Pirate Sequence: Start with Outlaws

Chapter 87 Golden Skill: Instant Kick!

After the golden light circled around Rune's body, it finally converged on his legs.

On the legs, the muscles tighten and bulge unconsciously.

The golden energy of the golden book adheres to the meridian bones and gradually becomes branches like a river network.

On both sides of several main roads, there are numerous branch roads spreading out.

Lu En already had a clear understanding of the "legs" part of the seven knightly disciplines.

Among the seven practices, the eyes, mouth, nose and ears are the four sense organs, the heart is the core, and the hands and legs are the most direct parts of attack and defense.

Among the two parts of the hands and legs, the hands are more flexible and changeable, representing the variety of fighting skills.

Although the legs are not as flexible as the hands and the moves are simpler, they represent a solid foundation and coordination of the whole body.

"When practicing leg training, the focus is still on the basics. It's best to go straight and straight, not too complicated."

Lu En thought about this and immediately left the training room.

After a while, he returned here with a practice book in his hand.

"Basic Kicks of the Dark Tower Knight".

Fifty points per book, crappy stuff.

Maybe not many people would pick it up even if it was thrown on the street, because the content in it is too simple and easy to understand.

It is the foundation of foundations.

Almost every knight starts from this leg method when performing the "Seven Knights".

Lu En read the thin book on basic kicking techniques with eagerness for knowledge.

For a dabbler like him, these basic knowledge are what he needs most.

A total of five basic kick techniques are taught.

Forward kick, side kick, diagonal kick, swing kick, knee strike.

They are all very simple moves.

In the basic kicking technique, the exertion and application of these four moves are explained in great detail.

In addition, it is how the spirituality operates and which meridians it is attached to are more powerful.

Lu En only watched it two or three times and simulated it once, and he already had a good grasp of it.

And the next thing to do is to practice!

In the training chamber, the spiritual value is extremely rich.

In the alchemy pipeline, the unified supply of spirituality will disperse in the form of mist every once in a while.

It can fully guarantee the use of trainers.

Rune here, affected by the environment, can recover more than 100 spiritual points every minute, without having to worry about the shortage of spiritual points.

At the same time, there are well-equipped wooden stake dummies, weapons and equipment in the training room.

Even if two people share the same training room and want to spar, there is no problem at all.

Lu En looked at the dummy in front of him, slightly bending his legs, trying his best to feel the feeling of "power coming from the earth".

The next second, his center of gravity moved forward slightly, and his left foot moved forward to support his body's center of gravity.

Then bend the right leg at the knee, and the thigh drives the calf to draw and lift it inward.

When your right leg is bent at the knee and raised to the waist, use the action of twisting the waist to the left and turning the hip to the right to extend the thigh.

Push your calves with your thighs, quickly extend your knees toward the dummy and kick out with your feet.

The toes are slightly tucked in, and the soles of the feet are facing the target.

He kicked straight and landed on the dummy, making a dull sound.

At this point, a side kick is completed.

"After mastering the scientific method of exerting force, it is indeed much easier and more powerful than before."

Lu En nodded silently.

In the previous battles, he spent a lot of time relying on the power of fate to support him, deliberately avoiding his weaknesses in physical skills.

But as the strength increases, when facing some enemies that cannot be killed instantly, relying on physical skills to deal with, and then delaying the cooling down of "Poison" and "Void Flame" will be an important skill.

This practice is just basic training, but it is quite rewarding.

Not to mention that with the blessing of the Golden Book of Physical Skills now, it is even harder to say what gains will be made in more than ten days!

For the next time, Lu En was in the training room, repeating the five basic kick moves.

Tall buildings rise from the ground. Only by practicing the basic moves can you advance to powerful kicks.

In just four days, a dummy that could hit Antibody Sequence 7 normally 20,000 times was scrapped.

Then, three days later, the second dummy was scrapped.

Two days later. One day later

Rune's kicks are getting faster and faster, and his training is getting crazier!

His sweat spread all over the training room.

The boring, mechanical training became interesting in Lu En's eyes.

Speaking of which, people like him have an extremely abnormal characteristic.

As long as he can become stronger, even if he repeats a boring task indefinitely, he can do it with gusto.

This is the eleventh day of practicing the basic leg skills of the Black Tower Knight.

Lu En finally stopped. He had already mastered the five basic leg movements.

Long-term experience in high-intensity combat, strong physical fitness, and hard work and perseverance have given him a strong advantage in cultivation.

But he was not complacent.

In terms of talent, hard work, and determination, he believed that none of the knights in the black tower was weaker than him.

The intensity of practice during these eleven days is at most slightly stronger than that of knights of the same sequence and level.

What I can really rely on is the golden book!

There has never been any saying that you can be invincible just by training hard.

If you work hard, others will work hard too.

