Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 39 Summer Dragon Festival

The great route cannot be speculated by common sense at all.

The seasons and weather here are fickle. One second it was a bright sunny day, and the next second, there may be a few lightning bolts in the sky! Yesterday was a crisp autumn climate, and today I wake up to find the decks covered in thick snow.

Perhaps without paying attention to the recording needle, your heading will be reversed 180 degrees. The sea here is like that, neither the wind nor the sky nor the waves nor the clouds can be trusted. The only thing that remains unchanged is the direction pointed by the recording pointer.


Today's weather is spring, turning to summer.

The Berger sailed out of the Twin Gorge at the Upside-Down Foothills and headed for Tanar Town.

The sun is warm and the sea is calm.

Victor lay leisurely on the deck chair on the edge of the deck with a pillow in one hand, flipping through a copy of the Great Route popular novel from Kurokas.

Wu Hongji stood on the deck, with her eyes closed in a posture of drawing a knife, trying to find a trace of her unpredictable inspiration when she fought with Fleming, the Demon Swordsman.

Perona sat on the top of the cabin, dangling her long legs, nibbling an apple while humming a sinister song. A large number of ghosts form a watch team hovering over the ship, constantly monitoring changes in currents and weather.

Robin sat in the cabin, compiling information on the islands of their route against the charts.

"Brother, turn right 47 degrees."

"Okay, turn right 47 degrees... Done."

From time to time such brief conversations came over the ship. Under Perona's excellent navigation and Victor's ingenious control, the Berger gave full play to its speed advantage and drove towards Tanar Town at a high speed.

The 5th day after sailing from Twin Gorges.

"All passengers of the Berger, please bring your luggage and prepare to disembark, Tanar Town is here~"

Perona's cheerful voice spread throughout the Berger.

Wu Hongji stuck her head out of the kitchen: "So fast? Didn't you say it would take at least 8 to 10 days?"

Victor, who was adjusting the sails, smiled slightly: "The speed of the Berger is super-class. If it wasn't for the great sailing route for the first time, and the climate and currents were not familiar enough, the trip could be shortened by about one day."

Wu Hongji looked at the sea level in the distance, and the outline of Tanar Town could be vaguely seen in front of her: "Where's the Robin?"

"Heh heh heh heh~ She went to get us pocket money."

As soon as the words fell, Robin walked out of the cabin with the suitcase and said with a smile, "100,000 Berry pocket money per person."

"Oh yeah~~" Perona and Wu Hongji cheered.

Victor smiled: "Everyone, change your clothes and prepare to land."

Not long after, the Berger gradually approached the port of Tanar Town.

Today seems to be an important festival in Tanar Town. There are at least 50 large and small ships moored around the port. Colorful banners and holiday pennants are hung horizontally on the pier, and it is crowded with people.

"Victor, do you need to keep someone on the boat?" Wu Hongji changed into red and black casual clothes, which were similar to Perona's Gothic skirt.

"No need, just take your belongings and disembark."

After everyone disembarked and stood on the dock, Victor flicked his finger, and a 'guide zipper' flew to the hull, and the power of the Devil Fruit was instantly transmitted to the Berger and began to transform its shape.

"Resin zipper capsule hotel."

Layers of resin zippers are arched into a dome, which completely covers the upper void of the entire hull without leaving any gaps.

The people who came and went stopped involuntarily and stared at this amazing move in a stunned manner. It's not that they haven't seen Devil Fruits, but it's very rare to be able to do this.

This is also an invisible demonstration and deterrence.

After finishing the 'coating' of the Berger, Victor clicked his index finger and retracted the 'guide zipper':

"Okay, let's go, everyone is free to move, and meet on the Berger side in the evening."

Perona and Wu Hongji happily walked together and went to the famous tourist food street that Robin explained to them before. And Robin followed Victor closely, wanting to secretly enjoy this rare private date.

Victor was also happy to go shopping with Robin. After all, he didn't have any travel tips for Tanar Town, and Robin knew more.

