Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 87 Salt (four K word chapters)

? "Metal Zipper · Sleeping God Spinning Wheel!"

The slender zippers originating from the top of Victor's ten fingers intertwined horizontally and vertically into a network, and then new chain blades spread out from the overlapping positions of each zipper. None of the pirates can be completely dead. 35xs

As soon as they landed, the crazy pirates rushed towards the evacuated civilians. After all, the admiral's order was - kill them all!

But the blond young man in a black suit on the high platform opposite didn't seem to let them go so easily. The deadly net woven by him has become an insurmountable boundary, and the fragments of the corpses of all the pirates who dared to break in are still scattered on the ground, warning the surviving pirates.

"Don't stand still, let me continue to rush!!"

Just when the pirates looked at each other and didn't know what to do, the salt mist surged up behind them, and then condensed into three extremely huge sharp salt cones that rose from the ground and directly blasted towards the giant metal net!

"Salt Tide · Defiance Pile!!"

The huge salt cone crashed directly into the giant metal web woven by Victor. With a huge momentum, the three salt cones tore a huge gap in the chain net, and violent sparks appeared at the break of the chain net, but they couldn't regenerate and spread by themselves, as if the wound had been corroded by poison. generally.

"It's appeared! The ultimate move that destroyed three super-large naval warships with just one blow! The admiral's ultimate move!"

The pirates are very excited, this is the power of the invincible nature salt fruit! Following the Admiral's words, such a title seems to be within reach!

On the high platform, Victor raised his eyebrows slightly. He could feel the signs of the metal zippers that had been in contact with the salt cone incarnated by Gustav the 'Salt Flow King' without exception. The salinization of the other side seems to be the natural enemy of metal?

"Zipper kid, your devil fruit seems to be naturally restrained by my salt fruit..."

The three salt cones disintegrated and remelted into the human form of Gustav, the King of Salt Stream. He stood on the pier and proudly touched the three rivet iron plates on his chin, "But I am a very magnanimous person. , Let your subordinates stop now, I can decide to incorporate you into my fleet, how about it?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gustav." Victor lifted the black felt hat on his head, showing a gentle smile, "I'm not interested at all."

"Really? What a pity." He said it was a pity, but Gustav couldn't see any regret on his face. His whole body began to turn white, and a huge amount of salt grains poured out. "The negotiation broke down. In this way, if you kill you, there will be no complaints, right?"

"The dead don't speak, and the loser keeps silent." Victor smiled slightly. "Although I'm not a pirate, the rules... I understand."

"Very good! Salt Tide Ax Against the Crown!!"

Gustav laughed wildly, clenched his hands together, and then condensed an extremely huge sharp battle ax from his wrist! The shape of the battle ax is full of evil, the handle of the ax is shaped like a curved spine, the blade of the ax is serrated, and the top of the handle is shaped like a twisted crown.

'Salt Stream King' Gustav shouted angrily and swung his tomahawk, slashing towards Victor with a loud sound of piercing through the air!

"Resin zipper and famous sword counterfeit."

Victor threw off the black cloak on his body and the black felt hat on his head, and then grabbed the famous knife "Fengzhu" that suddenly jumped out from the zipper space in his palm with his right hand, and put the index finger and middle finger of his left hand together on the body of the "Fengzhu" knife to wipe it quickly. Pass. I saw that the blade of 'Wind Bead' immediately changed into a beige resin zipper coating, and then Victor held the sword in both hands and slashed fiercely on the blade of the huge battle ax that was slashing towards him!

boom----! ! !

The moment the two weapons came into contact, an extremely dull and violent wave exploded! It even blows the pirates running around to the ground! !

This kind of power... Is this kid born with strange power? ? The 'Salt Stream King' was secretly startled,

The zipper boy on the opposite side can hold the ax against the crown that he is smashing with all his strength with only a small samurai sword. What a strange power this is!

He swung his tomahawk and slashed at Victor again and again, but every time he was held firmly by the latter!

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of rubbing, every knife fight will bring out a lot of tragic sparks, but Victor's expression has not changed at all, and he didn't even shed a drop of sweat, as if he hasn't tried his best yet.

The two sides fought faster and faster, and Victor quickly gained the upper hand. He danced the 'Wind Bead' lightly and firmly suppressed the 'Salt Stream King' Gustav's reverse crown battle axe. The latter was sweating profusely and cursed that he met a freak! He swung the ax violently to create a gap, then pursed his lips and let out a sharp, short whistle!

