Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 218 Gaji's Technique

Vinsmoke Gage's attack routines, back and forth, are those, nothing more than using the "technical spear" in his hand and the "technical boots" under his feet to attack.

Against ordinary people, even opponents at the same level, his "technological tactics" are very effective, but against Villian, it is almost ineffective, and can only scratch Villian's itch.


Villian's waist and horse became one, and he punched the leg kicked by Vinsmoke Gage. The flames were burning on his fist, and the "armed domineering" was attached to the surface. After this punch, Vince Mork Gage's legs couldn't stand it.


Vinsmoke Gage let out a cry of pain, and quickly backed away. Even through the battle armor, this moment made him feel the pain, but fortunately, no serious damage was caused.

"This fire prevention ability is really strong."

Villian noticed that the battle armor was burned by his flames without any change, not even a bit of charred black, which shows that the "memory armor" has excellent fire resistance.

In addition, the defensive power is also impressive. After being hit so hard by him, there is no deformation or anything like that.

"Let me inspect the goods carefully."

Villian clenched his fists. This time, instead of waiting for Vinsmoke Gage to act first, he attacked decisively. He wanted to test the capabilities of this armor.

Villian's figure flickered indistinctly, and in the fright of Vinsmoke Gage, he came to him in the blink of an eye.

"Eat my move, Big Dipper Hundred Crack Fist!"

Villian swung his fist upwards, Superman's punching speed was dizzying, and the fast-changing gestures struck different acupuncture points of Vinsmoke Gage, causing him to gradually float up.


After playing a set, Villian withdrew his hands and made an "ending pose". At this time, Vinsmoke Gage also fell from the air and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Vinsmoke Gage didn't explode and died, he just felt sore all over his body, and his limbs were a little numb from the beating.

This was Villian's mistake. He shouldn't have "acupuncture", but should have used the most violent and fast punches. With the defense of the armor, the effect of "acupuncture" is not good.

"If it doesn't work once, then two, two, three, four, and do it again."

Seeing Vinsmoke Gage standing up staggeringly, Villian went straight up and performed another set of "Big Dipper Hundred Cracks".

Villian hits "Big Dipper Hundred Cracks Fist", the special effect is very good, the fist covered with pitch black "armed color domineering" dances rapidly, the flames are attached to it, and the "Fire Fist" is continuously punched, the scene of flames splashing , It can be called a "special effects fighter".

This time, Villian did not pursue "acupuncture", but simply output violence. This method is very simple and effective to deal with this kind of "iron pot" that is difficult to break.


Vinsmoke Gage fell to the ground, and this time he didn't get up for a long time.

Villion came to him and took off his mask and helmet.

"Now do you know you were wrong?"

Villian grabbed Vinsmoke Gage's armor, made him look up at him, and then asked with a smile.

"What's wrong?"

Vinsmoke Gage gritted his teeth and his face was distorted. Although he was beaten hard, he concluded that Villian would not dare to kill him.

Not because of anything else, but because of his status as the "King of the World Government Alliance", he can participate in the "World Conference". Why would Villian dare to kill him? !

"You seem to think that I care about your identity?"

Villian smiled. He could see what Vinsmoke Gage was thinking, but this was just wishful thinking of Vinsmoke Gage. Governance’s identity impact.

"Is not it?"

Vinsmoke Gage stuck his neck. If Villian was a big pirate, he would definitely not be so stubborn. However, Villian is a navy, which is completely different.

Pirates may not care about his identity, and may simply kill him, but the navy is absolutely impossible.

"Heh, I just killed a pirate in the East China Sea who invaded a country that is a member of the World Government. Who knows that you are the king from the North Sea?"

Villian's smile made Vinsmoke Gage chill all over. He understood that Villian seemed to be able to do that kind of thing. He could see that Villian's expression was serious. This guy really intended to Kill him here!

"Wait a minute! Lieutenant General Villian, if you have something to say, you don't need to fight, right? What request do you have? I will try my best to satisfy it, no, I will definitely satisfy it!"

Vinsmoke Gage changed his face at the speed of light. After Villian put the knife on his neck, the man completely gave up his fantasy. He realized that he had to give in today.

"That's right."

Villian nodded in relief. He who knows the current affairs is a master. If Vinsmoke Gage is willing to actively cooperate, it will be difficult to obtain the three technologies of "Memory Armor", "Human Cloning", and "Blood Factor". will get lower.

"You want memory armor?"

Vinsmoke Gage asked tentatively. He still remembered Villian's previous mention of wanting a memory armor.

"Not just memory armor."

Villian shook his head, and Vinsmoke Gage's face turned black.

"Bloodline factor, clones, memory armor, I want them all."