Unlike the Land of Flowers, there are no special food stalls on the pier in Tanar Town, and most of them are merchant ships and civilian fishing boats trading or transporting goods.

The two walked straight across the pier, which ended in a huge round arched porch adorned with ribbons of festive pennants.

Approaching the round arched porch, it seems as if the volume control knob is suddenly turned to the top, and the clamorous popularity blows.

The laughter of adults and children, the smell of food, the ribbons dancing in the sky, and the hustle and bustle of people on the street!

Today is the most important festival of the year in Tanar Town - Summer Dragon Festival!

There are people on both sides of the street, some are local residents, but more are out-of-town tourists. Each of the food-smelling stalls was crowded with people, and children were reluctant to disperse in front of stalls selling holiday masks and souvenirs.

In the center of the road is a long column of exquisite dragon paper models. The shape of each dragon is different, but without exception they are made with special care. The producers stood in front of their own works and happily exchanged their experiences with other producers, or explained to the onlookers.

Victor and Robin were infected by the joyous festive atmosphere and slowly strolled down the street with smiles on their faces.

"The Summer Dragon Festival is an important festival that has been handed down in Tanar Town since ancient times. At this time every year, almost every family in the town will spontaneously build a paper model of the giant dragon and put it on the street together for everyone to enjoy to commemorate 300 years ago. The hero who saved Tanar Town - 'Paper Dragon' Angie Wells."

The two were attracted by the smell of the food and stopped in front of a stall. Taking advantage of the time in the queue, Robin began to explain the customs of Tanar Town to Victor.

"Oh? 'Paper Dragon'? Sounds great." After lining up for a while, it was Victor's turn. He bought two snacks 'Bimbinpuru' for 400 berry and handed one to Robin.

'Bimbinpulu', a uniquely flavoured grilled sausage, sliced ​​into evenly thick slices and placed in a carton, then topped with a generous serving of yellow mustard and grated cheese. If customers like spicy food, they can also get a fine chili pepper from the booth for free. This is Tanar Town's specialty chili 'City of Compassion', which is surprisingly hot.

Robin thought about it for a while, but still didn't take the chili. He stuck a piece of sausage covered in cheese with a bamboo skewer and put it in his mouth, smiling so big that his eyes narrowed slightly. The two stood in the shade and slowly ate snacks, and Robin continued to explain to Victor:

"'Paper Dragon' Angie Wells, the famous thief 300 years ago, is an origami man who ate origami fruit. He can fold his body arbitrarily and transform into various paper model shapes at will, and the paper on his body is also It can be as hard as a sword. In addition, after he succeeds in theft, he will leave a small animal origami. One day, his hometown Tanar Town was invaded by the Penguin Pirates led by the great pirate 'Emperor Penguin' Di Nabo When the incident happened, even the garrisoned navy was raided and wiped out by these ferocious pirates. At the time of crisis, the 'paper dragon' turned into a paper bird and rushed back to his hometown alone, fighting the pirate army of thousands of people alone. At the end of the battle, he Transformed into a huge paper dragon and defeated all the invaders, but he also died of exhaustion. In order to commemorate the hero who returned from the prodigal son, the people of Tanar Town designated that day as the 'Summer Dragon Festival'."

Victor was a little fascinated when he heard it: "One person against a thousand-man army. Even after countless artistic processing, the battle scene at that time must be amazing... Is this 'Bimbinpuru' delicious?"

"Well, delicious!" Robin nodded with a smile.

"Come on, I see a stall selling drinks in front of me." The two walked slowly towards the stall in front.

At this time, several men in black wearing festive masks stopped in front of the two. A well-proportioned man at the head slowly opened his mouth and said:

"'The Fierce Chain' Mafia Victor, can we have a chat?"

Victor raised his eyebrows: "I don't like chatting with guys who hide their heads and show their tails."

Robin was a little panicked, and she subconsciously hid her body behind Victor.

Even if he didn't need to use the special "Apocalypse" for identification, Victor could still guess the identities of the guys on the opposite side.

Cipher Pol, the spy agency representing the world government, referred to as CP.

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