You have talent, and so do others.

When the two are on par, what they are fighting for is resources!

During the eleven days of crazy practice, the Golden Book gave Lu En a profound understanding.

Every time he moves his legs and uses his spiritual energy channels, the Golden Book can make corrections for Rune.

This is the power derived from "rules".

Let the flow of spirituality be more suitable for Rune's own physical condition.

This slight adjustment is the most difficult part of physical training.

Everyone's body structure is not exactly the same, and it is difficult to find the fighting method that suits you best.

For ordinary people to do this, it would take at least ten to eight years.

Relying on the golden book, Rune only spent eleven days.

At the same time, the effect of the golden book has reached its final stage, and the golden lines on the legs are becoming more active at this time.

As the light flickers, the lines gradually disappear into the legs.

A strange feeling arose in Lu En's heart.

【Ding! 】

[The golden book of special props has been consumed]

[You have obtained the golden skill: instant kick! 】

[Gold Skill (Instant Kick): After using the Golden Book, the knight’s basic kick skills are trained diligently, and are obtained by the blessing of the Golden Book]

[Lv.1 skill effect: Kick the enemy at a speed invisible to the naked eye, causing (body strength * 0.5) + 100 physical damage, and have a chance to stun/repel the enemy, interrupt chanting/continuous casting, cooling time 15s】

Special skills brought by the golden book!

Looking at the wooden stake dummy not far away, Lu En jumped away, and then he moved his mind and landed on the dummy with a quick kick.

His legs turned into an afterimage, and there was a muffled sound from the dummy, which suddenly fell apart and shattered on the ground!

At full state, Rune's physical strength is as high as 1800 points. With this kick, the physical damage is as high as 1000!

It's almost the same as the fate damage in my "Spiritual Bullet" state!

And this is only lv.1 damage. If the skill level is raised, the damage will be unimaginable.

However, improving the gold skill level does not require skill points.

But the soul pearl!

A special item that was exploded when killing Hydra before.

"It seems that the road to spiritual practice is long."

Lu En sighed softly, stayed in the training chamber for a few more days, and then left the chamber.

At this point, the more than twenty days of retreat ended.

Although there is no improvement in level or spiritual value, there is an upgrade of rare items and equipment, the practice of physical skills, and the acquisition of gold skills.

All of these made Rune gain a lot of money, and its effect is no less than upgrading.

And when Rune came out, he realized that something was wrong with the entire black tower.

In the black tower, the number of knights has obviously decreased!

Whether inside or outside the training room.

Occasionally, you can see some knights in a hurry in the black tower, all with sad faces and nervous and serious looks.

The calmness of the past is no longer there.

The entire Black Tower suddenly became a little depressed and lonely.

Rune immediately recalled Armand's strange behavior before he practiced.

It seems like something big must have happened!

Lu En hurried to Armand's mansion. Under the guidance of Gungun, he saw Armand drinking coffee and reading a book in the garden.

"Coming out?" Armand put down the things in his hands and looked at Rune up and down. "It's very good. The legs have been strengthened and the equipment has been upgraded. It can be regarded as a bit of a self-protection ability."

"What happened?" Lu En didn't mince words at all.

"Oh, that's really a big deal." Armand raised his eyebrows and said, "To put it in simpler terms, it means that the evil god has awakened and the world is shattered."

"The evil god has woken up and the world is shattered?" Lu En felt a little confused when he heard this.

"How are you? Are you scared?" Armand smiled.

Lu En took a deep breath and said, "It's true, can you tell me more about it?"

"Of course, even if you don't ask, I will take the initiative to tell you."

Armand pointed to the chair next to him, motioned Lu En to sit down, and then took out an envelope from his arms.

"Actually, before you started practicing, more than half of the seal of the 'loving father' world had been broken. At that time, we knew that the arrival of the loving father would be a matter of time."

"And the result was not what I expected. Within a month, my kind father woke up and took action to unlock the final seal. A large number of believers and monsters poured into the five oceans and seven seas. Now every part of the empire is asking for help, and the war has begun. Can’t stop.”

As he spoke, his tone became a little contemptuous, "But this is strange. Originally, the empire was on the verge of collapse. Each fiefdom established itself as king and fought with each other. However, once this war started, there was unprecedented unity."

After listening to Armand's words, Lu En's face became a little unhappy.

His strength seems to be very good among the "younger generation", and his promotion speed is very fast.

But his own strength is completely inadequate in the evil god war.

After all, the enemy will not let you go just because you are young, but will target you because your potential is strong enough!

"What happened when the world shattered?" Lu En continued to ask.

"The shattering of the world is something we didn't expect before." When mentioning this topic, Armand became more serious. "With the help of those idiot followers of the evil god, my loving father has a deep understanding of our world and has done a good job." Preparation for a protracted war, so the first thing he did at great cost after breaking the seal was to target the Three Towers Society."

