[I don't see the face, who is the beauty holding! 】

【Beauty, how can you hug other people, 7 gods are going to spank! 】

【7 God, look at this hat, it is round and green~】

【Why didn’t you read the related news? Why don't you get out of the car? Why did you tell 7 Gods to see you later? Why go back? Ah ah ah, let's analyze and analyze by a great god, I seem to be mentally retarded with a dazed face! 】

[I don't understand, save the child 1551]

First of all, the difficulty issue, the death that can be predicted in advance is definitely not worthy of the high-difficulty special copy;


On the night of breaking the rules, Shen Meiren's blood was invalid.

There are some other small details I won't talk about first, let's see if there will be new clues in the next development. 】

Thank you straight man! 】

Shen Qingcheng didn't know how the audience in the live broadcast room analyzed this dungeon. In fact, since he signed the default live broadcast agreement, he had never heard about the live broadcast, so he Forgot about it.

The analyst's idea is similar to his, but he first doubted the authenticity of the copy, but it started from the discovery of blood failure.

As Lu Qi on the train said, if the ghost cannot be cut, it is only possible that the ghost does not exist.

His blood was useless, and it was only possible that there were no ghosts at that time.

Once there was doubt about the authenticity of the copy, Shen Qingcheng kept recalling everything that had happened since entering the copy.

When did he fall into the illusion created by ghosts?

During the period, his yin and yang eyes saw Lu Qi appearing outside the car window and standing on the platform. That was the absolutely real Lu Qi right now, so the time to fall into the illusion was before that.

He had two doubts in his mind.

The first is the station entrance of Fengshan South Station.

There must be a period of time between entering the dungeon and falling into the illusion. Each of their players checks the relevant information and clearance conditions of this dungeon at the station gate.

He learned from the dungeon information that this is a special dungeon, and the clearance condition is to successfully reach the terminal "Tu Wenshan".

The second point of suspicion is when the stairs are finished.

After he went down the stairs, he met Lu Qi who was disguised by a ghost, and Lu Qi also met "Shen Meiren" who was disguised by a ghost. They all saw through the trick of the ghost.

But it is also possible that this superficial disguise is just a cover, and he has actually fallen into a fantasy.

Two points in time, either of which means that what he experienced after boarding the train was just an illusion the ghost wanted him to see.

So Shen Qingcheng asked that question, "What is the name of this copy?"

It is a death route.

It is the death route designed by the ghost for the player.

Players thought they were getting closer to the terminal on the train, did they know they were getting closer to death?

He really couldn't tell which of the two Lu Qi outside the car was real and the other was fake, but he could be sure that the Lu Qi outside the car was not fake.

So Shen Qingcheng made a decision.

He didn't read the dungeon clearance information, and didn't get out of the car with the crowd, but turned around and closed his eyes and walked towards the back door of the carriage.

The way forward is death, it is always right to go backward.

He was right.

"Boom. Boom. Boom."

The powerful sound of the heartbeat penetrated the chest cavity and vibrated the eardrum.

Shen Qingcheng didn't open his eyes, his vision was dark.

Forehead rested on the man's hard chest, and a faint cold rosin wafted into his nose.

The corners of his mouth twitched, "Let me guess who you are."

After two seconds, a low and steady male voice came from overhead, "Guess."

"I guess..." Shen Qingcheng originally wanted to say his name directly, but just as he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered something, his eyes were half-closed, and the curvature of the corners of his lips suddenly increased by two points. kindness.

He maintained his arms around the man's waist, and patted the man's back with his right hand, "Are we familiar with this pose now?"

Shen Qingcheng, who let go and retreated, didn't let it go so easily. He raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. He was very familiar with this person, because they had talked on the train a minute ago.

This person is naturally Lu Qi.

Lu Qi was still wearing the clothes they wore the day they first entered the dungeon, a black long-sleeved top and trousers similar to camouflage.

There is a suitcase at his feet, no woven bag.

It seems that the time when he fell into the illusion was at the entrance of Fengshan South Station, because when he went down the stairs, he carried Lu Qi's luggage while Lu Qi was carrying a woven bag.

Shen Qingcheng asked, "How long has it been?"

Lu Qi observed it and saw that he was looking good except for being a little tired, and replied, "Half a day."

He spent almost 7 days in the illusion, and only half a day passed.

Shen Qingcheng was surprised, "You waited for me for a long time?"

The man lowered his eyes, "No, I woke up a little earlier than you."

Half a day passed and he waited for nearly four hours.

Shen Qingcheng did not continue to ask, but returned to the topic just now, and asked with a half-smile: "You haven't answered my question just now, is your posture familiar?"

Lu Qi is inexplicable.

Shen Qingcheng: "You are not familiar with it, I am too familiar with it!"

He was still very angry when he thought of it at this time, and he repeated the matter like a bean, "We should have fallen into a hallucination at the gate of the station, right?"

"I didn't realize at that time, didn't I have to go down the stairs from the station to the platform? I took the things lightly and went down first, thinking about putting things away first and then going back to help you."

