Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 95 Arriving one after another

"Line up! Keep calm and never fire first!"

A large number of marines ran quickly towards the pier in the direction of the ark, their faces were solemn, and cold sweat was streaming from their foreheads. It was really because the ark was too huge. Although they knew that the owner of the ark was Mafia Victor, the "King Shichibukai" who was in a cooperative relationship with the navy, they were still a little worried.

Soon, hundreds of naval soldiers lined up on the pier, while the nearby pirates slipped away as quickly as possible. The highest officer of the Naval Base of the Chambords Islands is Colonel Waldo. This tall man with a well-trimmed short beard swallowed, stood under the ark, and shouted loudly: "Dare to ask, this ship belongs to [Wang Wang] Shichibukai] Mafia Victor's subordinate?"

At this time, a figure jumped out from the bow of the ark, and when it was more than ten meters away from the ground, the landing speed dropped sharply, and the whole person fell lightly in front of Colonel Waldo. The man had blond hair, a black felt hat, a black velvet cloak, and a well-made exquisite black suit. There was a gentle smile on his handsome face.

When Colonel Waldo saw Victor himself, he relaxed a little: "The Navy headquarters has already issued a summoning order to you. Why did you come to the Chambord Islands for...?"

"Take a ride." Victor smiled slightly.


"Is this guy playing tricks!? Huh... Forget it, then you can bring him here."

Click! Marshal Kong hung up the phone call, rubbed his brows, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, each of the Seven Martial Seas is not worry-free... Kuzan, how long will it take for the 'Empress' to arrive?"

"The 'Nine Snake Pirates' set off two days ago, and her Perfume Snake is pulled by a giant sea snake, so it is very fast, and it will arrive in about 5 hours." In the office, wearing a turban Kuzan sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and said lazily.

Marshal Sora flipped through the report and asked, "Sand Crocodile, Haixia Jinpei, Amayasha, and Tyrant Bear have all arrived in Mary Gioia. Where's 'Eagle Eye'?"

"Three days ago, when I sent another urging order to him through the dedicated phone bug, he just replied 'Got it' and hung up the phone bug. His whereabouts are still unknown."

"The evil chain is currently in the Chambord Islands, and it only takes about an hour to reach the Navy headquarters. Heh, I heard that he took the terrifying three-masted sailing ship of Moonlight Moria into his pocket and remodeled it. He is indeed a young man who likes to show off Ah." Marshal Kong sat on a chair, threw the stack of information in his hand on the table, and sighed: "Wait another 10 hours. If Hawkeye does not arrive by then, the agreement with him will be judged to be broken. Deprive him of the [King's Seven Martial Arts] qualification!"

"...He doesn't seem to care much about this title, does he?" Kuzan grinned lazily: "At the beginning, he agreed to join Qiwuhai because he was bored and bored."

"Since the 'above' has asked for this, then we can only do it." Marshal Kong raised his index finger and pointed upwards: "Everyone is so troublesome... At present, Haixia Jinping and Fierce Chain still belong to the A milder type."

"By the way, do we need to get rid of their subordinates? I don't know if it's for demonstration, Tian Yasha and Sand Crocodile have brought a lot of powerful subordinates here. If something happens in Mary Gioia..." Another The short lieutenant general with a broad face and a top hat tilted asks.

Marshal Kong waved his hand impatiently: "Inform them, no one is allowed to bring their subordinates to the meeting! The subordinates they bring should either stay at the Navy Headquarters or crouch honestly in their own ships!"


Outside the waters of the Chambord Islands, a naval warship was heading towards the headquarters of the navy at full speed.

On the deck, a group of sailors were watching the 'guest' from a distance, whispering.

"The fierce chain turned out to be such an ordinary young man, he really can't be judged by his appearance. He wiped out all the supernovas, and wiped out more than one-third of the pirates in the 'Paradise' with a bounty of more than 40 million... How could he compare Are we still like the Navy?"

"I heard that when he faced the siege of the Salt Stream King and the Night Owl,

His face didn't change at all. "

"Just for him to dare to board a naval warship alone without even taking a single subordinate. This courage itself is not ordinary!"

"He's not a pirate, what are you afraid of?"

"I mean he... uh! Colonel Waldo!"

"What are you all doing here! How about cleaning the deck when you have so much free time!?" Waldo interrupted the whispers of the gathered naval soldiers. After blowing away the crowd, he turned to Victor and said, "I'm sorry, I let you see the sloppy side of these guys."

"It's okay." Victor, who was leaning on the deck railing to enjoy the sea breeze, waved his hands: "I would also like to thank everyone for their hard work in sending me to the Navy headquarters."

"The responsibility lies." Colonel Waldo had a good sense of the approachable [King Shichibukai] His Excellency, and he couldn't help asking: "Excuse me...you really defeated King Yanliu, Night Owl and Zhan Nian Dao? And their Pirate Alliance Fleet?"

"Ahaha... I can't do it by myself." Victor smiled gently: "My powerful and reliable companions stopped most of the pirate alliance and cadres, and I am only responsible for defeating the salt flow King and Night Owl."

While the two were chatting, the navy warship also arrived in the waters near the navy headquarters.

Naval Headquarters, Marlin Fand.

It has always been regarded as a symbol of power and justice. Marin Fondo is located in the center of the "Great Waterway", adjacent to the Chambord Islands, the Red Land and the "Holy Land" Marijoia. Between Judicial Island Enies and Impel Undersea Prison Propulsion City, surrounded by three "Gates of Justice" to form a whirlpool current dedicated to the government. The island overlooking it looks like a crescent. In addition to combat facilities, there are also residential facilities on the island. The residents on the island are the families of the navy. The building of the headquarters is built on the terrain of the high mountain. The interior is a spacious room with tatami mats, and the training facilities are also very rich.

In addition to a large number of naval warships, there are also several huge pirate ships of different styles moored at the naval port. They are said to be pirate ships because these ships, without exception, are flying the pirate flags representing their respective forces.

"Sand Crocodile" Sand Crocodile's 【Baroque Gustav】

"Numantia Flamingo" by Don Quixote Doflamingo.

[Snapper Head] (Snapper Head) of Jinbei by ‘Sea Man’.

Except for the "tyrant" Bartholomi Bear who came alone, the three "Shichibukai under the King" who have arrived have brought their own forces and capable men, hoping to be able to participate in the first Qiwuhai gathering gain the upper hand.

The naval warship slowly docked at the military port. At the port, two teams of naval soldiers lined up in a column, holding their chests up and holding their guards. Victor, accompanied by Colonel Valdo, walked unhurriedly between the queues of naval soldiers, and the black velvet cloak behind him was blown by the sea breeze. Dancing gently.

"Announcement! [The King's Shichibukai] Mr. Mafia Victor is here!"

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