Sometimes it's hard to understand something, and sometimes it's incredibly simple.

For example, Qiu Yang actually couldn't understand why Tao Sixian treated her like this before. She was so obsessed with Tao Sixian, thinking about Tao Sixian everywhere, and showing love that she had never let others experience, how could it be?

After a period of calm, she figured it out.

Because Tao Sixian doesn't like her at all, and just treats her as a...shared roommate? Or a babysitter?

Or neither, the shared roommates at least have to share the rent equally, the nanny has to get paid, she has nothing, and she basically pays the expenses herself.

Another example is that I clearly didn't want to continue with Shen Ningruo before, I just wanted to settle all this and no longer have contact with Shen Ningruo after paying off the debt, but now I want to have more with Shen Ningruo in the future, this psychological change is because she has never been with Shen Ningruo. Shen Ningruo saw herself in her eyes.

Shen Ningruo's face was aggressive. When she first came into contact with her, she was a bit personable, but after getting in touch, Qiu Yang felt that she was actually a very gentle person.

The unsmiling director Shen at work makes people feel cold, but in private, he is the thick-skinned Shen rogue in front of her.

Qiu Yang was used to this contrast at first, but now he's used to it.

It's rare for a person to show who they are in front of you, isn't it?

So in order to cooperate with Shen Ningruo's "take a look", Qiu Yang also took the time to go out of the office with a cup and prepare to go to tea and drink a cup of coffee.

Why didn't she want to look at Shen Ningruo?

Shen Ningruo was led by Qu Yan towards the conference room. When she was in the work area outside, she saw Qiu Yang come out with a cup in her hand, looked at her quietly, and then withdrew her gaze without looking sideways.

Really just a glance.

Shen Ningruo laughed, and the smile on her lips quietly hung up, which was seen by Qu Yan and Ke Ye Ye.

Qu Yan is good at communication, so he simply smiled and asked, "Did Director Shen think of something funny?"



The curvature of Shen Ningruo's mouth was pressed down again, and she didn't want to reveal why she laughed.

Qu Yan's smile froze, but he felt nothing, because Shen Ningruo was rumored to be like this.

Qiu Yang entered the tea room and happened to meet Gu Lan who also came to pick up the coffee.

Gu Lan stood with her, looked around, lowered her volume, and whispered, "Sister Xiao Qiu, do you want to have dinner together tonight?"

Qiu Yang looked at her: "Why did you say that all of a sudden?"

"I have a new boyfriend, can you help me see how he is?" Gu Lan sighed, "I don't have good eyesight, I like handsome guys all the time, but they are all scumbags."

Qiu Yang remembered a few paragraphs she had told him before, and nodded with deep sympathy: "Indeed."

"Then do you want to have dinner together tonight?" Gu Lan's eyes were full of anticipation.

Qiu Yang hesitated for a while, she actually went to see Gu Lan's ex like this before, but the scene at that time was as embarrassing as it was embarrassing, especially that boy came to Qiu Yang to ask for WeChat while Gu Lan was going to the bathroom. , Qiu Yang refused. Gu Lan didn't know about it until now. When Gu Lan broke up with the boy, Qiu Yang was relieved.

"No." Qiu Yang rarely rejected anyone, showing an apologetic smile, "I have other things to do, you can find someone else to take a look?"

Gu Lan was inevitably disappointed, but she wouldn't force Qiu Yang to go, so she nodded, "Then I'll ask a sister of mine."

"Okay." Qiu Yang smiled and returned to the office with coffee.

When Shen Ningruo and his party left Wan, Qiu Yang didn't know the exact time. She sat in the office and went to work until she received a WeChat message from Shen Ningruo: [Speak at a glance? 】

【Yes. 】 Qiu Yang tapped a positive reply.

When Shen Ningruo received this news, the corner of her mouth raised again, and Qiu Yang's proud look appeared in front of her eyes.

In the car, Ke Yezi sat beside Shen Ningruo, looked out the window, and saw their director's smile when he looked back.

Ke Yee: ...?

Their director is wrong.

Ke Yezi thought about it carefully, it seemed that after returning from Xicheng, she had bumped into Shen Ningruo with such a smile more than once.

In the past, he basically had a cold face, and occasionally pulled the corners of his lips, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

So it seems that she didn't bump into a ghost, but into a miracle.

And a person can't help but raise the corner of his mouth for two reasons: people and things.

Ke Ye was lost in thought.

Shen Ningruo put away her phone, narrowed her eyebrows, and called out to Ke Ziye, "Manager Ke."

Ke Ye Ye immediately woke up, responded, and waited for the notification.

"The cooperation with Wan is going very smoothly. You can arrange a time for people from the two companies to have a meal together."

"Last time it was ten thousand guests, this time we will be the host."

Ke Ziye was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Okay."