"But as soon as I put things away, as soon as I turn around, you'll be standing behind me!"

"At this time, I felt something was wrong. The wooden board of the stairs was old and old, and it creaked when you walked. You don't make any sound when you come down?"

"Then you took the initiative to tell me that my forehead was sweating. I'll admit it after careful observation, but is my big brother Lu the one who would take the initiative to say these words?"

"No! Is it someone who will take the initiative to wipe my sweat with his hands?"


Lu Qi listened silently, hearing that his eyebrows moved slightly when wiping sweat, but he was never impatient.

Shen Qingcheng's complaint continues:

"I know more about you, Brother Lu, and I immediately knew that the person in front of you was wrong, especially when the dungeon news reminded us that this dungeon ghost is good at disguise, I immediately determined that this Lu Qi was fake! "

He finished speaking in one breath, raised his head and asked unsteadily, "I immediately recognized that he is not you, isn't he very powerful?"

Lu Qi followed him, "Well, amazing."

He smiled and said, "It's very good to compare with you. After all, when I saw you, you were holding a pirated version of me! Well, just like I was holding you."

Lu Qi: "Then?"

"You hugged him and stabbed him," Shen Qingcheng pouted, "Can't you just stab him directly?

He didn't see the knife at first, and he almost died of anger when he saw it.

He knew Lu Qi so well, but Lu Qi didn't know him at all, and was deceived by a casual fake!

Lu Qi raised his eyebrows lightly, "If I have discovered something wrong, I will kill him directly, it won't be so complicated."

Shen Qingcheng fell silent after hearing this.

Lu Qi asked him, "Why didn't you wake up for so long."

Shen Qingcheng: "I trust you too much."

He said this in a very serious tone.

Shen Qingcheng is accustomed to the world under the eyes of Yin and Yang, and everything related to ghosts can be seen through him at a glance, which makes his observation ability far inferior to that of Lu Qi.

He believed in Lu Qi too much. After confirming that Lu Qi was not disguised by a ghost, Lu Qi did not raise any questions, so he subconsciously would not doubt it.

So if it wasn't for the blood that didn't work later, maybe he was so stupid and got out of the car.

Lu Qi: "…"

He said: "In the fantasy world, except for yourself, other people's characters, behaviors, and reactions to things are projected based on the protagonist's memory and cognition. What you have experienced before, every Players are all human, no ghosts, that's right."

Lu Qi repeated, "But under normal circumstances, I wouldn't do it in such a complicated way." He was very resistant to physical contact.

Translate Lu Qi's words again, which means that in the fantasy world, except for himself, each player's character is set by his own memory.

Shen Qingcheng said quietly: "You mean I'm too much to play, I've added more to you, right?"

Lu Qi chose to shut up.

Shen Qingcheng recalled carefully, he saw through the disguised "Lu Qi" on the platform, Lu Qi killed the disguised "Shen Qingcheng", and also killed three unknown players.

He thought that the lights on the platform indicated the end of the ghost's brief disguise, but in fact, as early as the station gate, he fell into a trap.

The clever part of the ghost is that it uses the platform's simple and easy to see through disguise, and the behavior of constantly leading him to doubt whether the players around him are companions after getting on the bus, to cover up the entire illusion. the truth.

He asked, "What is the purpose of the ghost? He designed such a complex process, just to let each of our players unknowingly follow the route he made to die?"

Lu Qi didn't answer directly, he looked behind Shen Qingcheng and said, "Turn around."

In Shen Qingcheng's impression, he was in the ninth carriage of the train "Harmony" before closing his eyes, with Lu Qi behind him.

After opening his eyes, he stood on the bright and clean platform with Lu Qi in front of him.

The Lu Qi behind him is the projection of his cognition and memory, the Lu Qi in front of him is a real existence, and the seemingly empty station is actually crowded with ghosts.

After he "woke up" from the illusion, he really didn't see what was behind him.

Shen Qingcheng turned around and saw the situation behind him, his eyes showed surprise.

A step away from him, the platform was divided into two. He and Lu Qi were clean and bright, but the opposite was gloomy and dark, and there was always a thick fog.

8 familiar figures in the thick fog turned their backs to them, and one of them was a woman with a child on her chest.

A total of nine people walked forward slowly, step by step.

In front of them, the rust-stained train with vermilion patent leather was running fast on the track, silent and extremely fast.

Shen Qingcheng recognized it. In his dream, only 11 players survived to reach the terminal.

It was these nine players who got out of the car and disappeared one after another.

He said: "How come there are only 9? Doesn't each dream exist independently?"

He and Lu Qi woke up, the number of remaining players should be 17, even if you count the three dead on the platform, it should be 14.

And these nine people happened to be the last people in his dream, which was too coincidental.

Lu Qi: "Independent and connected."

Shen Qingcheng: "? Have you ever sat in row 11?"

Lu Qi: "...No."

