Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 50 What the hell are you here for?

Chuklik Island is a typical summer island.

But unlike Sentina, where the Kingdom of Alabasta is located, Chuklik Island is an island covered by tropical rainforest. The Baishan Town on the island is huge, almost comparable to the town of Alghero.

The Beagle slowly docked at Sano Port, which is the largest port in Baishan Town.

Victor and his party put on cool summer clothes and landed on the pier one after another.

They were just about to find a local to ask about the mysterious doctor that Kulokas said, when suddenly there was a commotion on the pier.

I don't know who shouted: "The genius doctor is out!!!"

It was like throwing a big rock into the frying pan, and the crowd immediately seemed to explode. There was a 'boom' at first, and the noise immediately increased by tens of decibels, and then the crowd rushed towards a small house by the pier.

Victor and the three girls looked at each other, in disbelief that things were going so smoothly. I haven't got my feet on my feet yet, so I found the legendary doctor?

"Anyway, go and have a look first, the three of you will wait for me back on the boat."

Victor was afraid that the crowd would be too crowded, so he asked Perona and the others to return to the Beagle first. I put on a bowler hat and sunglasses, bought a glass of iced soda from a roadside stand, and walked leisurely along the crowd to the cabin.

This small wooden house was built on a high slope by the pier, and the craftsmanship was quite rough. There was a big sign hanging on the wooden door, which said [Consultation time - every Saturday and Sunday morning 9:00~12:00] .

Victor took out his pocket watch and looked at it, it was exactly nine o'clock.

The crowd flocked to the door of the cabin and stopped less than 5 meters away. People looked at the wooden door expectantly.

Squeak - creak -!

The door of the wooden house was opened from the inside, and a young man wearing a vest, trousers, and a hat with the word [PENGUIN] on his head stood at the door and said loudly:

"Everyone line up! You won't be allowed to enter until I call you! Anyone who doesn't obey the rules will be kicked out and blacklisted! Do you understand!?"

People hurriedly lined up spontaneously, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Brother Peijin, we all know the rules."

The young man named Pei Jin nodded: "Everyone wait a moment, the doctor is preparing things." After speaking, he returned to the house and closed the door.

Victor, who was among the crowd, tilted his head.


Such a familiar name...

Victor joined the team suspiciously, and talked to an old man with a bandaged head in front of him:

"Old man, your injury is not serious, but don't worry, the doctor must have a solution."

The old man said with a smile: "Yes, yes, the doctor's medical skills are very good. Although he always wears a cloak and cannot see his face, he is very kind and his medical skills are good. He said that my wound will be fully healed if he treats it again. By the way, brother, what disease do you have?"

"Me? Tuberculosis."

The old man smiled and comforted: "So it's tuberculosis, don't worry, it's nothing... Lung, tuberculosis!??"

The old man yelled in shock. In an instant, the entire team ran away.

Victor straightened his clothes, bowed slightly to the people who hurriedly took out their masks and put them on in the distance, and walked to the door of the wooden house with a smile.

Not long after, the door of the cabin opened. Pei Jin came out and was about to say something, but found that the long line in front of the door had disappeared, only a blond young man wearing a bowler hat waved to him with a smile.

"Ah, I'm very free today...well, please come in." Pei Jin stretched out his hand to signal Victor to go in. After Victor walked into the house, Pei Jin closed the door and stood outside.

Victor walked into a somewhat dark cabin, which was divided into an outer room and an inner room. There are various boxes, bottles and cans in the outhouse, and there is a faint mist.

Victor sniffed it and found that it was a disinfectant made from St. John's wort.

"Excuse me, I'm coming in."

He lifted the curtain and walked into the back room. There was a medicine pot near the window, and the disinfectant with St. John's wort as the main material was boiled in it. There are a lot of books piled up in the rest of the room. If you look closely, you will find that they are all medical books. There is a long table in the center of the inner room, and behind the long table sits a burly figure wearing a large cloak.

Victor narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a strange tone, "Doctor?"

The cloaked man gestured for Victor to sit across the table. After Victor took his seat, the cloaked man asked in an unusually deep voice:

"What's wrong with you?"

The playful look in Victor's eyes is more intense: "I have been suffering from low-grade fever recently, sweating and fatigue all over the body, often coughing up blood, chest tightness and pain."

The man in the cloak tilted his head and said after a while, "Your symptoms are not good. Have you asked other doctors?"

Victor leaned back, leaned comfortably on the back of the chair, and said easily: "Yes. The doctor in my hometown said that I was hopeless, so I came to Chuklik Island to find the mysterious medicine that is said to be able to cure any disease. Doctor. Please Doctor, I'm counting on you!"

The man in the cloak was silent for a while, then nodded: "Don't worry, I will cure you. You go out first, I will..."

"Ah, please wait a moment doctor, I have a question to ask you." Victor raised his hand and shook it.

"Huh? Oh, please."

Victor asked with a smile: "What I want to ask is, doctor, are you really not hot? Fur people are generally afraid of heat, right?"

The man in the cloak was stunned for a moment, then stood up in a panic: "You, what are you talking about! What fur tribe, I, I can't understand!"

"Bepo, calm down, this bastard is obviously playing tricks on you." A slightly youthful voice came from behind the cloaked man.

Victor tilted his head, and exaggeratedly said: "Doctor, your nurse is too fierce, it will not help the patient's physical and mental recovery!"

A thin figure slowly walked out from behind the cloaked man.

This is a young man about 1.8 meters tall, who looks younger than Victor. He was wearing a vest, with intricate heart tattoos on his shoulders, and he had cold eyes with severe dark circles around his eyes. Even in such a stuffy room, he wore a plush cap with a speckled pattern on his head.

He looked at Victor, and said in a sinister tone, "You're not sick at all, are you? If you're here to make trouble, you've picked the wrong target. If you don't want to be 'cut to pieces', get out!"

Victor's feet were on the table, and the chair jerked halfway back. He looked at the young man in the spotted plush cap, smiled and said:

"Sorry, it's just a joke. But the legendary mysterious doctor of Chuklik Island is not you, but someone else, right?"

Spotted Hat raised his right hand, and a whirling white cyclone appeared in the center of his downward facing palm.

He said in a bad tone: "I'll give you another 3 seconds... 3... 2..."

"Are you from Beihai?" Victor asked suddenly.

Spotted Hat was taken aback, and the cyclone in his hand disappeared: "What did you just say?"

"I mean, are you from Beihai?" Victor asked with a smile.

Spotted Hat asked in amazement: "How do you know..."

Victor pointed at the spotted hat and said with a smile: "This hat is the work of master Gaultier on Beihai Swallow Island. She only sells her own works in the main island of Swallow Island. Generally, only Beihai people like this hat." A design style, and the one you are wearing is her latest creation in January this year."

Spotted Hat was silent for a while, and then choked out a sentence: "...you are a big man who pays attention to this kind of focus, aren't you a bitch?"

Victor slapped the table in embarrassment and shouted: "If you have a sister who chases trends and tells you these things every day, you will be familiar with this kind of stuff!!"

"Sister..." Spotted Hat was a little dazed, and then he looked at Victor and asked angrily, "What are you doing here? If you are here for treatment, you should honestly state your condition. If you are a legendary doctor, please go to Baishan Town to inquire about the information. If you really ask for the information, I will pay a lot of money to buy it. If you are here to find fault..."

The whirling white cyclone appeared again in the palm of the spotted hat: "Then I'll play with you!"

Victor's face was full of smiles, but a blue long knife slowly emerged from his hand.

"Oh? Then guess what I'm here for?"

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