Pirate Sequence: Start with Outlaws

Chapter 67 Sequence 7 Scroll: Power of Holy Light

Chapter 68 Sequence 7 Scroll: Holy Light·Power


The main gun of the Beloberg main battleship burst out from the blazing barrel.

The powerful recoil made the hull of the ship tremble, and the seawater stirred up waves.

Castretto, Liad and others all beamed with joy after hearing the main battleship's cannon fire.

Even a strong person at Sequence 7 would never be able to face the power of the main naval gun!

Only Lu En's face was not so pretty.

The guy in front of me is not as simple as imagined! ——

【Name】: Moses

[Path]: Sequence 7. Snake Controller (lv.4)

[Spiritual Value]: 4000/5200

[Ability]: Unknown

[Special status (symbiosis)]: Connected with snake spirit life and mind

[Fate value]: 200——

【Red Sea Snake】

[Path]: Special Sequence 7. Natural Sea Spirit (Lv.4)

[Spiritual Value]: 4000/5200

[Special status]: ① Strong body (increases body strength by 150 points) ② Extremely poisonous (body strength below 150 causes instant death)

③Gigantization ④Magic armor (immune to 30% of magic damage below sequence 7) ⑤Symbiosis

[Fate value]: 200——

One person and one snake turned out to be a symbiotic relationship.

The existence of two sequence 7s!

Seeing the information in the Peeping Eyes, Lu En couldn't help but feel heavy.

Although two symbiotic Sequence 7s cannot surpass the strength of two serious Sequence 7s, they definitely have 1.5 times the combat capability.

Coupled with their various methods, it will be very difficult to deal with this time!

Especially the red sea snake's special status "Poisonous". Compared with the sequence 8 sea snake, the instant death judgment area is increased by a full 50 points!

After calculation, its skin should also have a body strength of 37.5 and an instant death penalty.

Among the Sequence 8 and Sequence 7 present, there are only a few extraordinary ones from the physical arts system who can achieve this kind of physical strength.

As for the direct injection of venom, except for Rune himself, everyone else will die at the first touch.

The ability of poison itself is the crushing of the life strength of high-sequence people over low-sequence people!

If you fail to meet the corresponding attribute requirements, you are not qualified to fight with the opponent, let alone create any miracle of victory in cross-level battles.

In the air, the shells of Belloberg's main ship's gun were easily deflected by the red sea color and dodged them.

For the existence of Sequence 7, the shells of the main naval gun do pose a great threat, but unless it is a covering attack by multiple main guns, it is extremely difficult to hit them.

The cannonball landed on the sea not far away, splashing the seawater high.

At the same time, the red sea snake raised its head to the sky, and a sheet of venom covered it like a rain curtain.


Everyone saw this and knew how powerful it was, so they set up various shields and defensive barriers.

This was how everyone responded when faced with the venom spray from the Sequence 8 highly venomous sea snake.

But the venom of this red sea snake is much more terrifying than that of ordinary sea snakes!

Once the shields and barriers are contaminated, they will begin to corrode layer by layer under the action of the venom.

Even on the holy light, tiny bubbles began to appear

Even equipment made of ordinary materials were corroded by the venom.

Under the venom that filled the sky, everyone could not escape.

The venom fell on Rune's skin that was not covered by scales, making the skin slightly red and causing a slight stinging sensation.

Facing Moses, who stood high on the snake's head, Lu En narrowed his eyes.

"move back!"

Lu En gave an order, and everyone retreated towards the center of the island according to the prior plan.

The area of ​​Skull Island is not large, only about two kilometers from front to back.

But it is this kind of land that can bring Lu En and others an opportunity to win.

It is obviously not a wise move to fight the red sea snake in the sea area.

They have designed the tactics in advance to introduce the enemy into a predetermined range, and then Liad will use the "scroll" and then launch a counterattack!

Only by leading you into the urn can you have a chance of winning the battle!

And Moses and the red sea snake obviously didn't take their group of people seriously. The huge snake's body twisted quickly behind the people, and smoke and dust rose wherever it passed.

"Captain Luen, there are sea snakes intercepting us ahead!"

After running a certain distance, Castrituo reported towards Luenhui.

Rune looked sideways and saw four more venomous sea snakes attacking from the other two sides of the island, forming an encirclement.

"Don't be afraid, come with me!"

Seeing the sea snake, Lu En was not afraid at all and was the first to rush forward.

A sea snake came to block the road, raising its head and preparing to accumulate strength before the snake attacked.

Rune didn't give the sea snake a chance to move. He jumped up directly and grabbed the sea snake's erect neck with one hand, his fingers digging into the flesh.

Then he used the power of his left hand to turn over in the air and pass over the sea snake's head.

At the same time, Destiny spit out two shots, and under the impact of alchemical gunpowder, the first snake instantly lost all its vitality and fell from the air.

