Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighteen. Different

To say where the sea view is the best, it may be difficult to come up with a conclusion.

But if we go back tens or hundreds of years to the beginning of the last century, this question is not difficult to answer at all.

Whether it is small islands in the Caribbean or those in Southeast Asia, they were not very developed at that time, including the Hawaiian Islands, which have now become one of the top destinations for island tourism. At that time, they were also undeveloped areas, and their sovereignty still existed. In the hands of the local indigenous people, no matter what the conditions are, it is not excellent.

At that time, the most suitable islands for vacation were the Mediterranean... To be precise, they should be the small islands in the Aegean Sea in the northern part of the Mediterranean.

As early as one or two thousand years ago, when Greek civilization entered its prosperity, those small islands had already ushered in a wave of development.

Although they are not bordering the land, they are not too far away from the land to be completely separated by the sea and cut off from communication with the mainland. In addition, the area of ​​the Aegean Sea is not too large. It is an inland sea surrounded by continents. The sea conditions are much calmer than those of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Therefore, since ancient times, many people have traveled between the land and these islands, bringing peace and tranquility to the islands. Went to advanced culture.

The development speed of the island does not lag behind that of the mainland. In addition, the scenery on the small islands is very beautiful, which is very attractive to philosophers and artists who like to use their brains to think. Therefore, these small islands that developed together with Greek civilization have left many historical figures related to them. Places of interest.

These islands often appear in legends and stories about gods and monsters.

The scenery is very good, the economy and culture are developing very well, and coupled with the legendary color given by various stories, these small islands in the Aegean Sea that belong to the Greek country are really worth visiting. Especially for those wealthy people who are not short of money and have time, and like to travel to the end, they are simply the most ideal vacation destinations.

If you have never eaten pork, how can you never see a pig running?

Although he has never been to Greece and has never been to the Aegean Sea, as an earthling, how could Shi Xiaolei not have heard of those small islands under the name of Greece? Either from TV or from the Internet, he had seen videos and photos more than once before, and was deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery of the island.

But having said that, Shi Xiaolei only had the idea of ​​'whenever I have free time, I can go there and take a vacation'.

Take ownership of one of the islands and become an island owner in the Aegean Sea? This kind of thing has exceeded the upper limit of his imagination. He has never thought of it before or now.

Therefore, the news brought by Peng Mingwei was quite sudden to him. Even though he had been to the universe several times and his horizons were no longer limited to the earth, to be honest, this incident still shocked Shi Xiaolei a lot.

Well, actually, I just felt that this gift was too heavy, so Shi Xiaolei didn't dare to accept it easily.

"How about this..." Seeing that Shi Xiaolei kept silent, Peng Mingwei had no choice but to do the next best thing and put forward a suggestion: "Whether you want to accept it or not, let it go first. There is no need to make an immediate decision. Before that, take some time first. Go to the island and have a look...I mean, take the girls at home with you and see what their reactions are."

"Well..." After thinking about it carefully, he felt that Peng Mingwei's proposal was quite good. Shi Xiaolei finally nodded: "Okay, let's go and have a look first."

"Then it's decided. You choose a time and I will arrange it."

"Arrangement? Is there anything to arrange?"

"It's nothing special, just clean it up in advance."

Thinking that Peng Mingwei was talking about cleaning, Shi Xiaolei didn't take it to heart.

But in fact, the phrase "clean it up" in Peng Mingwei's words was not just about cleaning up the environment. Its meaning was somewhat different from what Shi Xiaolei had imagined.

To put it simply, the focus is not on cleaning up the environment, but relocating the population is the real key.

The island given to Shi Xiaolei and his family is called Iaros Island. Although the area is only about one-eighth of Nihau Island, and the island itself is not that big, its location is much better than Oia, where the famous tourist attraction Santorini is located. many.

The island of Oia is located in the South Aegean Sea. Although the scenery is very good, it is separated from the Greek capital Athens by more than 200 kilometers of sea. If we change the direction and go east, the distance from Oia to Turkey is almost more than 200 kilometers. In other words, Oia is located in the middle of the South Aegean Sea, where east and west do not depend on each other.

And what about Iialos? It is separated from the mainland of Greece by the island of Keas. Turning over the map and drawing a line, it is only about 80 or nearly 90 kilometers from Iaros Island to Athens, the capital of Greece.

Being closer meant it was easier to get supplies from land. If Shi Xiaolei takes over the island and plans to transform it, then he can save a lot of trouble just in transporting building materials.

In addition, because it is closer to the land, it will be more convenient when you want to leave the island and go to the land.

The only disadvantage is that because it is closer to the land, the population density of the indigenous people on the island is slightly higher.

On the island of Iyaros, there is a small town whose main economic pillar is agriculture. Although agriculture is the primary industry and is not a population-intensive industry, and the tourism resources on the island are not very rich, there will not be a large number of tourists coming and going here. However, calculated one by one, the original people living on the island all year round The number of residents still reached about 1,500.

According to Peng Mingwei's idea, these aboriginal people on the island must be resettled separately. After all, the situation of Shi Xiaolei's family is a bit special. There are many secrets that are not suitable for ordinary people to know. If the residents of the island are left alone and they are allowed to continue living on this island, then when Shi Xiaolei's family comes to the island , maybe it will cause some trouble.

Since it is a gift, it must be delivered. If it left hidden dangers and caused unnecessary trouble to Shi Xiaolei's family in the future, then it would be better not to give this gift.

He didn't want to see that situation happen, so Peng Mingwei thought of 'cleaning' it in advance.

As for when it can be done, or whether it can be done...

Peng Mingwei was not worried at all.

It's nothing more than a little extra relocation fee. At this time, Greece was suffering from an economic crisis, and the residents of the island were also affected. If a large price is offered at this time and all compensations are fully paid, I believe there will not be many people who will not leave and will have to stay on the island as a tenant.

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