The 'Queen of Spring', St. Aspen, is located on Spring Island Pobla Island, an island rich in high-quality wood.

St. Poplar has a long history, and her history can even be traced back to 720 years ago. In the center of the town stands the huge weather-beaten clock Pope. This quaint bell tower is 50 meters high, witnessing the rise and fall of the town and the life and death of the townspeople from generation to generation.

At the same time, the best watchmakers in the first half of the great voyage are gathered in this town. Therefore, Shengbaiyang, the "city of spring queen", also has another name - "hometown of clocks".

After Victor and his party stepped out of the sea train station—Green Station, they immediately felt the gentle and elegant atmosphere of this town.

Wearing a peaked cap, a blue jacket and jeans, Matthew scratched the back of his head: "What a pity, boss. If I had been here a month ago, I would have been able to catch this year's 'Ralph's Watch Fair' in St. Aspen .”

"The exhibition that claims to bring together the most outstanding watchmakers in the world?" Victor raised his eyebrows: "Even in Xihai, I have heard the name of this exhibition."

Perona was discouraged for a while: "A month ago? We were still in the West Sea a month ago."

Robin looked at the guidebook in his hand, then pointed to the towering clock tower standing in the center of the town in the distance and said, "Victor, that's the Pope Clock Tower over there. If you want to shop, the 'Little Princess' department store near the clock tower Malls are the best option."

Wu Hongji stretched her waist: "Shopping? Spare me, I just sat on the 'Smoky Tom' for 6 hours, and my body is so stiff."

Victor thought for a while and said, "Let's go eat first, and then find a hotel to rest for the night. How about going out to play tomorrow morning?"

Everyone agrees. Robin flipped through the brochure again, and found the restaurant with the highest recommendation index by tourists, 'Cross Shield and Potato Knight'. After determining the direction, everyone set off.

In the setting sun, people strolled along the cobblestone-paved spacious streets. The surrounding quaint residential buildings and the residents walking on the street unhurriedly gave people a sense of tranquility and peace.

'Cross Shield and Potato Knight' is on Second Avenue, and it was dark when everyone walked there. The street lamps emit soft light, and the neon light strips hanging on the hotel signboards are constantly changing colors, attracting the attention of passers-by.

With Matthew and Haoxue present, no one would order blindly. Under their recommendation, Victor chose some more distinctive dishes.

Although this is Spring Island, the climate is still a bit colder, so local residents like to eat high-calorie foods and sweets.

[Pobla Cheese Fondue], a lot of garlic and red wine are added to the cheese fondue, and when it is served, there are sticky bubbles in the pot. When eating, you need to dip the melted cheese in the pan with the local specialty Kaka bread. When you put it in your mouth, the unique rich taste and soft and sticky texture make people have endless aftertaste.

[Kaffen-style roasted powder soup], it is said that girls from the former Shengbai Yang can only get married when they learn how to make roasted powder soup. Of course, there is no such custom now, but this delicacy has been passed down from generation to generation and has been gradually processed and improved to become one of the signature delicacy of Sheng Baiyang. Flour, butter, onions, beef broth and, of course, top-quality Gruyère cheese, that's what makes a crème fraîche. The fragrant soup is slightly viscous, and it will instantly warm the stomach and heart after drinking it.

[Potato Knight's Meat Platter], a dish strongly recommended by Hoxue! Put all kinds of bacon, smoked sausage, ham and other cured meat into a plate, and serve them with potatoes, green beans, sour pickles and mustard sauce.

Add to this delicacies such as ‘Pop Cream Stewed Veal’, ‘Thick Perch Fillet Pan-fried in Butter’, ‘Leek Potato Stew with Grilled Sausage’, ‘Polenta Corn Chips’, ‘Bernese Style Hazelnut Ginger Cookies’,

Victor asked the waiter to open two bottles of good Pinot Noir wine and a large barrel of draft beer, and a sumptuous meal filled the table!

Everyone chatted happily while savoring the delicious food. Victor and Haoxue drank wine and chatted about the customs of the murlocs, Matthew and Wu Hongji were discussing and researching the recipes of the food on the table, and Perona and Robin chatted enthusiastically about the latest fashion clothing brands.

The dinner lasted for more than 2 hours, and everyone ate happily and returned to the hotel booked in advance to rest.

A smooth and quiet night.

The next day, after eating the breakfast provided by the hotel, everyone set off for the 'Little Princess' department store on Central Avenue. The scale of this department store is smaller than that of the Rainbow Hypermarket in St. Pruitt in the 'Carnival Town', but the products it sells are more concentrated.

After buying some special products, Victor and his party went to the sea train station and took the sea train leading to the "Water Capital" City of Seven Waters.


"Help, help! Where are you, Captain? Come and save us! Monster! He is a monster!! No—"

boom----! ! !

A huge pirate ship was directly smashed by magma meteorites falling from the sky, and all the remaining pirates on it were reduced to ashes.

"Report! Lieutenant Admiral Sakaski, this ship belongs to the 'Sour Grape Pirates', and the pirates captured from above also confirm this." A navy with a large head and dark glasses said to Sakaski : "Another pirate group deceived by the 'Zhan Nian Dao'."

Sakaski stood on the deck with his arms folded, and said in a low voice: "...who is their captain?"

"'Sour Wine' Link, with a bounty of 52 million, is not a capable person, but good at swordsmanship." The brain gate navy snapped his fingers behind him, signaling the sailors to bring the tightly bound pirate captain over.


With a dull bang, 'Sour Wine' Link, who was firmly bound to death by a tough rope, was thrown to the feet of the navy at the head gate.

Lin Ke, who was lying on the deck, still struggled and squirmed, and shouted, "You bastards! Let me go! Otherwise, Master Zhan Nian Dao will definitely avenge me!"

"Wake him up."

Sakaski, who was standing on the edge of the deck, was still looking at the sea, and said without looking back.

Wearing sunglasses, the big-headed navy gave a military salute, then took a bucket of colorful candies, firmly pinched Link's chin to force him to keep his mouth open, and then threw the candies to him one by one. Mouth stuffed.

He didn't respond when he stuffed the first few candies, but when he put the red candy into Link's mouth, he suddenly opened his eyes and struggled desperately!

"That's it! Don't let him move around, pick out the red candy and stuff it into his mouth!" Haikou Haijun hurriedly ordered. After the surrounding sailors heard the order, two of them opened Link's mouth, and the rest poured the red candy into Link's mouth.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!!" I don't know if it was a special reaction or simply choking, Link started to cough desperately. After coughing for about 3 minutes, his body went limp, and he slumped on the deck, muttering to himself blankly: "...Where is this?"

"This is hell, kid." Sakaski turned around, looked down at 'Sour Wine' Link, and said playfully, "Tell me, where is Zhannian Dao? As long as you tell the truth, I will I will spare your life, and I will give you a boat to get you out of here."

"'Monster' Sa, Sakaski!!" 'Sour Wine' Link trembled with fright after seeing Sakaski's face clearly: "I, how do I know where the 'Zhan Nian Dao' is... …I don’t know him well! Where are my men? Where is my ship? How did you catch me!? Why can’t I remember everything?”

Sakaski looked at the Brain Gate Navy, who nodded: "It basically matches the intelligence. People who are 'deceived' by the 'Zhan Nian Dao' will not save the relevant memories of the period, and will be loyal to it wholeheartedly The only way to get rid of it is to feed a certain color of candy to the deceived. The color is not fixed, but it must be one of 'red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'orange' a color."

"This is the ability of 'Zhan Nian Knife' Wuchai, the superman's Nian Nian fruit."

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