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EP2043. Show results

Latest website: Since the other party came with good intentions, as hosts, Shi Xiaolei and Stark would of course show their due enthusiasm and entertain Namor and the dozen or so sea tribesmen he brought.

It goes without saying that it’s delicious and delicious. It is also appropriate to keep guests for two more days.

In other words, there is at least one or two days for Shi Xiaolei to think about the answer. As for what to choose as a return gift, he didn't need to make a decision on the spot.

In comparison, Stark was much more relaxed.

Previously, he had already received some advice from Shi Xiaolei and made some research results in the area of ​​'marine environment protection'.

For the people of the Sea Tribe who brought them a gift as a greeting, these highly practical research results are undoubtedly the best return gift.

"Speaking of which, you came at the right time. I just developed a microorganism that is good at decomposing plastics some time ago, and I am preparing to mass-produce it and apply it to the field of garbage recycling." Deliberately pretending to just remember it , Stark smiled proudly at Namor and said: "Now that I think about it, that thing seems to be very suitable for cleaning up plastic garbage in the ocean."

Upon hearing this, Namor couldn't help but become serious, and changed his smile to a serious expression.

Not only Namor, but the dozen or so Sea Tribe people standing or sitting behind him also showed unexpected expressions, and a trace of excitement and expectation flashed unconsciously in their eyes.

"Really? Did I hear you correctly? Are the microorganisms you mentioned really good at breaking down plastic?"

"Of course, I never brag when it comes to scientific research. And, with my current reputation, I don't have to do that, right?" Shrugging, Stark stood up with a smile on his face: "I also have a laboratory on the island with some samples stored in it. If you are interested, I can take you to the laboratory and show you on the spot."

"Interested, of course we are interested." Namor also stood up: "Let's go, I can't wait."

"Okay, let's walk then." Nodding, Stark turned to look at Shi Xiaolei: "Man, open the door."

It's still a little far to walk there. Sending a car over temporarily was a little troublesome. In addition, Namor and the others are all members of the Sea Tribe, so they may become dehydrated if they are exposed to the sun for a while...

Having said that, Stark was quite thoughtful.

From this detail, it is not difficult to see what his attitude is now - being able to notice this detail shows that Stark is really interested in winning over Namor and his leadership. of sea tribe. Compared with his usual attitude when discussing cooperation with other companies or official organizations, he is obviously more sincere.

"Got it." After agreeing, Shi Xiaolei waved his hand casually, summoning a blue portal that led directly to the laboratory.

"Follow me." Waved to Namor, Stark turned around and took the lead into the portal.

Perhaps because he felt that the laboratory needed to be kept tidy and it was not suitable to bring too many people there, or perhaps for other reasons, Namor just ordered two members of the Sea Tribe to go through the portal with him, leaving the remaining twelve or thirteen. They all stayed in this floating restaurant.

Seeing this, Shi Xiaolei had no choice but to give instructions to Saratoga and the other ship girls: "Jia Jia, you guys, don't follow us, stay and help greet these guests. Missouri and I will go over there, we should be there soon." came back."

In front of these twelve or thirteen strange sea tribesmen, Saratoga was embarrassed to act coquettishly like before.

Giving Shi Xiaolei a slightly resentful look, Saratoga could only nod: "Oh."

"See you later." After saying this, Shi Xiaolei looked at everyone in the Sea Clan and smiled again: "Everyone, I'll excuse you for a moment. If you need anything, you're welcome. Just ask them."

"Thank you." A man from the sea tribe named Dako showed a slightly honest smile: "We will take care of ourselves, don't worry about us."


With a polite smile, Shi Xiaolei turned around and winked at Missouri. The two of them passed through the blue-glow portal and arrived at Stark's private laboratory.

It was only a dozen seconds late, so it wasn't like we missed any key scenes.

Seeing Stark leading a few people towards the experimental platform, Shi Xiaolei increased his stride slightly and followed him a few steps.

"Jarvis, pull up the experimental video of 'Mr. Powerful No. 1' and let these friends take a look. In addition, take a living sample from the nutrition cabin. The dosage does not need to be too large. It is about ten or twenty. Milliliters are enough.”

"Yes, sir."

As Jarvis responded, a translucent screen appeared in front of the test bench, with some video files arranged in a nine-square grid pattern. At the same time, a small square hole was opened on the ground on the right side of the experimental platform, and a column that was thin at the top and thick at the bottom rose.

Raising his hand and clicking on the first video file listed on the screen, Stark said to Namor and others, "Look at this first," while turning and walking towards the newly raised pillar.

It's only a few steps, no more than two or three breaths apart. When Stark came to the pillar, a hole opened at the top, revealing a crystal clear test tube.

Reaching out to take out the test tube, Stark turned around and came to the test table again. The pillar retracted silently and submerged under the floor again in the blink of an eye.

"Locke, get a bottle of mineral water." Without disturbing Namor and others who were watching the video, Stark stretched out his right hand and rubbed his fingers at Shi Xiaolei.

"Here." Probably guessing what Stark was thinking, Shi Xiaolei took out an unopened bottle of mineral water from his backpack and handed it over.

The fast-forwarded video itself is only about twenty seconds. When Stark received the mineral water, the playback happened to be over.

"Although the video has shown it very clearly, I bet that you still have some doubts and do not fully believe the content in the video." Seizing the gap when the video just finished playing, Stark spoke up again. Namor and others said: "There is a saying in Locke's hometown, 'True gold is not afraid of fire.' Well, I have prepared everything. You can try it yourself and see if its effect is true." It’s just as good as the video captures.”

The mineral water held in his right hand was nothing to care about. Namor and the two people beside him focused their attention on the test tube held in Stark's left hand.

"Is this the microorganism in the video?"

"Yes, I call it 'Mr. Powerful No. 1'." He handed Namor the test tube and placed the mineral water bottle on the test stand. Stark turned his body sideways and stretched out his right palm, making a "please come forward and try it" gesture: "Come on, use your hands and eyes to verify its effect for yourself."

"What should I do?" With anticipation in his eyes, Namor took two steps forward and came to the test bench.

"It's very simple, just pour the liquid in the test tube directly onto the plastic bottle." Straightening up, Stark clasped his hands on his chest, with a confident smile on his lips: "Come and witness the magic. The time has come."

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