewhat complicated and difficult to name, Xie Jin shook his head upon hearing this.

"You don't need to thank me, I still need you to cooperate with me to perform in the future.

Otherwise, when the time comes, I won't be able to just let Xie's Internet Company be swallowed by you.

So you still need to make some gestures.

You have to make your position clear, and then I can take advantage of the trend to negotiate with Penguin.

In the end, it gave the outside world a feeling that we have "compromised" in the negotiations.

Otherwise, such a thorny merger would be too outrageous. "

"Please rest assured, Mr. Xie, I understand what you mean very well.

I will pass the message back in its entirety, and there will be absolutely no surprises. "

"Well, that's good, sorry to trouble you."

"Not appropriate!"


Looking at Xu Feng who was precious and valued, he left with a file bag.

Xie Jin shook his head, focused on the study, and took a sip of tea.

Then he yelled.

"Martha, give me a cup of black tea instead! Also, inform that chick Elsa!

Tell her to stop avoiding me and come back quickly.

It won't be long before the premiere of Kung Fu Panda!

I need her!

And I also need to know, this time the joint promotion of Kung Fu Panda, the power and effect of the Internet publicity matrix.

That has something to do with my affiliate program.

It is the top priority of the Internet industry!

You make her better hurry up. "

"I see, sir!"


Just when Xie Jin was mumbling about Martha, asking the other party to call Aisha back.

On the other side, a shabby and old research room that was extremely dirty.

A researcher with disheveled clothes and a very miserable look at first glance is lying in the laboratory with a hangover.

His name is Gary Allman, a cutting-edge researcher in the field of electronic semiconductors.

He once researched a new electronic integrated circuit patent, and won the favor of countless large companies.

It's a pity that later, because some are more naive.

In other words, although he has a sense of justice, he does not use his brain, does not consider the consequences and costs, and is just impulsive.

In the end, he lost everything he once had.

It also caused him to come to this pheasant university in the end.

In this simple and outrageous electronic semiconductor laboratory, he is the tutor of the computer department.

"Beep beep..."

A burst of sharp polyphonic bells suddenly came from the corner in this special situation and environment.

It's a pity that Gary obviously didn't have the slightest intention of waking up and responding to the pleasant ringtone.

He lay on the ground, heard the sound, and muttered a few times irritably.

He turned over suddenly, then stretched out his hand and scratched his butt, ignoring the sound of the phone being suppressed by him.

Fortunately, his laziness and hangover, though tenacious.

But obviously, the person on the other side of the phone may be more persistent than him.

And in this one after another ringtone.

Fifteen minutes passed.

Finally, Gary, who was extremely angry, connected the phone.

"Fake, who are you? You'd better tell me that you have something important to ask me!

Otherwise, I will definitely make you look good! No matter what idiot you are, you bastard! !

I swear, I will. "

The voice echoed in the laboratory, and there was a dead silence.

It wasn't until a moment later that the person on the other end of the phone seemed to finally come to his senses, and then replied.

"...Hey, Gary, I'm Peggy.

Still remember me? We are classmates from junior high school to university.

I still remember when you were in school, although we didn't know each other very well...

beep beep..."

With a cold face, he hung up the phone, Gary viciously remembered Peggy's damn name.

He was going to ask someone to help him find out, where is this damned guy and what is he doing now.

Then no matter what, try to find some trouble for him.

Small-minded Gary, pissed and furious, was ready to get revenge on the person on the other side of the phone.

However, just when he was angry, the phone rang again.

"Beep beep."


Gritting his teeth and looking at the unfamiliar number on the phone, Gary gnashed his teeth and hung up directly.

"Beep beep!"

"Did I draft it!"

Gary continued to hang up, and vowed to give the culprit a good look.


After half an hour.

"Ding ding ding!"

Gary, who was mentally exhausted, looked at the cell phone that had been turned off, and the ringtone from the landline in the laboratory.

He finally gave in and picked up the phone.

And swear, if the damn Payton can't give him a completely satisfactory result and answer.

He swore, no matter what, even if that damned Grandet spent the last sum of money he gave to the laboratory, he would find the other party and deal with him!

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