Forget it, still hit a ghost.

For the first time before, their director agreed to socialize, and now he has taken the initiative to ask to have dinner with 10,000 people.

This is not a miracle, this is a ghost!

Ke Yezi's speed was very fast, and he arranged the time for 7 o'clock on Wednesday night, which was still the Xinhao Hotel, and it was still the private room where we ate together before.

Qu Yan notified the news to the group, Qiu Yang was stunned for a moment, and his first reaction was to ask Shen Ningruo first.

She didn't know if Shen Ningruo wanted to go, if she didn't, then she would find an excuse to slip away.

Shen Ningruo's reply was: [I'm going. 】

Qiu Yang: [Okay. 】

In fact, Shen Ningruo's body was a little inconvenient. She used to have her period in the first ten days of the month, but this month, it was delayed by about four days, and her aunt didn't come until the 13th.

And the dinner is on the 14th.

This day also happens to be the time they have known each other for a month.

Qiu Yang looked at the calendar in a daze, thinking that they had known each other for more than a month, but in fact it was only a month today.

"Sister Qiu." Peng Kaimiao came to Qiu Yang again and asked quietly, "You have a good relationship with Director Shen, does Sister Qu know?"

Now that he was at the door of Xinhao Hotel, he happened to meet Peng Kaimiao, and Peng Kaimiao's volume was very low. He said and glanced at Qu Yan, who was welcoming him at the door.

Qiu Yang shook his head: "I don't know."

Qiu Yang looked at him: "It's nothing to tell."

Peng Kaimiao made another zipper action for his mouth: "Okay."

"It's a little secret between us." He smiled, as if happy about it.

Qiu Yang didn't know why he was a little excited, so he walked up to Qu Yan in a few steps.

Qu Yan patted Peng Kaimiao on the shoulder: "Did you speak ill of me just now? I see that you are zipping your mouth again."

Peng Kaimiao looked aggrieved: "How dare I, Sister Qu."

He looked at Qiu Yang: "It's a little secret between me and Sister Xiao Qiu."

Qu Yan looked at Qiu Yang and raised his eyebrows: "Will Yang Yang share it with me? I don't have any secrets with you."

Qiu Yang laughed: "Sister Qu, don't listen to his nonsense." She changed the subject, "Let's go first."

Qu Yan: "Okay."

"Director Shen and the others are coming soon, I'll be waiting here."

Qiu Yang's footsteps paused, and then continued to move forward. Unlike last time, she didn't meet Shen Ningruo at the door this time, so there was no need for her to stay.

Otherwise it's too obvious.

Qiu Yang and Peng Kaimiao entered the private room and sat down, still in the same position as last time. Qiu Yang held the phone and looked at the door from time to time.

After a while, Shen Ningruo sent a message: [Get off the bus. 】

Qiu Yang's eyelids twitched, all the colleagues around were chatting hilariously, she only paid attention to the direction of the door.

About three minutes later, she saw the door open a crack, and Shen Ningruo came in first, followed by Ke Yezi and Qu Yan.

In fact, this time, Qiyao Company is the host, and the people from Qiyao should be greeted, but they got off work late, and they worked overtime for a while today, so Ke Yecai had to trouble Qu Yan.

Qu Yan was also happy, she would not miss such an opportunity, so it was the same as last time.

Qiu Yang's and Shen Ningruo's eyes met, she couldn't help clearing her throat, then she pretended to calmly pick up the glass and drink some water.

Meeting in public has a different feeling, especially since no one else knew they knew each other except Peng Kaimiao.

But even Peng Kaimiao only thought they knew each other, and didn't think in other directions.

Ke Ziye's gaze also fell on Qiu Yang's face, she smiled at Qiu Yang as a greeting.

However, the seat next to Qiu Yang was vacant, Ke Ziye looked at it, pointed there and said, "Director, let's sit next to Minister Qiu."

"Okay." Shen Ningruo replied, she naturally wanted to sit next to Qiu Yang, but Ke Ye Zi took the seat before her.

Shen Ningruo: ...

Shen Ningruo sat down beside Ke Yee, with Qu Yan on the right.

"Manager Ke, do you still want to drink a drink later?" Qiu Yang smiled and turned to ask Ke Yezi.

It's just that her eyes were vaguely placed on Shen Ningruo's face, and she felt that Shen Ningruo's embarrassed expression was very funny.

But maybe she was the only one who could see Shen Ningruo's speechlessness.

Ke Ye Zi nodded: "Yes, don't drive while drinking, safety is the most important thing."


Qiu Yang's voice sounded in Shen Ningruo's ear, but she wasn't chatting with her. This kind of feeling was a bit strange.

At once……

There is an inexplicable illusion that he is stealing from Qiu Yang.

Is this an office romance?

Shen Ningruo frowned.

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