Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 299 Night City

The information that Villian brought back has naturally become the most urgent research project, even if the information is incomplete, and some even have only a few words left to decipher.

As for the truth of the matter, everyone was extremely shocked, but there was a feeling that it seemed to be expected.

Especially for Bai Yuekui who has lived from that glorious era to the present, this kind of thing is completely understandable.

A certain organization, in order to achieve some purpose, researched these things, and then got rid of it and caused a disaster. This kind of thing was nothing new in that era.

If I had to say it, the catastrophe caused by this group of people was so great that humans almost couldn't resist it.

"In that era, everything was possible. Isn't I just an example? I have lived for so long, but I am still young."

Bai Yuekui used himself as an example, which was very convincing.

When the needs of material life have been met, human beings begin to pursue more illusory things, but some things that violate the laws of nature are destined to bring unexpected disasters and blows to human beings.

"Hurry up and study, whether you can completely defeat the Mana ecology depends on you."

Villian shook his head. The cause was not important anymore, because those researchers had already become nourishment at the moment the disaster broke out, and the masterminds behind the scenes either died in the catastrophe or emigrated to space.

If it is the latter, there is still a chance to kill them, but even if they are killed, what has happened cannot be reversed, at most it can be vented.

The most urgent task now is to quickly try to decipher the secret of the "ground vine" and find out a way to target it from the genetic level.

Like now, with the expansion speed of the "ground vine", it is unrealistic to burn it by hard means. The earth is so big, it is impossible for Villian himself to burn it, and other people do not have the ability to burn the "ground vine". Vine" ability.

This will cause Villian to burn the front ones, and the back ones will grow back soon. The expansion of the "ground vines" is too strong, and Villian can't keep burning all the time.

"Don't worry, we will."

Dr. Carrie made a promise. At this time, she has met with the ground forces. This research is carried out jointly by the ground and the lighthouse. All scientific researchers have been summoned, and everyone must face this important topic together.

"Be careful."

Villian warned that he didn't want these guys to get rid of it too. It wouldn't be good if they just repeated the tragedy. These people are the last elites in human society.

In the "lighthouse", there are core personnel who develop cutting-edge technology. This is a kind of inheritance, because the original "prison" had the duty to provide political protection for high-end talents.

In the initial composition of the "Lighthouse", there were a total of twenty-one people with the status of "Special Supervision Objects".

Those elites from all walks of life have played a huge role in the current technology and structure of the "Lighthouse". A lot of knowledge and books are compiled by those people, which is the inheritance.

On the ground, technology research and development will be slightly inferior.

Because the game on the ground is survival, researchers with not so good physical fitness will not have much advantage in doomsday survival, and their knowledge will not provide help.

Therefore, most of the professionals on the ground died in the apocalypse, and all kinds of information were lost with the expansion of the "ground vine", but maybe they can be found after searching. After all, the "ground vine", The "Flowers of Mana" haven't evolved to that point yet, most of the time they just occupy buildings and don't completely destroy them.

Just like the "spaceship wreckage" and "hospital ruins" they explored before, the geological disaster caused by "earth vines" is the main force that destroys buildings, and the surviving buildings may hide the future science and technology.

After instructing the researchers, Villian no longer paid attention to this side, and he began to practice the power used by the "ground people", that is, the power of the "source of life".

The so-called "life source" is the substance responsible for "receiving information from the universe, stimulating human potential, and giving orders to genes and brains". It is the core concept in the world of "Spiritual Cage". "Original quality" is like a soul, spirit, spirit, and the like.

Once the "source of life" is removed, people will become "meat soil", and the "source of life" also contains the memories of a person's life, and the monsters created by "Mana Ecology" are getting closer and closer to humans. The most probable reason is that they absorb more and more human beings and get too many human memories, so the monsters they create are closer to human beings.

In the end, "human beings" may still exist on the earth, but I am afraid they are already "human beings" controlled by the "mana ecology".


Villian is sitting cross-legged by the "lake", the "lake" that contains the strange art substance is connected to many people at this time, and Villian is also connected to it, the feeling is quite strange, there is a kind of soul Out of body feeling.

Swimming in the lake mentally, Villian felt that energy was immersing in his spirit, his whole body was becoming more sober, and his mind was becoming more agile.

"Although it is very slow, but if you persist for a long time, you will indeed become stronger. The body, spirit, and mind will become stronger in all directions."

Villian feels that he thinks this kind of cultivation method is quite good, because it is an all-round improvement.

"How did this guy absorb it so quickly?!"

Beside Villian, the staff who helped him install the equipment looked surprised. Villian's acceptance far exceeded their imagination. It stands to reason that for those who first came into contact with, it should take some time to get used to it.

"This is the first time I've seen something like this."

The two staff members were dumbfounded, and Villian was sitting here, and the elements in the entire pool seemed to be rushing towards him.

Villian opened his eyes, and he also noticed the abnormality. After the initial adaptation, his body immediately accepted this energy, and then began to absorb it crazily.

Villian took the initiative to disarm the device. He didn't want to affect the normal use of other people. After all, this is their territory.

"Yes, I feel the potential of this power."

Villian glanced at the two staff members. He noticed their embarrassment, and he clearly said that he would bring him to experience it, but this happened. They didn't know what to say.

"Your situation is very special. It seems that you are very talented."