Rune landed and rolled to cushion. At this moment, the second snake seemed to realize Rune's threat.

It opened its mouth and breathed, like an angry threat, and immediately launched a surprise attack as soon as Rune landed!


In the moment of crisis, Lu En was calm.

With a picture on his left hand, the basic alchemy formation at full level that had been practiced countless times in the alchemy workshop was instantly sketched out!

The soil, vegetation, and gravel on the ground were instantly attracted together, forming a basic earth shield.

At the same time, Rune also completed an alchemical enhancement of the shield!

The earth shield with alchemical patterns was placed in front of the second sea snake, successfully resisting this attack.

The second sea snake was obviously not expecting the sudden change. Its fangs had just broken the earth shield, and its head the size of a walnut clearly didn't understand what the human in front of it had just done.

But it didn't have any extra time to think about it. Lu En's shoulder had already hit the side of his snake's head, and it felt dizzy and couldn't tell the difference between north and south.

Immediately afterwards, two bullets with 5 points of extra spiritual damage after quickly drawing the gun penetrated the head!

As far as caring for small animals is concerned, Lu En feels that he has quite a lot of experience.

Before killing the sea snake, it didn't feel any pain.

Hands up and guns down!

But the crisis is far from over.

The remaining third and fourth sea snakes attacked from the left and right sides at the same time.

Lu En briefly observed the people behind him who were more than 20 meters behind him, and he knew what was going on.

First, he raised his destiny and resisted the impact of the sea snake on the right. Then he quickly drew his gun with precise control of the distance and avoided the entanglement of the sea snake on the left.

After cleverly dodging the attack, he turned around and hit the sea snake on the head. The sea snake collapsed on the ground and twitched twice.

Another sea snake was not so lucky and received a positive baptism of fate.

Then Luen slowly loaded two large lead bullets and completed the finishing shot on the sea snake in front.

Everyone who was running behind was stunned by Lu En's smooth fighting skills.

The four poisonous sea snakes did not last for more than half a minute in Lu En's hands.

Including Moses standing on the head of a serpent.

I was also surprised when I saw Lu En's performance.

The last four green gems of the compass in his hand were broken, which indeed meant that the man in front of him killed the poisonous sea snake with just a few moves.

Although it took some effort to cultivate those sea snakes, Moses was not distressed by their deaths.

As long as there are red sea snakes, plus the reward for killing the lion cub this time, not to mention ten venomous sea snakes, even twenty can be quickly cultivated.

The only person who made people slightly fearful was the person who killed the sea snake.

"Judging from the spiritual aura, it is Sequence Eight." Moses moved the compass in his hand, and the speed of the red sea snake under his feet suddenly increased. "To be able to kill the highly poisonous sea snake so easily in the same realm, I have two brushes. Let's kill him first." Get rid of it."

"Hiss!" the red sea serpent spat out the letter, seeming to agree with Moses' words.

"Then let these little guys stop first. They have run far enough. I have no interest in playing chasing games anymore!"

Moses flipped the compass in his hand, and the entire Skull Island changed instantly!

The island gradually becomes distorted as the sight moves, like a poisonous snake twisting its body.

The road beneath Lu En's and the others' feet was shaking constantly, making it impossible for people to stand firmly on the ground.

The red sea snake is not affected by this change because of its unique way of snake movement.

At the same time, the surrounding weeds and trees quickly transformed into giant pythons and venomous snakes. The moss resembled their markings, and the flowing water resembled the viscous body fluids of snakes.

The skin of the dead venomous sea snake showed irregular bulges, as if something was about to burst out of it.

A few seconds later, its internal organs also turned into a sea snake!

Breaking through the restrictions of the mother's body, he hissed and rushed towards Lu En and the others.

The entire island has become a carnival place for the snake tribe!

Lu En also took a breath of cold air at this time.

When Chinedu fought with himself, he also kept his hand in the early stage.

At this moment, facing a Sequence 7 who really wanted to kill me, I realized how terrifying the other party was!


Just when the surrounding snakes were attacking, a Sequence 8 finally successfully condensed his magic circle.

With a pale face, he inserted the staff into the ground, and the ground around ten meters finally returned to stability.

Only then did everyone have the opportunity to free their hands and face the summoned snakes.

Looking at the snakes all over the island, everyone shuddered.

Only in front of Lu En, he felt a little familiar.

I don’t know how long ago, I have had an undying fate with the Snake Clan!

The achievement of "Snake Killer" is shining brightly on the panel at this moment.


In Rune's hand, the electromagnetic grenade spilled out as if it was free of charge. The snakes in front of him died in pieces, and then changed back to their original appearance.

The other Sequence 8s are also very handy at dealing with these groups of monsters.

Most of these Sequence 8 extraordinary beings are extraordinary in the spell system, with varying range damage abilities.

But Lu En knows that the current efficiency is still not enough!


Lu En glanced not far away, and within ten seconds at most, the red sea snake would be in front of everyone.

