Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 3 Steel Chain Fingers

"War Bull Million Impact Hammer!!!"

Wrapped in unparalleled aura, the huge fist slammed straight towards Victor like a heavy battering ram!

"Game over, Mr. Pippin."

A smile appeared on Victor's face. I saw him raise his left hand high and raise his index finger, then swipe down sharply.

"Metal zipper Steel chain fingers (Sticky Fingers)!!"

With the flicking gesture, the tip of Victor's index finger stretched infinitely, and a golden zipper slashed towards Pippin's fist with a sharp piercing sound like a whip blade.

hum! ! ! hum! ! !

The slender zipper whip did not collapse at a touch like Pippin imagined, but with a strange buzzing sound, the chainblade smashed Pipin's fist into two pieces!

Blood splattered! The muscles and bones at the fracture are clearly visible!

"Wow!!!! Hand ... my hand ... bastard !!! Impossible !!!"

The huge tauren roared in pain while clutching his severed hand, he didn't believe it! why! Just a kid who just turned 17! It only takes 3 minutes to eat the devil fruit! ! This monster! !

The crowd watching in the distance had already dispersed, but Colonel Crohn stood still, with a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. Of course, he also knew the legend of the fruit of the chain, which the navy regarded as a disgrace to both the fruit and the person who took it. I didn't expect this young man to be able to play the chain fruit to such a degree.

If he read it right, Victor just separated the tip of his index finger with a zipper, leaving only one-sided sprockets and stretched infinitely. That weird humming sound was the chainsaw-like destruction of the zipper teeth turning at high speed.

Colonel Cronne didn't know that Victor had eaten the Chain Fruit in less than 5 minutes. This kind of talent can no longer be described as genius, and it is no exaggeration to say 'monster'.

Mafia Victor, what a terrible man! If such talent is used to do evil, the consequences will be disastrous!

Colonel Crohn himself didn't notice that he had subconsciously called Victor a 'man' instead of a 'boy'.

On the battlefield, Pi Ping, who was hit hard, was gasping for breath. Instead of losing his fighting spirit, he became more and more motivated to fight.

"Victor...you bastard, you've already aimed at the chain fruit, haven't you, eh?"

Pi Ping's eyes were bloodshot, and his body was enlarged again than before. The black leather jacket on the upper body was completely torn by the swollen body, and the short purple mane like steel needles exploded.

"But you shouldn't provoke me! Even the king of beasts wouldn't dare to provoke an angry bull! Now I am invincible!!!"

Victor hooked his index finger, and the zipper quickly retracted automatically to restore the finger to its original shape.

"Too small..." Looking at the ferocious beast that was almost irrational, Victor sighed: "Mr. Pippin, you are too small."

"There are countless strong men in the vast sea, and a little gang leader like you who is in a corner without ambition dares to call himself 'invincible'? Stop joking!"

Victor's eyes became more serious than ever before: "Mr. Pippin, I won't just stay in the West Sea, and you will be my first pedal. Come on! As you wish, head to head, and the outcome will be determined by one blow. ."

"Hehehehe... the brazen bastard!" Pippin's body had swelled to a huge 7 meters, and a large amount of white mist spewed out of his nostrils, making his face blurry, leaving only two spots of scarlet in his eyes.

The two no longer engage in verbal confrontation, and all focus on each other. Veins appeared on Pippin's grinding-plate-like left fist, and a metallic glow appeared faintly on Victor's right fist.

moment! The ground beneath the two of them burst at the same time, and the two figures, one big and one small, instantly joined together!

"War Bull · Killing Roaring Horn!!!"

"Metal zipper chain saw finger guard!"

The moment the two fists collided, it was as if a cannonball exploded.

The violent shock wave spread rapidly around, shattering the surrounding windows, followed by a dull sound explosion, which caused a lot of dust and smoke.

tick tock...tick tock...