Victor was about to swing his knife forward, when suddenly his feet slipped, sparks burst out, and he was pulled to a distance of three or four meters to the side.

Almost at the same time, the floor of Victor's original position suddenly cracked! There was a bottomless pothole, and the floor was cracked inch by inch.

After a few seconds, there was an already inaudible gunshot from above the sky.

Be a sniper!

Above the City of Seven Waters, there is a full 2,000 meters above the ground.

A huge owl wearing a loose postman's cap soars in the cold high air. His wingspan reaches an astonishing 4 meters. He has two tufts of long ear feathers and sharp and terrifying eyes. A strangely elongated musket is firmly grasped in its claws. The 35xs musket is equipped with a scope, and the shot just now is obviously his credit.

"Idiot... that guy can't find me if he doesn't whistle!"

'Night Owl' Hannibal, the ability user of the bird fruit of the animal department, is in the form of an owl!

Hannibal in the form of an owl has amazing eyesight, and it only took a few seconds to lock on to Victor on the ground in the distance again. His wings kept flying, one of his two claws held the handle of the gun and pulled the trigger, while the other held up the body of the gun and kept fine-tuning the angle.

"...Very well, let me see how you run this time!"

boom--! !

The famous gun roared again, and the roaring bullets locked on Victor's head!

On the ground, like a prophet, Victor once again avoided the bullets falling from the sky at the critical moment. However, with the assistance from the sky, Gustav, the 'Salt Stream King', gained momentum and fought Victor with his battle ax again and again.

"Hey... Victor, I admit your toughness! But you have no chance, Hannibal was the most famous bounty hunter in 'Paradise' before he was offered a bounty, with him cooperating with me, you can't even escape! Hey! What I said before is still valid, do you want to think about it again?"

Victor slashed Gustav's tomahawk with one blow, jumped back a few steps and avoided the sniper attack from the sky again. Standing on a high platform, he carried the famous sword 'Fengzhu' on his shoulder, and said jokingly, "I wanted to bring out that 'Zhannian Dao' too, but it seems that he is not here... so, Gus Mr. Taft, and Mr. Hannibal who is far above the sky...the warm-up is over."

'Salt Stream King' Gustav frowned, not knowing where Victor's confidence came from. Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong. ……… Where is the problem?

Suddenly, Gustav noticed something was wrong! Where did the black cloak and black felt hat that Mafia Victor threw on the ground before?

"Did you notice it? It's very sharp. But it's a pity..." Victor smiled, raised his left hand without a knife, and gently hooked his index finger "...it's too late."

A fire suddenly lit up in the clouds above the sky! Then, a gigantic owl fell from the clouds with its feathers scattered!

"Impossible! Is that the little girl?" Gustav hurriedly turned his head to look at the sea, only to find that Perona over there was commanding the huge ghost to destroy the pirate ship, and did not participate in the battle on his side at all.

"Look, Mr. Gustav, this is the disadvantage brought about by the asymmetry of information, isn't it?"

Victor didn't take the opportunity to attack Gustaf when the 'Salt Stream King' turned his head. Instead, he stood there with a knife, looked at the owl falling from the sky with a playful smile, and said softly, "You guys are finished!" .”


Hulk Ship Island, south bank of City of Seven Waters.

A huge black pirate ship decorated with spikes sailed towards the coast. There, a huge pirate ship with a streamlined overall shape and a huge ram at the bow is moored.

Soon, the two pirate ships docked side by side. 'Zhanniandao' Wuchai came to the deck of the ship where 'Lie Kongjiao' Liksina was on alone.

"'Lie Kongjiao' Li Kesina~~" 'Zhan Nian Dao' Wu Chai squeezed his mustache, and kept sizing up the woman in front of him with his long and narrow eyes.

"You are 'Zhan Nian Dao', right? What an unpleasant look..." Lixna was covered in bandages, and the blood oozing from her right shoulder and legs could still be seen. She looked around and said strangely, "Where's Gustav? Isn't he here?"

"Oh~~ You mean the commander of our Pirate Alliance! He asked me to pick you up, and all your subordinates looked wounded. 'Black Gear' Jiger is hard to deal with, right?"