In other words, everyone at this moment is actually within the opponent's furthest attack range!

Hearing Lu En's voice, everyone knew the current predicament.

Liad took out a scroll from his arms and said, "Give me ten seconds!"

Immediately, he began to recite prayers rapidly.

But in ten seconds, not to mention clearing away the surrounding snakes, the red sea snakes had already arrived in front of everyone.

Its huge tail lifted up the fragmented land and whipped it towards everyone!


The basic forging formation in Rune's hand was running continuously, and on the road to the snake's tail, one after another forging stone pillars were erected.

But the power of the snake's tail is simply not something that these stone pillars can withstand.

Lu En gritted his teeth and a red light flashed across his body.

Overlord body armor!

Colliding with the snake's tail, Lu En felt his internal organs churn and barely held on.

But then, the red sea snake's tail curled up, and Rune was about to be entangled in it!

The huge snake tail gave people no time to react, and Lu En had already fallen into it.

The terrifying feeling of suffocation came from all directions.

Even Rune couldn't break free from it.

At the critical moment when he was about to suffocate, a black light flashed, and the snake's tail opened a large gash in Rune's side.

Lu En knew in his heart that it was Carter, who had been hiding in the dark, who took action!

Looking at the wound on the snake's tail, Lu En was heartbroken and jumped right in!

The red sea snake began to struggle painfully.

Moses' expression changed. He could feel the heart-wrenching pain of the red sea color, as if a parasite had entered the spinal cord.

He never expected that a bunch of Sequence 8s that he had at his fingertips would actually cause him such a big trouble!

"It's really annoying!"

Moses picked up the compass and turned it quickly.

The next second, the tail of the red sea snake was severed from it.

Rune was abandoned in the broken tail.

Moses turned the compass again, and his face became a little paler, but the flesh and blood on the severed tail of the red sea snake was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Emerging from the sea snake's tail, Rune was covered in smelly blood and internal organs.

The next moment, the holy light of the Liad scroll and the attack of the red sea snake arrived at the same time!

A prompt popped up on Luen's panel.

[You receive the blessing of (Sequence 7 Scroll: Holy Light·Power)! 】

[Strength increased by 20%, immune to negative effects of sequence 7 and below, causing an additional 20% damage to (evil) (evil) (dark) and other enemies with attributes that deviate from the holy light]

[Duration: 600 seconds]

Looking at the holy light covering his body, Rune felt that power was constantly being generated in his body!

The Knight Sect is a powerful existence in the Five Oceans and Seven Seas, and [Holy Light] is its core ability. It goes without saying that its strength is strong.

Especially on this kind of battlefield, the Holy Light that can support groups is a bug-level ability!

A scroll can quickly improve everyone's attributes.

Moses was also shocked.

The situation on the battlefield now is different from what he imagined.

The news he received was that in this sea hunting test, there would be no Sequence 7 or above combat prowess.

This also greatly increased his confidence.

Isn’t it easy to kill a group of Sequence 8s?

But the fact is that as soon as he arrived, he hit a main battleship

Then he met a Sequence 8 who could instantly kill enemies of the same level and even actively engage in a few moves with him.

Now someone has taken out the Sequence 7 scroll!

You know, a Sequence 7 scroll can only be made by someone who is at least Sequence 6!

The power contained in the scroll, unless it is made at a high cost, is one level lower than that of the maker.

It can be seen that this scroll is obviously a prop that exceeds the rules!

You are not allowed to carry it, let alone use it!

Faced with these situations, Moses was quite speechless.

He felt that he remembered correctly, the Vasek family was a family of "knights"!

Don’t all knights value justice? !

But these guys are cheating!

The previous knights had never experienced a similar situation.

They all "brainlessly believe in the doctrine of chivalry."

Could it be that times have changed?

Moses' mind hadn't turned around yet, but he saw the guy in front of him who had just taken out a scroll.

He took out another scroll.

It’s still a Sequence 7 scroll!

The surrounding Sequence 8s, with the bonus of group holy light, surrounded them like crazy.

On their bodies, streaks of holy light fell

[Holy Light·Agility]!

[Holy Light·Spiritual Flow]!

[Holy Light · Calm and Concentrate]!

Finally, a circular holy light fell from the sky and enveloped the entire island.

[Holy Light·Conquer Demons and Kill Evils]!

Lu En watched the streaks of holy light falling from his body, and watched the surge in his attributes. He felt a little happy, but also a little frightened.

This kid Leyard

Although it was discussed in advance that he would use the "Scroll", who would have thought that this scroll would be so terrifying!

Fortunately, I brought the main naval gun. Fortunately, this scroll is very precious.

Otherwise, he would have taken out all these things when he started fighting against him. His situation would have been the same as that of the giant red snake!

Rune looked at the red giant snake operator who was as confused as him now and smiled contemptuously.

You seemed to have a great time chasing me just now? !

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