Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 91: Big shot

? White petals are flying in the sky.

The eight naval officers carried the coffin with solemn expressions, and slowly walked onto the sampan leading to the Auburn Tozim. The surrounding navies stood in two rows, saluting uniformly to the coffin passing in front of them.

Sakaski stood on the high platform of the coastal pier, the sea breeze blew the white cloak behind him, and the two characters behind him kept changing shapes with the fluttering cloak.

Victor did not know when he appeared next to Sakalski, and asked softly, "Are you going to send her back to the Navy headquarters?"

Sakaski was silent for a long time, then turned and walked towards the Auburn Tozim in the distance.

Victor didn't take it seriously, and turned his head to look at the carefully placed coffin on the deck of the Auburn Tozim. He took off his black felt hat and put it on his chest, closed his eyes and lowered his head slightly.

Go all the way, strong girl.

At this time, a non-salty word floated from the direction Sakaski left

"...Be careful of the 'Sea Hooligan', this guy is very interested in you..."

Victor opened his eyes, looked at the tall figure that was gradually going away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Then he put the black felt hat lightly on his head and left the high platform of the pier.

Accompanied by the bell, the Auburn Tozim slowly sailed away from the coastal pier.

It wasn't until the Auburn Tozim completely disappeared on the sea level, and the wooden door of the cabin in the distance was pushed open, that 'Black Gear' Jiger and 'Lyakon' Lixna dared to come out at this time, Jiger trembled. Said in a low voice, "I thought I was going to die... The 'monster' Sakaski monster is famous for never being merciful to pirates, as long as a pirate appears in front of him, no matter how much the bounty is, he will kill it .I didn't expect him to let us go... The boss is too proud!"

"That's right!" Liksina nodded again and again, "I heard that he and 'Flash' Polusalino have long been listed as candidates for generals, and they will be directly promoted to the position of generals after the selection of generals is passed! And that Kuzan, the Navy It’s terrifying to think about it! Every admiral has his own special title, what do you think Sakalski’s title will be, silly?”

"Hmm... magma monster? After all, he is a monster that ate magma fruit... Ah, it hurts." Jiger rubbed his calf that was so painful from Lixna's kick, "Then tell me."

"The magma is red... how about it? Didn't he call him 'Mad Dog' when he was chasing pirates? In this way, the deterrent effect on pirates will be even greater!" Lixna guessed enthusiastically.

"...you're happy..." Jiger didn't deny this title. According to his thinking, if he were Sakaski, he would definitely choose a majestic "red dragon" or "red lion" title.

"What! Do you have any opinion on the title I came up with? Huh?"

"No... not very good, really. Ah, it hurts..."

"I can tell you..."

The two noisy figures walked further and further away.


A terrible undercurrent is surging in this world.

People involved in the vortex can only follow the trend. Only those who can break free from the whirlpool and stand on the surface of the sea can be called.

City of Seven Waters, Coastal Wharf.

In this "Water Capital Attack and Defense Battle", only here and South Street Fountain Square suffered the most damage.

The residents and shipwrights of the shipbuilding company are carrying out the restoration work in an orderly manner under the leadership of Tom's workshop.

Tom was carrying a heavy stack of lumber and was walking along the sidewalk of the pier with the icebergs pulling the cart. People passing by would say good afternoon to Tom from the bottom of their hearts, and from time to time, bold children would come to bring water and food to Tom.

And Franky, who was in charge of purchasing, was sitting in the center street bar, bragging to the worshiping people how his fleet of the god of war Franky defeated the ferocious Gustav fleet.

While cleaning the battlefield, the navy on board the justice ship found several corpses on the top of a tall building. The clothes looked like officials of the world government. Through internal intelligence identification, it was confirmed that the corpse belonged to the cp5 chief Spandam and four cp5 members. Without exception, all fatal wounds were caused by sniper bullets hitting the head, and the bullet style was the unique 'Eagle Feather Bullet' of 'Night Owl' Hannibal.

In addition to paying another bill to the 'Night Owl', the navy aboard the justice ship could only observe a few seconds of silence for these corpses before continuing to clean up the battlefield.

Another piece of breaking news is that the mayor of the capital of seven waters has been dismissed. This potbellied idiot actually escaped by boat with his belongings when the pirate alliance attacked. What he never expected was that Victor and his party completely suppressed the pirate alliance of thousands of people with just a few people, and even the three big pirates were all defeated by the leader Victor.

After he came back, he licked his face and wanted to invite Victor and his party to the luxurious mayor's mansion on the central shipbuilding island, hoping to use the name of a hero to support himself. Unexpectedly, Victor rejected the mayor's request straight away, and instead lived in Tom's studio on Hulk Island.

What happened next was even more unexpected. After the former mayor was dismissed, Tom's name actually appeared on the list of candidates for the new mayor! And the voice is very loud! According to the words of the people——At this most critical moment, those high-sounding big shots disappeared one by one, and only Tom was willing to stand up to protect us civilians without fear of danger!

Warehouse under the bridge, Tom's studio headquarters.

"... Only if Mr. Tom becomes the mayor of the city of seven waters, and he integrates the seven major shipbuilding companies into one, making it the queen shipbuilding company of the world government, then the world government will not dare to treat Mr. Tom Let's do it."

In the living room, Victor in casual attire was talking eloquently, and everyone was listening to Victor's speech carefully whether sitting or standing.

"Tah ha ha ha!!...!!!...!" Tom lost his breath with a smile, and finally recovered, "I'm already at this age, let's forget about being the mayor or something! Iceberg I'm more suitable for tahahaha!!!"

"Tom, it's not just for yourself." Holding a long pipe, Haoxue exhaled a puff of smoke and said slowly, "If this is successful, you will be the first fish outside of Murloc Island to be elected mayor by the people." Man. Come to think of it, what does that mean!?"

"Mr. Tom! There is no one more suitable than you!!" Bingshan and Franky rushed to Tom to cheer him up, "We will help you too!"

"However, the faces of those politicians..." Ke Keluo said with some concern, "To be honest, if Mr. Tom wants to become the mayor, the support of the public is not enough..."

Haoxue grinned, "...that's right, you need a heavyweight to stand for you."

"Heavyweight big shot..." Bingshan scratched his head, "Where do we know any big shot..."

At this time, the window of the living room was knocked with a rhythmic 'do, do'. A messenger bird in a postman's hat was tapping on the window with its long beak.

After paying the money, the messenger bird left the newspaper and fluttered away.

Haoxue took the newspaper and opened it, an uncontrollable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then handed the newspaper to Tom.

Tom took the newspaper in doubt, and Frankie and Bingberg leaned over to look at it curiously. Then, the three of them were stunned.

The headline on the front page of the newspaper read———


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