Drops of blood fell to the ground, and Pipin, who had recovered to human form, swayed and fell to the ground. His left arm disappeared from the elbow to the palm, and the wound was bloody, as if it had been repeatedly cut by a chainsaw.

Victor slowly straightened up and moved his right shoulder. Except for his pale face, he didn't seem to have any injuries.

Colonel Cron took a few steps towards the battlefield and found that Victor's right fist was covered with a metal glove made of zippers, and the surface chain teeth were still vibrating at high speed like a chainsaw.

Is the attack ability of the chain fruit so terrible? No, it's not the chain fruit that is scary, it's Victor. Not only the use of the fruit ability, but also the strength and physique of the 'war bull' Talma Pippin was completely suppressed by this man.

Should we just solve this hidden danger here for justice? Before he could think of a countermeasure, there were hurried footsteps behind him.

Two men in black quickly approached the battlefield. The leader was a tall, middle-aged man with long green hair tied into a ponytail. He wore a pair of golden eyes and had a musket in his waist. The other was a short, fat man who was not very good-looking. He walked on the left side of the green ponytail not too far or too close, and his sinister eyes were very dangerous.

"Brother Mafiya, have we disturbed your happy time with your boss?"

The voice of the green ponytail with malicious intent written all over his face was a little harsh, and he took advantage of the opportunity to draw a musket from his waist and aimed it at Victor, who was standing still.

"I didn't expect that the legendary waste fruit can be developed to this point by you, brother. It is indeed Mafia Victor who single-handedly defeated the six cadres of our 'Suleiman Family'."

Victor has been looking at his right hand thoughtfully since defeating Talma Pippin. It was not until the green ponytail babbled and said a lot of nonsense that he looked up at the two newly appeared on the battlefield.

"Suleiman Shaan 'The Snake', and Capone Becky 'The Bad Bandit', nice to meet you two." Victor took out his handkerchief and wiped his right hand, gently as if meeting at home Guest: "Please forgive us 'Coral' has some important matters to deal with at this time. If you two don't dislike it, please wait for a while, and I will treat the two of you well after we finish dealing with the matter here."

It was the two of them! Captain Crohn knew the identities of the two immediately when he heard the names.

That green pony-tailed 'gun-tailed snake' Suleiman Shaan is the leader of the gang 'Suleiman Family'. This is a family-inherited gang that controls the underground world of more than ten towns such as Catsuri Town.

Only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname. Suleiman Shaan, the "Snake-tailed Snake", is an animal-type snake-snake-fruit-pin-tailed snake-like ability user, and is very good at marksmanship. He is cold-blooded and stingy, and likes drinking and lasciviousness, and is simply synonymous with 'social scum'.

And that short fat "bad gangster" Capone Becky is the leader of the emerging gang "Capone Gang" that has risen in recent years. Little is known about his abilities in the navy, only that he is superhuman and has excellent defense. This Capone Becky is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. His hobby is actually beheading his defeated generals and then collecting the heads.

It seems that the two gangs joined forces to take advantage of the "coral" infighting to catch all the nets. But with such an accurate timing, it seems that it should be...

"Hey, hey, hey...Brother Mafia, don't be pretentious!" Sulaiman Shaan's slender forked tongue sticks out from the corner of his mouth, like a poisonous snake: "Since my brother Capone and I are here today, I don't plan to let you leave alive, you and the 'coral' will obediently become the nutrition of our gang, hehe!"

Capone Becky next to him lit a cigar, took two sips, and exhaled a puff of smoke, with a cold smile on his face: "That's right. Since you can't use it for me, you can only grow up when you grow up. Totally destroyed you before you got up. Oh, and no thanks to you for helping us take down that muscular barbarian Talma Pippin, he's pretty tough when he's crazy."

Victor shook his head with a smile, threw the handkerchief away, and turned to face the two uninvited guests.

"It seems that the two comers are not good... It's time to work, Perona!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo~~ Here it is!" Suleiman and Capone burst into laughter, looking up to find a petite figure holding an umbrella floating above their heads.

second round!

Two to two!

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