Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 55 The only spiritual flaw

After crying hysterically for a while, Luo finally accepted the fact that Rosannadi was still alive and in great shape.

"Mr. Cora! Who is this guy? Isn't it some strange guy!"

"Stinky brat, this uncle is the savior of your 'Mr. Cora'... You're not cute at all if you ask that!"

"Humph!" Luo Aojiao turned his head: "Mr. Keira, you were obviously shot so many times...why...?"

"Luo, this is my good brother in the navy, brigadier general of the headquarters, Wright - he is also a capable person!"

"His ability, no matter how badly injured, can quickly recover from his injury as long as he has a breath - but it is an extremely miraculous ability!"

Looking at Luo's chin that was about to fall to the ground, Luo Nandi smiled and said, "Remember the beautiful crystal I gave you?"

Luo nodded, and Wright whistled on the side: "Oh, the old man in the Warring States period really loves you, Rosie... There are only ten light casting pointing crystals in the entire naval headquarters, and I actually gave you two..."

"Fortunately you didn't give it all to this stinky boy..." Seeing Luo glaring at him, Wright said with a serious face: "I made this thing myself. Those who hold the same light casting pointing crystal can sense each other at close range. To the other party, this is how I found you just now."

"But that's not the point... When you fall into a state of near-death, this crystal will be activated to hang your life, so that you will not die for a short time, waiting for rescue."

Luo's eyes widened: "Then Mr. Cora..."

"That's right, your real name of 'Mr. Cora' is Rosannadi... You must know that he was hanged by a crystal just now."

"It's not enough. The important thing about this crystal is that when it is excited, the maker of me will sense the location of the crystal's excitation, so I can come to the rescue as soon as possible - and I was near Haiyan Island just now!"

"..." Luo was so shocked that he was speechless, but Luo Nandi only reacted now: "Haiyan Island? Wright, you..."

"Idiot! Otherwise, why do you think I can get here so quickly and save your life? The old man in the Warring States Period ordered me from the Paradise G3 branch to go to Beihai to join Lieutenant General Crane three weeks ago—"

Wright glanced at the gray-faced Rosannadi: "Because he sensed something was wrong with you! Rossi, if it wasn't for the arrangement of the old man of the Warring States Period, even if I knew your direction, I wouldn't be able to come from Paradise to save you! You can only use Crystal hangs her life waiting for Lieutenant General Crane's rescue—"

"That's why the old man of the Warring States period gave you two pointing crystals that only had ten pieces - he was afraid of your accident! He was also afraid that Lieutenant General Crane would not be able to find you! Lieutenant General Crane was the first to learn about the effect of crystals. One of the four, she must also have a pointing crystal that can sense your identity!"

Looking at Luo again: "Stinky brat, do you understand? Rossi is sharing his life with you! With so many senior generals in the Navy headquarters, there are only ten guaranteed names, and Rossi gave you one - even if it is not used for hanging. Fate, with this crystal, all navies will protect you unconditionally!"

"Wright...This crystal is so precious...Old...Your Excellency, he has never mentioned it to me..." Roxandi regretted: "I'm not worth wasting such a life at all!"

"You're an idiot and you still don't admit it..." Wright approached Luo Nandi, avoiding Luo who was so moved, and whispered, "I said that I did this thing, there's more than me here! Here, give you a few Let's play with it."

Five pointing crystals were stuffed into Ronandi's hand, and he was completely speechless for a while - this guy's bad taste is still so... Surprising!

"Put it away, don't tell the stinky bastard to see it." Wright whispered, and then said loudly, "What else does the old man of the Warring States have to do? Why don't we just stay here?"

"Ah... oh! Wright, your phone bug!" Rosannadi reacted, hurriedly put away the crystal, and took out the phone bug: "Old... Warring States General asked you to call him."

"Well... you guys talk first, I'll see what the old man in the Warring States period has ordered." Wright picked up the phone and walked to the side.



"Old man in the Warring States period, I am Wright."

"You're back? How's it going?"

"Rosannadi saved a boy before... When he was on the phone with you, he asked me to find the boy and bring it back. It's done."

"Well... Wright, this time you saved Rosannady's life. The old man thanked you in a personal capacity-he is the adopted son of the old man, and the old man treats him as if he were his own."

"...Well, I've already seen that you have a problem, so that's why... No wonder he's not interested in the senbei I stole from Old Man Garp."

"..." On the other end of the phone bug, the veins on Sengoku's forehead jumped - Garp's asshole's senbei were all taken from the old man, of course Rosie wasn't interested!

"Cough!" Warring States tried to divert the topic: "There are some things that you need to do... So some secrets, about Ronandi's mission and that boy, can be told to you."

"It's the way it is..."


"So, my next task is to kill that undercover agent? Don't let him mislead the Don Quixote family? Give me some 'special custom' information or something?"

"...you know how to use your brain, Wright."

"..." What a god... This uncle always uses his brain! Even if there is no stinky old man, your Buddha shape fruit bonus!

"The old man has considered it, but as the top cadre of 'Red Heart', Vergo is not so easy to deceive... Maybe there is only one chance."

"But the premise of doing this is that in order not to make Vergo suspicious, we need to hide Rossi and give up the large amount of information that Rossi brought - if this information is not acted on, at the speed of development of the Don Quixote family, it will soon be fail."

"Lost this opportunity to strike all round, the Don Quixote family has further developed and grown, and the old man is worried that with Doflamingo's madness, he will make a big move."

"And if you choose to kill Vergo, firstly, you can cut off a major source of intelligence for the Don Quixote family, and use the time difference to attack their forces in all directions in a short period of time. Second, when they find out that Vergo is missing, they will judge that Rossi is still alive. …”

Wright hummed, and when he heard Sengoku fell silent, he said, "When Brother Doflaming judges that Rossi is not dead, he will fall into a deep confusion - his feelings for Rossi are well hidden, Even in order not to reveal flaws in front of family members and cause family division, he chose to shoot and kill his own younger brother who betrayed him - just like killing his own father back then."

"If Rosie dies, no matter how much he regrets it, he will insist on gritting his teeth, taking this as one of the reasons why he must move forward - bearing the fate of his own younger brother!"

"And if Rosie hadn't died...he would have been living in the shadow of brother murder all day long - because Rosie was his only relative, the only sustenance for humanity!"

"Then he won't be completely crazy when he acts, he won't be reckless, and he won't completely fall into darkness... With the regret medicine, which originally forced him to cut off the last 'perfect opportunity' he was concerned about, he would Achieve him...the only spiritual flaw!"


Warring States was silent for a long time, and sighed deeply: "Wright... Your insight into Brother Doflamingo... I really have the illusion that you have known him for more than ten years..."


Thank you very much for your congratulations and support, as well as the big guys who have given rewards, I am really grateful...

I should have added more thanks, but for some reason, in order to meet the promise of the previous readers, the book is now making up the progress of the third watch, and after the 70th chapter, the plan is to restore two more updates - because the hand speed is almost two or three. . Therefore, please wait until after chapter 70 to arrange for more updates, thank you again for your support!

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