Shen Qingcheng: "…"

Okay, I see, he added a show to himself, everyone is targeting him, he has persecution paranoia, okay.

Lu Qi: "Let's see."

Shen Qingcheng couldn't see the expressions of the players, only noticed that some of them were fast and some were slow.

The direction they were heading was a train that was moving at a high speed and seemed to never get to the end of the train, and the fast people were very close to this train.

Shen Qingcheng could even see the wind blowing the man's hair as the train passed by.

He chuckled, "Yo, isn't this Uncle Jin."

Lu Qi didn't know why he called Jin Da Uncle Jin, but Shen Meiren was bored and found someone to pass the time.

Seeing him pat the invisible barrier like a wall of air in front of him, he explained: "You can't get through unless the person on the other side is sober."

Shen Qingcheng asked curiously, "Before I was like them, and I went forward with all my strength?"

Lu Qi glanced at him sideways, "You turned around during this time."

"I saw you," Shen Qingcheng said, at that moment his yin and yang eyes returned to normal, and he saw the real Lu Qi standing in the countless ghosts, "You asked me to get off."

Lu Qi: "Yeah."

Shen Qingcheng: "How can you say get off, you should say turn back, what if I do get off when I arrive at the station!"

Lu Qi pursed her lips.

When Shen Meiren turned back, she was no farther from the train than Jinda now.

This strange silence is frowning and staring at Shen Qingcheng in the thick fog without noticing it.

Jinda got closer and closer to the train, and a tall and thin ghost gradually appeared in the thick fog on the left.

The ghost is tall, the empty clothes are wrapped around its bamboo-like body, it has an extremely ugly face, a flat nose, only two long slit eyes, and the corners of the mouth are raised high .

It silently watched Jinda, who was closest to the train, until Jinda crossed that line.


Large swathes of blood splattered, and Jinda's body fell to the ground in the distance like a rag doll.

The ghost's smiling face was very happy at the moment, it walked slowly to the corpse, the footsteps clicked, clicked, clicked...

A rope was looped around Jinda's neck, and the ghost figured out a bamboo pole from the edge of the track under the moving train.

The bamboo pole was inserted into the ground by some unknown method, and Jinda's tattered body was hung on the top of the bamboo pole, facing the speeding train "Harmony".

This picture is very similar to a corpse hanging on the back door of the carriage, and also very similar to a scarecrow that can't be seen outside the window.

Shen Qingcheng: "That is to say, if the player doesn't wake up and hits a moving train, will he die in the same way in other people's illusions?"

The method of death is to be hit by a fast-moving train, but the reason is different in other people's dreams.

Maybe voted to suspect other players, may be suspected by the majority, or violated the rules.

In short, he will die.

Lu Qi said that each player's dream is independent and connected. The independence is because the characters, words and deeds of other people in the dream exist according to the subjective consciousness of the protagonist, and the connection means that death is common.

He knows Lu Qi, so Lu Qi will react according to the image in his subjective cognition.

He doesn't know other people, and other people behave according to his superficial first impressions.

It is these understandings and incomprehensions that make it difficult for players to find something wrong, because to the player everything is "real" and everything is "normal".

If he hadn't doubted the authenticity of the illusion because of the blood failure, he would have started from the station gate, passed the stairs, arrived at the platform, and walked step by step towards the fast-moving train like those on the opposite side.

If he didn't turn around in the illusion, he got out of the car, and in reality he was hit by the train like Jinda, and his body was hung on the bamboo pole after death.

In other people's fantasy world, "Shen Meiren" unfortunately sat at the back one night.

The next morning when they woke up, they saw the body of "Shen Meiren" hanging on the roof of the back door of the carriage.

If the fantasy is likened to a movie, then the ghost controls the plot, and the player controls the character of each character.

The main line of the plot is the same, but the story is slightly different due to the different characters.

The stronger the player's memory and observation ability, the more real the fantasy story he has experienced, and the more difficult it is to wake up.

In terms of memory and observation, Lu Qi is definitely the most powerful of all players!

In other words, the illusion experienced by Lu Qi is the most real, the most difficult, and the most difficult to wake up.

But Lu Qi was the first player to wake up.

Shen Qingcheng began to wonder how Lu Qi could react so quickly. Could it be that Shen Meiren in the dream was too "active"?

At this time, the ghost in the thick fog suddenly looked at him, it was covered with blood, some from Jinda, some from the previous player, dripping wetly down the cuffs.

Shen Qingcheng: "!"

He completely ignored the ghost, turned around and asked quickly, "There is actually a lot of information and clues in the illusion, right?"

"Like the town at the midpoint station, the scarecrow and the weird smiling face, although the illusion is dangerous, it is actually related to us finding the real terminal Tu Wenshan!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Qingcheng realized that something was wrong, and looked at the man opposite him suspiciously, "It's not like you didn't realize this, then why didn't you choose to wake up after the train in the fantasy world arrived at the station?"

Like him, he just turned around and walked back when he arrived at the station, and gained a lot of clues along the way!

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