"That big idiot!" Lixna gritted her teeth angrily at the mention of 'Black Gear' Giger, "I want to protect the safety of that town! We had a real fight, and finally he was killed by me Kicked to death, and I was seriously injured by his last counterattack before dying."

"That is to say... you can't fight now?" Wu Chai, the 'Zhan Nian Dao', moved his mustache even faster, and his long and narrow eyes behind the sunglasses were full of evil thoughts. Can't let a 'paddling' part go, right?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Lixna folded her arms and asked uncomfortably.

"It's easy! Just be my woman!" Wu Chai panted excitedly. "A beauty like you, I will love you very much! Come~ let me..."

Before he could finish speaking, the deck where 'Zhan Nian Dao' Wu Chai was standing on was suddenly shattered by a blow from the bottom up! A huge arm made of steel gears slammed into the scimitar that Zhan Niandao subconsciously pulled out, rubbing violent sparks.

'Zhan Nian Dao' Wu Chai screamed, jumped to the edge of the deck a few times, and said with an uncertain expression, "...'Black Gear' Jig??"

"Are you an idiot? That goose is about to be fooled by my acting skills, okay?"

Lixna tore off the camouflaged bandage, and cursed at the huge figure climbing up from the lower deck.

'Black Gear' Giger, who was wearing a black turban, climbed up from the lower deck and stood beside Lixna. Facing the latter's questioning, he scratched his head and said naively, "...Anyway, I am I can't stand listening to the nasty things he said to you."

Lixna blushed slightly, and kicked Jiger's leg one after another, annoyed, "What does it have to do with you! I want you to take care of it! I want you to take care of it!"

"...Have you been instigated? 'Lie Kongjiao' Li Kesina!" Wuchai squinted his eyes and looked at the pair of dogs and men who were throwing dog food on the opposite side, and said in a drawn-out voice, "The Pirate Alliance will not let you go!" Yours! Now the general attack has begun, and the entire city of Seven Waters will be reduced to ruins in half an hour at most! Return now, and we can forgive you."

"Are you stupid? My old lady has made her attitude so clear, why are you still talking nonsense?" Lixna looked at Wuchai as if she was looking at a puddle of mud sticking to the sole of her shoe, full of disgust . Then she turned her head to look at 'Black Gear' Jiger, and asked unhappily, "Is what you said true? Your boss is really so rich and powerful?"

"I've told the boss about your request, and the boss agreed." Jiger nodded, and then made a bitter face again, "...can you stop kicking me?"

"Huh!" Licozina fell into the ponytail sharply, and then moved her ankle with a smile on her face.

Before she finished speaking, Liksina suddenly jumped up from the spot, and kicked the 'Zhan Nian Dao' fiercely with a violent side kick wrapped in a gale!

'Zhan Nian Knife' just swung his scimitar to meet the enemy, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw 'Black Gear' Jiger rushing towards him on a roller shoe made of gears! Jiger rushed to Zhan Nian Dao almost instantly, and a violent gear uppercut hit Zhan Nian Dao's abdomen firmly!

'Zhan Nian Dao' was so punched that his eyeballs were about to bulge out, this is not over yet! Lixna's side kick is also here! Her violent side kick hit Zhan Nian Dao's side directly, sending it flying!

The 'Black Gear' Jiger, who had already slid to the other side, picked up the huge iron fist transformed into a gear structure, twisted his whole body and blasted a bold straight fist, and smashed the 'Zhan Nian Dao' back to Lixna side!

The two came back and forth, blasting out more than ten heavy blows in a row, hitting the Zhan Nian Dao back and forth like tennis balls.

In the end, the inhuman Zhan Nian Dao staggered and fell to the ground, seeing that he was out of breath.

"I can't help beating! Just want to be my wife's man with this kind of virtue? Go ahead and dream!" Li Kesina put her hips on her hips and spat at the Zhan Nian Dao on the ground. 'Black Gear' Jiger standing aside folded his arms and shook his head helplessly, it was too violent...

At this time, the 'Zhan Nian Dao' paralyzed on the deck suddenly changed its appearance, and turned into a strange burly man wearing Zan Nian Dao's clothes and jewelry! Then, his body suddenly swelled up!

"Not good! Be careful!!" Giger threw Lixna to the ground. Then, the violent explosion impact shattered the entire ship to pieces!


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