Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP818. School is about to start

Except for a routine check-up every day, there is nothing to do at other times. From the perspective of the health care team headed by Mr. Li, this task is really too leisurely.

Not everyone can adapt to the idle life of "no need to do anything, just stay". For those who are used to finding the meaning of their existence from work or labor, having to let them be idle is a spiritual problem. torture.

Mr. Li has such a temper.

So, after spending some time in Stark's new manor, he finally couldn't help but make a request.

"Are you dissatisfied with anything? Mr. Li, if you need anything, you can tell me directly."

"No, no, you misunderstood me." While putting away the soft pillow that was placed underneath when taking the pulse, Mr. Li replied: "Ms. Pepper, the reception you two gave me was really good. I'm not dissatisfied." It’s just... like now, with nothing else to do except daily routine inspections, it’s a bit uncomfortable for my old bones.”

"Uh." Pepper didn't expect such a reason, and she was a little surprised.

Stark also looked surprised: "Mr. Li, don't you like fishing? The manor is right on the seaside. When you have nothing to do, you can go fishing. Moreover, besides fishing, there are many other things to do in the manor. For fun, or you can go out for a walk. New York is so big, there should be many places that interest you, right? "

"It's okay to play and relax once in a while. Play like this every day..." Mr. Li shook his head: "Haha, maybe it's because I'm old-fashioned. If I don't work for too long, I always feel uncomfortable. "

"..." After a moment of silence, Stark shrugged: "Okay, I understand. Mr. Li, you should already have a plan. Can you tell me about it?"

"That's what I think." Taking a sip of the tea made by his apprentice, Mr. Li said slowly: "There are five of us here, right? Starting from tomorrow, one person will be sent to be on duty every day, and we will follow you step by step. With Ms. Pepper, as for the other four people, I want to look around and find a medical clinic, or go to the consulate and ask them to help contact them, and talk to the Chinese doctors who have been staying in the United States for a long time. comminicate."

It is absolutely true that the butt determines the head.

Because he carries the title of academician and holds a crucial position in the medical industry, in addition to spending a lot of time studying and improving his medical skills, Mr. Li is also very interested in the development and promotion of the traditional Chinese medicine industry in China. Take heart.

In fact, the reason why Mr. Li accepted the task assigned by his superiors and led the team to the United States to provide services for Stark was because of his selfishness in Mr. Li's heart - he took advantage of this opportunity to go to the United States. Go abroad and see with your own eyes whether the theory of traditional Chinese medicine can be accepted by foreigners. If possible, do some promotional activities.

I had already thought about it before setting off, but I was just not sure when I would be free.

But now, having found a lot of free time, Mr. Li couldn't help but want to implement his idea.

"Of course, taking good care of Ms. Pepper is still our first priority. I will never forget this." Looking at Stark and Pepper, Mr. Li continued to add: "I mean, as long as it does not affect On the premise of this work, set aside some free time to do other things.”

"There is a person on duty with you every day, so you don't have to worry about finding someone when something goes wrong. Moreover, we are all staying nearby and won't leave too far. As long as there is news, we can rush over immediately. Emmm, probably That's it, Mr. Stark, Ms. Pepper, can you accept it?"

It's very thoughtful and doesn't leave any big holes. Coupled with Mr. Li's respectful attitude at such an advanced age...

I was really embarrassed to shake my head and say 'no', but also felt that Mr. Li's arrangement was quite secure. Pepper nodded: "I have no objection."


Stark was still a little hesitant, but after being pinched quietly by Pepper, he could only nod his head: "Okay, if you can do it 'on call', I agree."

"Thank you, thank you both for your accommodation."

Pepper smiled and shook his head, signaling to Mr. Li that you're welcome. After thinking about it, she asked one more question: "Mr. Li, do you need me to help you check the information? If necessary, I can also help you contact the venue where the clinic is opened and go through the procedures."

"No, no, I'll go to the consulate first. They should have ready-made information." Mr. Li smiled and shook his head. While refusing, he stated his reasons: "We won't stay here. It’s too long, only about a year at most. There’s no need to open a new clinic, just find an existing one.”

"...Okay, if you need anything, you're welcome."

"thanks, I will."


While Mr. Li was discussing with Stark and Pepper, in the manor next door, Shi Xiaolei also returned from Nihau Island.

After spending a few days playing in Hawaii with Kang Na, I fulfilled the little girl's wish of "going out to play every summer vacation". After counting the days, it was almost time to calm down and come back to deal with the important matter of entering school.

After this summer vacation, to be more precise, in ten days and a half, Kangna will be a junior high school student.

It's not about moving up to a grade, but about changing to a new school and going to a new environment that she has never been exposed to before... Although the little girl didn't have any reaction, she couldn't see the slightest bit of anxiety, but she often showed anticipation and excitement. look. But as a parent, Shi Xiaolei can't help but feel worried.

After going to a new school, can I still be loved by my classmates and teachers like I was in the past two or three years?

Entering junior high school means that children will enter adolescence. After school starts, will there be a bold little boy who misses the well-behaved Kangna and uses various tricks on her, so that the little girl will be deceived or led astray?

Will Kangna be unable to adapt to the new courses? Can the little girl adapt to the club activities that have become more systematic in junior high school?

He was transported to the universe and came back a little late, unable to catch the moment when Kang Na graduated from elementary school. As a parent, this lack has dealt a big blow to Shi Xiaolei's mood, and this is part of the reason why he is so worried about gains and losses now.

Well, the main reason is because the junior high school Kangna is about to attend was not chosen by him personally - before leaving, Shi Xiaolei spent a lot of time screening as many as a dozen schools, but Because it was still several months before Kang Na graduated from elementary school, he felt that there was still enough time to investigate in more detail. Therefore, at that time, Shi Xiaolei only selected three alternatives and did not select the final winner. .

And now, the junior high school chosen by Kangna after all the girls in the family unanimously agreed, is not the same one that Shi Xiaolei was thinking about on the way home... Although the gap between first and second place is not big, But from the perspective of an old father who doted on his children, this small gap was enough to make Shi Xiaolei feel hesitant and uneasy.

ep818.School is about to start

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