Villian didn't pay attention to Wensmoke Gage's face, and said to himself, which made Wensmoke Gage's body tremble, and he felt that Villian's appetite was too great.

"Is it too much?"

Vinsmoke Gage squeezed the words from his teeth.

"Don't you think your life is not worth the value of these three technologies?"

Villian squinted his eyes and smiled very brightly, but in the eyes of Vinsmoke Gage, his expression was like a devil.

"Of course it's worth it, but."

Vinsmoke Gage gritted his teeth, he didn't know how to refute.

"That's it, what are you hesitating about?"

Villian interrupted Vinsmoke Gage, without giving him any time to hesitate, forcing him to make a decision.

"I need time. Those three technologies cannot be explained clearly in a few words. I need time to sort them out."

Vinsmoke Gage rolled his eyes, thinking of the idea of ​​delaying time, and what he said was justified.


Villian stared at Vinsmoke Gage, a golden light flashed in his eyes, while Vinsmoke Gage was stunned for a moment, lost his mind for a moment, but he broke free quickly.

Villian only has a 50% fit for the "Magic Eye", obviously he can't control the level of Vinsmoke Gage.

"what did you do to me?!"

Vinsmoke Gage asked very vigilantly. He didn't know what Villian did, but it was definitely not a good thing.

"Don't worry, don't you want to tidy up? Then hurry up."

Villian smiled and waved his hand. He was going to give Vinsmoke Gage a chance. If this guy cooperates with his work, it is not impossible to spare his life.

"Which is your ship?"

Villian brought Vinsmoke Gage to the pier, and then prepared to board the flagship of "Germa 66".

In fact, even if Vinsmoke Gage is unwilling to cooperate, Villian can find out where his laboratory is by himself. The "Kingdom of Germa" is a country composed of these "snail ships". Therefore, Vinsmoke ·Gage's laboratory should be among these "snail ships".

However, after finding the laboratory, it would take a lot of time to deduce the principle in reverse, and it might even be impossible to deduce it. It is better to let Vinsmoke Gage sort it out by himself.

"That's my boat."

Vinsmoke Gage pointed out that the target was similar to what Villian had guessed, because the building on the "snail ship" was undoubtedly the most gorgeous and brilliant.

The top of the "snail ship" is the main part of a castle, and there are five "snails" carrying the action below it, which is much larger than other "snail ships". It is the flagship at first glance, Vinsmoke Gage Said that the ship was called "Saint Germain", which made Villian a little speechless.

If there really is a "parallel world", then Vinsmoke Gage in another world is probably called St. Much handsomer now.

Of course, in that parallel world, he doesn't have these gaudy technological armors, which may be nothing special. After all, the handsome old man with a sword already has a "Pluto" Rayleigh, and the second one is a bit out of character.

Shaking his head, Villian took Vinsmoke Gage aboard the "Saint Germain", and then they met several children.

"who are you?!"

The leader is a child with red hair wearing a red short sleeve with "1" written on it. Beside him, there is another child with blue hair wearing a blue short sleeve with "2" written on it, and a child with A child with green hair and wearing a green short-sleeve with "4" written on it. The three children look similar and should be multiple births.

The red-haired one is Vinsmoke Eager, the blue-haired one is Niji, and the green-haired one is Yuji, all sons of Gage.

"Huh? Sanji isn't here? Reiju isn't here either?"

Villian naturally knew these three little guys. What he was more puzzled about was why the eldest sister Reiju and the youngest Sanji were not there?

In this timeline, Sanji should not have been imprisoned yet. Although he has had a miserable life and has been bullied and abused, at least he has not been imprisoned.

"Everyone back down."

Before Villian could ask a question, Vinsmoke Gage yelled angrily and told his three sons to leave.

It's not that he cares about his son so much, he just doesn't want his sons to see his predicament. It's too embarrassing for him to be held hostage like this, how can he let his sons see it?

"Hmph, you really want to save face."

Villian satirized him, but this is indeed the character of Vinsmoke Gage. He is a very vain guy who cares about his own face very much.


The three children, Winsmoke Eager, Niji, and Yongzhi, could not disobey Vinsmoke Gage's orders at all. As soon as Vinsmoke Gage spoke, they had to execute them.

These children have been transformed by the "blood factor" and have powers beyond ordinary people. Not only do they have "exoskeletons", but also have strong skin and strong resilience, and they have strength beyond ordinary people. Vinsmoke Gage's order.

Villian has always been very curious about this "blood factor" technology. Like the "clone soldier" mentioned earlier, this technology is also used. This technology is too versatile. Not only can it endow various abilities, but it can also eliminate emotions. , so that it must obey someone's order.

Some of these effects, which Villian couldn't understand at all, were achieved by changing the "bloodline factor".

