Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 56: Wicked People Gather!

... On the west coast of Gaya Island, there is a small town. It's a place of depraved outlaws, an outlaw zone, a town where people fight and laugh. That is the town full of magic - Magic Valley Town.

————— "Jo Hale's Logbook"

Great route.

Gaya Island, Magic Valley Town.

Magic Valley Town is not so much a place of lawlessness as it is an exclusive resort for pirates. It is located on Summer Island Gaya Island in the tropical zone. Villa resorts built on the sea, a variety of casinos, red light districts that make every man understand, or any other kind of entertainment, the town has it all.

At this moment, there is an extremely huge pirate ship moored at the pier of the town, with a big 'SALT' printed on its body, and a skull with three iron patterns on its chin painted on the flying pirate flag.

In the past, the lawless and noisy pirates subconsciously held their breath when they passed by the entrance of the resort on the south side of the town. Because, that place has already been taken over by a powerful and moody big pirate.

In the reception hall of the resort, a tall man was sitting slumped on a soft sofa, hugging two hot beauties and laughing loudly.

The man is about 3 meters tall, wearing a beige open coat, his exposed chest looks a bit potbellied, and a gun is stuck in his waist. The long blond hair is not only not smooth but angular, and it looks like a big hedgehog draped over the shoulders. He has an ordinary appearance but with an undeniable aura, there is no beard on his chin, but there are three vertical iron sheets with rivets firmly fixed on his chin.

"Salt Stream King" Gustav Allomon, Admiral of "Gustav Fleet", has a bounty of 380 million Berry!

Gustav Elomon scratched the chin of the beautiful woman in his arms with his big hand covered with jewel rings, causing a burst of coquettish laughter. He laughed a few times, then tilted his head and looked to the side, and asked impatiently:

"Haven't you come yet? That yin and yang freak!"

Behind the sofa, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a long knife on his waist bowed slightly, and responded respectfully: "Admiral, that person hasn't come yet, it's normal."

"Ah? Which faction are you fucking from? Pink!!" Gustav Elomon suddenly stood up amidst the exclamation of the beautiful woman in his arms, and stared condescendingly at the so-called Ping Ke's middle-aged man exudes a terrible sense of oppression.

Pink sighed: "Admiral, have you forgotten why you had a fight with that 'slut freak' last time?"

Gustav Elomon stared at Pink with a cold face, and suddenly his eyes widened, showing a look of shock: "Oh! That's right! That bastard is a person who can't remember the time. Big idiot! Hahahaha!!"

As he said that, he laughed again, and even his subordinates who were drinking or looking for fun in the hall laughed wildly together.

Infected by the atmosphere, a waiter carrying a dessert plate laughed aloud. Suddenly, his exposed skin became shriveled, and he let out a silent howl of pain. Finally, he turned into a horrible person and curled up on the floor.

Gustav Aellomon showed a cruel smile, looked at the crowd of people on the ground, and said slowly:

"What are you laughing at? Are you making fun of Lao Tzu's prickly hair? Or are you making fun of Pink as a four-eyed frog? Or are you making fun of Gu Li's flat chest! And..."

The subordinates looked at Gustav, who was chattering at the waiter's corpse, and whispered: "It's coming again, the admiral's 'paranoia of persecution'..."

The waiters and hostesses in the hall all looked terrified and stayed in place trembling.

At this time, the lobby door of the resort hotel was suddenly pushed open. A group of pirates with long swords hanging from their waists filed in and formed two rows, and finally a man with a strange figure walked in.

The man was tall and thin, wearing a leather windbreaker with fluff at the neck and cuffs. His slender neck was wrapped with bandages all the way to his chin. The eye circles and lips were painted with black paint. He has a mustache, only a thick braid at the top of his bald head, and a pair of round sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. There is a fierce Gurkha scimitar on his waist, and the most peculiar thing is his arms, each with two joints.

"Zhan Nian Dao" Wu Chai, the captain of the "Heart Sword Pirates", has a bounty of 210 million Berry!

Wuchai looked around the hall, and finally his eyes fell on Gustav. He twirled his mustache and said in a smooth voice:

"Didn't you get beaten enough last time? You salty fish with a short memory..."

"Huh? Did you get confused by Lao Tzu's hammer last time, right? You're obviously the bastard who was beaten on the ground by Lao Tzu!"

The furious Gustav flipped the sofa in front of him, and small white snowflakes began to appear out of thin air around him. The cadres of the surrounding Gustav Fleet all stood up and looked at Wuchai unkindly.

And Wuchai also sneered and touched the handle of the knife at his waist, and all the members of the Heart Sword Pirates behind him drew their long swords and stood ready.

At this time, Pink suddenly stood behind Gustav, whispered a few words, then lifted the sofa, patted the ashes on it, and then stood aside.

"Salt Stream King" Gustav snorted coldly, sat down on the sofa, and said unhappily, "Why are you so punctual this time, you bastard?"

Wu Chai was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at his subordinates. His subordinate took out his pocket watch and looked at it, then smiled at Wuchai.

Wu Chai's complexion twitched, and he cursed in a low voice: "Damn... I thought I was half an hour late on purpose, so I got the time wrong again..."

He quickly changed the subject, and asked in a greasy voice: "It's just the two of us? Did you bastard Xianyu inform the others?"

Gustav leaned back on the sofa, hooked his fingers to signal the two shivering hostesses who fled to the side to sit beside him, and then said impatiently: "Do you think I am you? Of course I will inform you all Tsk... are all of them so timeless? That damned owl..."

"King Yanliu, it's not a good habit to gossip behind people's back..."

At this time, a faint sarcasm came from the window on the roof.

Gustav and Wuchai simultaneously looked up to where the sound came from. At some point, a figure appeared there, leaning against the window sill with a musket in his hand.

This is a man about 2 meters tall and slender. He was wearing a gray overcoat, with a white silk scarf tied around the collar, and a loose postman hat with a long brim on his head. His face was mostly covered by the brim of the hat, and he couldn't see the features above the bridge of the nose clearly, only the chin with the goatee could be seen. and half-length gray curly hair. Half lying and half leaning against the window sill, he was holding an extremely long musket in his arms, and was leisurely looking at the hall below.

'Night Owl' Hannibal, the killer, has a bounty of 290 million Berries!

"Hannibal, you kid..." Gustav touched the iron plate on his chin, and said grimly, "You're still so elusive..."

Wu Chai stuck out his slender tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, showing a greasy smile: "What a stylish little brother..."

Hannibal put the index finger and middle finger of his left hand together, put them on the brim of his hat, and then swiped forward, saluting lazily.

At this time, the big clock in the town struck nine.

When the bell was over, King Yanliu impatiently smashed the wine bottle in his hand to the ground, and drove away the two accompanying wine girls who were already in tears in their arms.

"It's okay if the damn gear bastard didn't come, why the wild girl didn't come... forget it!" Gustav leaned back on the sofa and raised his legs, showing a displeased expression: "Then let's start... "

Suddenly, the main hall and side doors all closed automatically. Before the waiters and hostesses could react, they all fell to the ground and turned into horrible people.

"I have a big deal here, and I want to cooperate with you two."

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