"Hmph, how about you go with them as pirates?"

Hearing this, everyone looked back and saw a tall chef's hat, a beard tied into two braids, and a prosthetic leg Chef Tepu standing behind Sanji.

Seeing Luffy looking over, Zhepu said expressionlessly, "You can take away this troublesome little ghost who causes trouble for me every day! This shop doesn't need him anymore!" Hearing Zhepu's

words, Luffy smiled and patted Sanji on the shoulder and said, "Look, this old man agrees that you will go with me! Come with me to be a pirate."

Sanji shook off Luffy's hand, gritted his teeth, and whispered to Zhepu, "Stinky old man, I won't leave here!"

Zhepu glanced deeply at Luffy and the others, and also left here.

Seeing this, Luffy scratched his head a little puzzled and said, "That old man agreed, why did he roll his eyebrows and disagree?"

Oripu was also a pirate, and Sanji was a trainee chef on a merchant ship.

There is no intersection between the two, the only thing that is the same is that the two have the same dream ALL BLUE.

ALL BLUE is a mysterious sea with all the ingredients of the sea, and it is a dream place for all sea chefs.

Naturally, just having the same dream, they will not be bonded.

What really caused the bond was because Shanzhi fell into Hai Zhepu sacrificed his life to save him, and finally lost a leg.

The nickname of the Jep pirate is the red-footed Jep, so you can imagine what a foot means to him.

The two were stranded on a desert island, and Jep gave Sanji the only food he had, while he sat still for a long time...

It is precisely because of this that Sanji chooses to stay by Zhepu's side, even if there is a chance to touch his dreams, he has to choose to give up, he wants to repay the kindness and repay Zhepu for saving his life.


Seeing Luffy's puzzled look, Ike told the story of Sanji and Zhepu.

After listening to Sanji's story, Luffy pressed one hand on his straw hat, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Sanji, he's the cook on our ship!"

"Ike, how do you know the story of that chef's past? and it's so detailed, as if you'd seen it with your own eyes. Hearing

Usopp's question, the others also looked at Ike.

In response to this question, Ike just said "I have super intelligence ability" and dismissed it.

While Ike and the others were chatting, the delicacies were finally served by Sanji.

Nature.... During this period, Luffy once again made a crazy invitation to Sanji, and Sanji said that even if he died, he would not join the pirates and leave Barati by jumping from here.

Ike said two words in his heart to Sanji's words, "It's so fragrant." "


The meal was satisfying to all but Fenbudi.

I have to say that Bharati's dishes are really delicious.

And Fenbudi's side could only hold his empty wallet and secretly weep.

Fenbudi also didn't expect that Luffy's amount of food alone would make his small wallet slim.

Not to mention the addition of Zoro, Ike, Usopp, and Sword God Sword Master.

Just as Fenbudi was pondering what to do next, a bloodied navy suddenly burst into the restaurant.

"Fen..... Captain Fenbudi, no... Oh no, Klick's men, who had been caught earlier, fled...."

Hearing this, Fembodi immediately slapped the table and stood up.

"How is this possible? Wasn't he dying of starvation when he was caught three days ago? How could he still have the strength to escape after not giving him anything to eat for the past few days?"

Ike knew that it should be the almighty Ah Jin who came.

The reason why it is said to be the almighty Ah Jin is because as long as the character who does not show his face, he can be said to be Ah Jin.

Before Ah Jin could shoot, Ike knocked the sailor to the ground with a wave of his whip.

It was also at this time that gunshots rang out.

Immediately, Ah Jin walked into the restaurant with a smoking musket.

Ah Jin glanced down at the unapprehensive navy soldier, and instead of continuing to shoot, he slowly walked into the dining room and sat down in a chair.

"Quick.... Anything is good, serve!" Ah

Jin's expression at this time was very terrifying, and he seemed to be the kind of fierce existence.

Seeing this, Usopp hid behind Sauron and said to Fenbudi, who was also a little frightened, "I said Iron Fist Fenbudi, aren't you a captain in the navy?

"Hey... Don't slander me! What an iron fist, my name is Cotton Fist Fenbudi! Remember, Cotton Fist. "

Okay, any punch, you should go and take down that pirate!"

Usopp said again.

Instead, Johnny took out the wanted warrant he had with him and began to rummage through it, and soon found a wanted poster.

"He's the Klick Pirates, and

there's a bounty of 12 million Berry's ghost man Ajin!" Fenbudi naturally knew Ajin's information, in fact, if it weren't for the fact that he saw Ajin was about to starve to death, he wouldn't have sent someone to arrest him, because the pirates with a bounty of 12 million were not something he could deal with at all.

He's a distribution captain who is a pure parallel trade.

"That.... I'll go out and call someone, you guys wait a minute...."The words fell, and Fenbudi was like leaving the restaurant to go to the warship to call someone.

Ah Jin is definitely going to be caught, but Fenbudi will definitely not risk his life.

Just as Fenbudi was about to leave, the chef of the Sea Restaurant came to Ah Jin's side and asked him if he had any money.

When Arkin turned his gun on the chef, the chef named Paddy beat him up so much that he smashed the chair on which Akin was sitting.

The other chefs and restaurant guests cheered when they saw this.

Only Sanji returned to the kitchen alone and silently made a fried rice.


Paddy beats Arkin up and throws him on the deck of the back door.

While Fembodi was relieved to see this scene, he also planned to return to the warship and then arrest the dying Ajin.

This Ah Jin was his hope for further promotion! And now was his weakest time, and he couldn't let him run away like this!

But before he could get out, he was grabbed by Ike's shoulder.

"Don't be so anxious, there will be a big fish on the bait in a while!" said

Fenbudi, who was a little puzzled, but sat back in his chair.

The big fish Ike is talking about is naturally the captain of the Klick Pirates, Klick.

Klick is a scumbag who does all kinds of evil, and if he is defeated and caught, there will definitely be a lot of justice.

After pulling Fenbudi back to his seat, Ike discovers that Luffy is missing.

At this time, Luffy was on the deck at the back door of the restaurant, looking at Ah Jin who was crying and eating fried rice.

This scene also let Luffy know that Sanji is really a very good guy, and his heart for pulling Sanji on the ship is even stronger!

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