Vegapunk is also very perverted. The "artificial version of King Shichibukai" can be fiddled with. I can't imagine what else he can't do. Vegapunk's performance perfectly explains what is "" Science and technology is the primary productive force", really Carrying the Navy with one's own strength.

With a little emotion, Villian went to the study with Vinsmoke Gage, and he wanted to see why this guy had any reason to delay.

"let's start."

Villian watched from the side, while Vinsmoke Gage sat down at the desk, and he had already picked up a pen and paper.

"Wait a minute, this will take a while."

Vinsmoke Gage said in a low voice, and began to write while speaking, and he didn't seem to be doing any small tricks.


Villian nodded, and then he started looking for books in the study.

Although Vinsmoke Gage's combat effectiveness is very average, relying on the "Memory Armor", he can only be regarded as a mid-to-lower level of "The King's Seven Martial Arts", but his research ability is really not weak, after all, he can compete with Bega People who team up with Punk.

Therefore, the books in this room are all science and engineering books such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and there are many manuscripts written by Vinsmoke Gage himself, which can be said to be of great academic value. Walk.

The number of his current scientific research team is still too small, and all aspects have just started. Compared with the "Vinsmoke Family" such an old technological powerhouse, it is not a star. The main purpose of Villian's visit this time , of course, are the three important technologies, and the secondary ones are naturally "recruiting" some scientists from here.

The second goal is actually not very easy to handle, because most of the scientists in the "Kingdom of Germa" are of their own nationality.

Therefore, Villian had to take some extraordinary measures.

Villian didn't believe it anymore. Based on the number of scientists in the "Kingdom of Germa", there would be no one who was abettors or dissatisfied with Vinsmoke Gage.

Of course, Villian directly controlled and took away those who helped the evil, and then brainwashed and reformed them all to make them a new person. Those who are dissatisfied with the Vinsmoke family and have normal views can be recruited directly.

After making up his mind, Villian directly asked Vinsmoke Gage to give an order for the scientists to come to him one by one, and he wanted to investigate one by one.

In this way, Vinsmoke Gage sorted out the three technologies, while Villian screened the scientists one by one in his room to see which ones could be used by him.

The result is very worrying. Most of the people who can work under Vinsmoke Gage are members of the Vinsmoke family.

That is to say, most of these scientists were abettors and helped Vinsmoke Gage conduct many horrific human experiments. For such people, Villian directly changed his strategy and sentenced them to death.

No way, Villian's own moral standards are there. Although he is also doing "body modification", whether it is "super soldier serum" or "Jenova cells", he and Cohen, the "chief surgeon", Doctors always try it out first, and never force innocent people to do experiments, and even sign up for the transformation plan voluntarily.

Compared with the behavior of the "Vinsmoke family" who disregarded human life, forced ordinary people to do experiments, and continuously optimized technology, Dr. Willian and Dr. Cohen were simply too conscientious.

Originally, brainwashing could still be used, but after reading the memories of these people, Villian felt that it was disgusting to use them again. Compared with these guys, Spandain and his son became pleasing to the eye, but the father and son, Villian didn't even intend to reserve a place for them in the future, let alone these scientists who have no conscience.

In the end, the ones that can really be used by Villian are those scientists who are excluded because they are unwilling to do that kind of experiment. They are also basically dissatisfied with Vinsmoke Gage and the rule of this country. The class is very dissatisfied and thinks they are too insane.

"It's okay, the harvest is so-so."

Looking around, Villian finally delineated a scientific research team of more than 20 people. Although this is not much compared with the large base of "Germa Kingdom", it is all carefully selected by Villian, which belongs to the level Not bad, character is also ok.

This can greatly supplement his research team, after all, his research team on "Mignon Island" only has dozens of people.


Seeing Villian make a mess of his research team, Vinsmoke Gage blushed directly.

He wanted to stand up and resist, but he knew that he was invincible, so he could only bury his head and pretend to be dead, pretending not to see those confidantes who were sentenced to death by Villian, but every one of them was sentenced to death, Vinsmoke Garrett Zhi's heart will be in sharp pain, that is his right-hand man!

"Not finished yet?"

After dealing with the matter of the science team, Villian turned his gaze back to Vinsmoke Gage, and he began to urge.


Vinsmoke Gage gritted his teeth and squeezed out words.

Villian took what he wrote and read it carefully, which made Vinsmoke Gage feel very ridiculous. He thought that if Villian could understand it, he would be a ghost.

However, Villian, who had read so many memories of Vinsmoke Gage's scientists just now, really understood it, and he was even able to match some details.

Under the weird eyes of Vinsmoke Gage, it didn't take long for Villian to go through all three techniques.

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