Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 13 The Fierce Chain

"Brother! Who is this shameless bad woman!?"

Perona threw the food in her arms into the sky, threw herself between Wu Hongji and Victor, and shoved the former.

"No, shameless? Disrespectful! The concubine is the victim! Quickly let go of you rude girl!"

Wu Hongji let out a scream, and without knowing where she came from, she broke free from Victor's hands and scuffled with Perona.

Victor did his best to keep himself from sighing. No longer watching the increasingly flamboyant fight scene, Victor leaned over and picked up the dagger that fell on the ground.

Before taking a closer look at the dagger in his hand, Victor, who was half-squatting, suddenly raised his head and looked at the other end of the alley. He waved his short sword and slashed towards the ground, and a beige zipper appeared on the ground along the drawn track. At the same time, the ground at both ends of the zipper became as soft as cloth, but it was still hard stone when touched. feel.

Victor pulled up the ground at one end of the zipper as easily as he was pulling canvas, disarming him at the same time.

Resin zipper blocks.

A large piece of stone ground suddenly lifted up, blocking the three of them like a giant shield. At the same time, a charcoal block wrapped with intense high temperature bombarded the huge 'stone shield', causing a shower of gravel and violent dust.

The two beautiful girls also responded quickly. Perona's side quickly emerged two burly big ghosts guarding her side.

And Wu Hongji snatched the short sword from Victor's hand, glared at him fiercely, and assumed the posture of holding the sword in her backhand.

A group of figures appeared at the end of the alley. The previous horse-faced Mohigan head and a blue-clothed bald man with bandages around his neck stood in line, while the one in C was an unusually slender man with a long beard. His brows and the edges of his beard were glowing with embers, and his expression was grim. Needless to say, he was the 'charcoal eyebrows' Victor said earlier.

"'Charcoal Eyebrows' Umbridge, a superhuman charcoal fruit person with a bounty of 87 million." Victor took off his hat and threw it aside, loosening his collar and said easily: "This is a warning, the attack just now You can let go of the past, but please carefully consider each of your next actions. So please take the garbage behind you, turn around, and get out."

Umbridge was unmoved, his expression still gloomy. He slowly glanced at the three of them, stayed on Perona for a while, and finally set his eyes on Wu Hongji.

"...Is that you?" Umbridge's voice was also surprisingly low and strange: "Climb down on your knees with that pink-haired guy, or you'll end up as miserable as this cheap boy."

As he spoke, dark red embers emerged from the tips of his black moleskin gloves.

Wu Hongji frowned and said to Victor in a low voice, "This sorcerer is very strong! Run away, I'll hold him back."

Having said that, Wu Hongji made up her mind that as long as Victor and Perona escaped, she would immediately swing a knife and kill herself. Even if he is now seriously injured and weak, he can't show his skills, and it is difficult to win against the thin, tall, ugly man on the opposite side, but the innocent body that he has protected for 18 years will never be handed over to such a shameless person. !

Victor sighed helplessly, grabbed Wu Hongji by the back collar and threw her to Perona: "What are you doing there without authorization... The wounded should be like the wounded, and stay by Perona's side honestly."

He took off his casual jacket and threw it on the ground, slowly rolling up the cuffs of his shirt. "You're wasting my goodwill, Mr. Umbridge."

"Hehe... I don't know the heights of the little brat..." The embers on Umbridge's eyebrows exploded violently, igniting the starting point of sparks: "I promise you will die very painfully."

The ground under Umbridge's feet burst into scorch marks, and his body quickly rushed to the giant stone shield in front of Victor and others! His hands became charcoal fists burning with embers,

He slammed his hands together towards the stone shield!

"Meteorite Bomb Fist!!"

boom----! ! ! !

As if the bomb exploded in an instant, the stone shield and the stone walls around the alley were all shattered! The subordinates of 'Charcoal Eyebrows' were all shaken by the violent shock wave and flew out of the alley, screaming in agony.

In the ruins of the smoky alley, Umbridge showed a grim smile: "Flee like a rat, kid! After I catch you, I will tear down every bone on your body!"

"Oh? Great minds always coincide, don't they? Mr. Umbridge?" Victor's voice came from behind Umbridge.

The veins on Umbridge's temples angered, and dark red charcoal shells appeared all over his body. Then, explode in an instant! !

"Charcoal explosion!!"

The alley ushered in a second devastating explosion, and the buildings on both sides were completely damaged and collapsed. A figure suddenly jumped into the air from the smoke and dust, and it was the slender 'Charcoal Eyebrows' Umbridge.

Umbridge sensed that his second wide-area attack didn't hurt the kid either. In mid-air, he narrowed his long and narrow triangular eyes, and quickly locked on Perona, who was pulling Wu Hongji to the pier not far away.

"Boy, you will soon pay for your cheapness... Let's start with your woman! Shock the charcoal wings!!" Umbridge's back changed into a groove filled with charcoal fire, and then suddenly exploded, With the help of thrust, he rushed towards Perona and Wu Hongji directly from the air!

The idea was good, but five infinitely extending metal zippers shot out from the smoke-filled alley below, and they stabbed at Umbridge like golden meteors with tail flames!

"Metal zipper · Five-string lute!"

Umbridge adjusted his position in the air with the help of the impact charcoal grooves that instantly changed on his body, but found that the five metal zippers had no intention of stabbing himself. They flew past Umbridge's body, and then turned their direction sharply, and the five chains directly bound the 'charcoal eyebrows' in mid-air like layers of intertwined iron chains.

The smoke below was suddenly dissipated, revealing Victor, who was standing stably. The ends of the five fingers of his right hand turned into a one-sided zipper that extended indefinitely. It was the five chain blades that bound Umbridge. Afterwards, Victor let out a loud shout, and twisted with all his might to yank Umbridge to the ground!

"Wh...what the hell's strength! How can this kid's strength be so great!! Impact the charcoal boots! Maximum power!!"

Umbridge's feet directly turned into impact charcoal boosters, and he sprayed violent explosions with all his strength. He wanted to use the thrust to resist Victor's strange force, but it was exactly what Victor wanted!

"Goodbye, Mr. Umbridge... Chain Meat Grinder!"

The chain on 'Charcoal Eyebrows' suddenly loosened slightly, and before Umbridge could breathe a sigh of relief, every chain tooth on the side of his body suddenly turned into an indestructible barb-shaped serrated long blade. The wrestling force, five serrated chain blades scrolled at high speed on Umbridge! !

Blood rained from the sky.

On that day, all the people present at the Flower Country Pier Market, together with the merchant pirates in the past, witnessed the brutal side of the leader of the 'Coral' - Mafia Viktor of the Fierce Chain!

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