"The loving father took action to break the core of the Three Towers Association. Although the Three Towers are still there, the core formation of the Three Towers is in pieces."

"The core of the formation of our Knight Tower is [Between Life and Death]. After the loving father took action, [Between Life and Death] was completely unable to operate. Even the people who were in the Between Life and Death at that time, we spent a lot of effort to rescued."

"Without the time between life and death, we can mass-produce strong men, and the road to training knights is blocked. The loving father controls the plague, and through his blessing of decay, we can quickly produce powerful monsters."

"As long as the war lasts for ten or twenty years, our combat effectiveness will gradually be cut off. This is the plan of the loving father."

Lu En frowned, "It is indeed cruel, but it is useful."

Armand said: "So facing the current situation, the elders and mentors of the Black Tower held a long meeting before formulating the regulations."

"Our method to deal with the hand of the loving father is also very simple. Although the core of [Between Life and Death] is broken, some of its functions are still there. We use the fragments to temporarily restore its abilities, but it is even more fragmented. become more detailed, and at the same time the transmission ability is greatly weakened.”

He paused for a while, "To put it in human terms, we released [Between Life and Death] and placed it in different principalities and different forces."

"You can use [Between Life and Death] in every principality and major force, but the scope is limited to those near principalities and major forces."

"With the help of the Adventurers Association, all points and data will be universal, which will attract more adventurers to participate, not just the adventurers near Black Tower City."

"If this continues, the strong will not decrease but increase. We strive to feed war with war!"

"It's really a big deal." Lu En sighed in his heart after hearing the Black Tower's plan.

"Hahaha!" Armand looked proud and laughed a little wildly. "This is an idea given by this Holy Knight! I have been thinking about it for ten days! But those old guys in the Knight Tower are also quite courageous and actually adopted it. !”

At this time, he handed the envelope in his hand to Rune, "So, you should have seen it when you came out just now. There are not many knights left in the black tower. They are all running to various places. It's almost time for me to leave. As for you, you need to go back Beloberg.”

"Actually, the knights of Belloberg returned three days ago. I was afraid of disturbing your practice, so I suppressed your affairs."

Rune let out a sigh of relief.

After practicing in seclusion for more than half a month, the world has undergone such earth-shaking changes!

It was so fast that it was hard to accept it.

He opened the envelope Armand gave him. Inside was a casually carved wooden plaque, "This is."

"You gave this to Lugard. He asked for it from his mentor. I don't know what he wanted to do." Armand scratched his head and then said, "I've included the matter between you and Lugard in the letter. I also heard what he said.”

Speaking of Lugard, Lu En's eyes turned gloomy.

He was silent for a moment, and then asked: "What do you think?"

Armand raised his hands, "Don't look at me like that! I surrender! To be honest, I don't know what to do. Call it crazy, Luke is indeed crazy, he is the kind of person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. people."

"You were chosen by him to be part of his plan. He did something a little unfair. It was equivalent to putting your life on the line without your consent."

"You and Lugard are both my junior brothers now. I can't say anything. I just think you can change your mind on this matter."

"You now have the curse of Hydra upon you, and your time is almost up."

"According to records, if you do not collect all the gold coins within the time limit, your body will be scattered and your soul will be broken. Then, a wisp of the residual soul will be collected by Hydra and given a new body to become an eternal slave. Even if you collect all the gold coins, you will not be able to survive." You will suffer the revenge of Hydra."

"So fundamentally, this matter is unsolvable. With your strength, if you want to solve this matter, you need help."

"Lugard wants to use you, why can't you use him?"

"In the end, your goals are the same, to deal with Hydra, but he will be more vicious and extreme."

"What you have to do is to save your own life." Armand said, "Lugard gave you a lot of resources and asked you to become a disciple. In addition to fancying your potential, it may also be for this reason. It can also be regarded as his little one." Small things and kindness are also the elements for you to participate in his plan.”

After saying a lot, Armand took a deep breath and said, "No matter what the reason is, you have become my junior brother. I will not ignore you and let that lunatic Lugard do whatever he wants. I will take action when necessary."

As he spoke, he patted Lu En's shoulder, and a rune brand fell on Lu En's shoulder.

"This is a mark invented by my mentor. If you are in danger, I will definitely come, believe me." Armand said, "As for escaping, stay far away from Luke. I suggest you not, because of this mark, he will also be there early." It stays with you, no matter where you are in the world, you can’t escape.”

"I understand your pain of being forced into the plan, but when you are weak, entering the game is a way to get promoted quickly."

Armand had a deeper meaning in his eyes, "Isn't it? Junior brother."

Lu En nodded slightly, "I will consider it. Send me back to Beloberg first."

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