Chapter 399: The Lost Marco

"Dad!" Looking at the two people on the battlefield, Marko quickly landed from the air.

When Marco came to Whitebeard, at this time Whitebeard had lost his breath and died completely, and a generation of heroes came to an end.

"I'm going to kill you!" Watching Whitebeard, who regarded himself as his own rhyme, died in battle, Marco was instantly swept away by anger, and looked at Luo Xiu Marco, who fell to the ground not far away but still had a breath left. The only thought in Ke's mind was to kill Luo Xiu to avenge his father.

"Stop." Thunder slashed, and the blood-covered Enel hook was now blocked on Marko's only path.

"Go away!" At this time, Marko's brain was already filled with hatred. He had fought fiercely with Yuu not long ago, and the scarred Enel was no match for Marko at all.

"Stop Malthorn." The gravity around him suddenly increased, and Fujitora smiled and came to the battlefield with Enel.

"Whitebeard did this for his own consideration. Everything he did was voluntary, so don't be impulsive." Fujitora said with a smile.

But how could Marco listen to him at this time, the blood-red-eyed Marco only had the idea of ​​revenge in his mind.

17 "My son, when you hear this sentence, I must have died under Luo Xiu's hands." Whitebeard's voice suddenly sounded, and the out-of-control Marco stopped.

"Dad!" Whitebeard's voice instantly wet Marko's eyes, and the angry Marko cried like a child.

They are all excluded from the world, their world has always been dark, until the hook of Whitebeard, this stalwart man takes care of them like a father, Whitebeard is the real meaning of this world that makes them feel Warm people at home.

There are many people who used to be violent, but after joining the Whitebeard Pirates, they all changed their ways and followed Whitebeard to pursue the imagined beautiful peace and tranquility.

But this man turned into a cold corpse at this time, the man who called himself his son left him forever, and Marco, who had no support, was like a child who was driven out of Jimen, helpless and confused.

"Dad, it turns out you're not dead yet." Marco stumbled and tried to find a life-saving straw, chasing Fang Xiang from Whitebeard's voice.

When he found the source of the voice, but it wasn't the stalwart man, just a phone bug recording the voice, Marco was stunned.

"This is what Whitebeard left for me before I came here. I think it was what he wanted to say to you." Fujitora said with a smile.

Before rushing to the deserted island to fight Luo Xiu to the death, Whitebeard smiled at Fujitora with a phone bug that recorded the voice, and smiled and told Fujitora that he would show it to his sons when the war was over. of Marco.

Although Fujitora smiled and was not afraid to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, but the justice in his heart made him a little unbearable to swing the sword against these righteous pirates.

But if the furious Marr can't calm down and insists on killing Luo Xiu Fleet Admiral, Fujitora can only pull out his sword with a smile. After all, a leader who has the opportunity to make world peace is obviously more important than a righteous pirate.

"Let's go back, Whitebeard said before he died, and when the battle is over, he will tell you this." Looking at Marco, who was sobbing, Fujitora said with a smile.

"Go!" After sobbing, Marco picked up Whitebeard's huge body and flew towards Whitebeard's hometown, where the entire Whitebeard Pirate was waiting for him, as well as his brothers and sisters.

Marco, who had calmed down from the impulse, also figured out that at this time he should not have a conflict with noe new Marine, not only for his father's last wish but also for the brothers and sisters of the Whitebeard Pirate.

Although the leader of noe's new Marine, Luo Xiu, was in a coma at this time, and Enel, one of the Admirals, was also incompetent at this time, but Fujitora's smile was still intact. If he insisted on fighting with noe's new Marine because of anger, what would happen to both sides? The loss will be immeasurable, and this is not what Whitebeard wants to see.

"Dad will win. Although he is old, his strength is there. Although the leader of noe's new Marine is powerful, he should not be his opponent." The white-bearded pirates discussed One after another, although Luo Xiu had just killed Kaido, the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, but in their eyes, it was still no match for their father, Whitebeard.

"Hu Shuo, Luo Xiu Fleet Admiral is the leader of the new era. Although he is young, the ideals that Luo Xiu Fleet Admiral bears are beyond your imagination. Although Captain Whitebeard is powerful, Luo Xiu Fleet Admiral is absolutely not. You will lose," Jinbei said.

"Welcome, Daddy is back." Just like when he left, when he returned, Marco returned with a white beard.

This great man refused to fall to the ground until he died, and he was carried back by Marko when he died standing.

And Luo Xiu was picked up by Fujitora with a smile on Enel's Ark Motto and flew back with Marko.

Without Luo Xiu's figure, the pirate Jinbei clenched his hands tightly, and an ominous feeling filled his heart. At this time, the white-bearded pirates cheered, all celebrating their father's victory and return.

"Dad, why don't you talk? It's too baby, do you need a break?" Whitebeard 397, who was still standing, was placed on the ground gently by Marko, still mighty Haki.

The only difference from before his death was that the white-bearded pirates who were standing at this time closed their eyes and said nothing.

After arriving at Enel's Ark Proverbs, Fujitora smiled and slowly walked down from the Ark while holding Luo Xiu in a coma.

One is Luo Xiu, who is relatively complete but can easily see that he has just vomited blood, and the other is a man who is covered in flesh and blood but still stands without a word. Look confused.

"Luo Xiu Fleet Admiral won." Looking at Marko, who was crying silently, Fujitora said this sad answer with a heavy smile.

The Whitebeard Pirates burst into tears in an instant, and the strange thing was that no one cheered on the new Marine side.

Whitebeard was a man to be respected, whether it was his formidable might or his dream of pursuing peace, no one in the new Marine wanted Whitebeard to die.

Originally, they thought Luo Xiu was just going to discuss with Whitebeard, and they even began to imagine the scene where Whitebeard joined the new Marine, but when they returned, Whitebeard had turned into a corpse.

Seeing that the crying is getting louder and louder, the white-bearded pirates are bad, and they seem to have a tendency to riot.

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