There is really no other way, so I can only boast about it first. Of course, this is also the truth. Anyway, the two of them have never seen someone like Villian. This is not as simple as being talented. Just like tailor-made.


Villian didn't say much. He probably already knew about this thing. Their small lake actually contained some elements extracted from the blue ore, and those elements could nourish the source of human life.

Of course, just like you can’t take too much supplements, you can’t take too much of this kind of thing all at once, as it will only overwhelm you, and your body can’t absorb it directly, so they developed this A method to release the "source of life" for nourishment by connecting to the device.

However, Villian felt that it would be no problem for him to absorb it directly. Tonics that are too explosive for ordinary people are commonplace for him. Even Bai Yuekui can't compete with him in physical fitness. It is no longer the original physical fitness.

"You go to work."

Villian waved his hand and signaled the two staff members to go at their own pace. The two staff members didn't say much, and just bowed and retreated, but both of them were still shocked.

Villian went to the warehouse and took a few pieces of the blue ore. He was going to take it away and study it. The research here is only on the application, and the in-depth research has no results, so now it has to rely on mining and use.

But Villian feels that this thing does not seem to be formed naturally, otherwise, it would not have been discovered before. According to the records of the ground base, this thing was formed after the end of the day, and it didn't take long for them to start using it.

Therefore, Villian guessed that the formation of this thing would definitely not take a long time. As long as he found a way, he might be able to directly manufacture this blue spar by himself.

The question now is, how did this thing come about? What are the raw materials? What conditions do we need to form?

These issues are the subjects to be studied in the future.

With the blue spar, Villian returned to the world of "One Piece", leaving some in the "Kingdom of Germa" for research.

Then he went to the world of "Demon Slayer: Blade" and left some samples. At this time, the world of "Demon Slayer: Blade" is undergoing a revolution of technology. Under the guidance of future technology, this The world is developing rapidly.

Of course, if the development is fast and the productivity exceeds the initial stage, it may destabilize the society, there will be some people with ulterior motives, and there will be old forces who want to restore.

At this time, the original "Ghost Killing Squad", and later the "Night Guard" Legion, will start to act.

Although this world has already organized the "Mortal Auxiliary Army" such as the "Human United Guard", but in the face of the restoration forces, it is necessary to deal a thunderous blow. The dimension reduction strike was carried out and all restoration forces were completely smashed.

"Now, you have to gather your strength to do big things. The research and development of Power Armor is the biggest thing. You have to innovate on the basis of the existing technology I provided."

At the People's Federation Conference, Villian delivered an important speech, which is the highest order of the entire planet, and they must gather the top scientists to overcome difficulties.

The Villians have high hopes for them, and this is when the stars of Mankind shine.

Of course, in addition to power armor, the research on "blue crystals" has also become an important topic, and this is a new order.

"What other world is not too dangerous, and then you can engage in some technology?"

After arranging the matter of the "blue crystal", Villian began to think about it. The world of "Ling Cage" does have a lot of high technology, but it is missing too much due to the end of the world.

Although these existing technologies are enough to help the world of "Demon Slayer: Blade" achieve a technological leap, jumping directly from the level of World War I to the level of near-future technology, it is far from enough, because the "Lighthouse" even produces "prosthetic body" ", "Power Armor" can't do it, the difference is still too far.

"The prosthetic body. I have it."

Thinking of the "prosthetic body", a world suddenly popped up in Villian's mind. That world seemed to be more future than "Soul Cage". Although it was not the end of the world, the degree of despair was not much worse than the real end of the world.

"Just go there."

Villian took out the "Any Door" and determined the world. This time, he had a clearer target location.

Opening any door, Villian appeared in a city, which was full of light pollution everywhere, and "feasting and feasting" is not enough to describe this kind of scene, because the colors here are too rich, and there are "neon colors" everywhere.

"Night City."

Looking at the surrounding scene, Villian has a feeling that he has come to the game world, because this neon color scheme is too dreamy, which makes people feel unreal. The tall and huge buildings make people feel scalp hair numb.

This is the world of "Cyberpunk Edgewalker", but Villian is still unclear about where the timeline is. It stands to reason that it should be before the main storyline of "Cyberpunk 2077", which is 2076.

The history of this world was similar to Villian's previous world before 1989, but an inflection point occurred in 1989, bringing this world to where it is today.

In 1989, starting from the beautiful country, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and technology has also begun to advance by leaps and bounds.

And the city "Night City" where Villian is currently located is in the beautiful country. This city is very young. It was originally called Coronado, and its construction began in 1993.

Of course, this place has been destroyed once, and the current "Night City" was rebuilt in 2034. It is not subject to any legal supervision and is a truly international free city.

But freedom also comes at a price, and the price is that this place is gradually being manipulated by big companies. Specifically, it is manipulated by the "Arasaka Corporation", the main partner of "Night City".

"Arasaka Corporation" is the longest-running super company in the world. Its establishment can be traced back to the middle of the 20th century. It is also one of the most influential companies in the world today.

Although called "Arasaka Corporation", they have the largest and most powerful armed forces in the world, spreading fear all over the world.

Most corporations will seek out "Arasaka Corporation" security guards, mercenaries to protect their assets, or they will be attacked if they don't. This is a real terrorist organization with a global presence.

Of course, this is also related to the weakness of the national government in this world. War has brought too many disasters to this world, and the power of capital has almost destroyed the original order.

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