Pirate Sequence: Start with Outlaws

Chapter 48 Pull up our main ship gun!


Hearing this, Casrito's face turned livid and he retched directly.

He picked up his water bottle and started gargling frantically.

After rinsing his mouth, he threw the bottle away in disgust.

His expression seemed a little sulky, but he had to admit that the lesson Lu En taught him was very vivid.

I'm afraid he will never forget the words "pay attention when fighting" and the smell of that shit for the rest of his life.

Seeing Castretto's strange expression, Rune stopped teasing him.

"Casrito, if what you just said was a joke, then I will teach you seriously next, which can be regarded as a bit of experience."

"Say." Castretto was a little scared when he spoke.

Lu En smiled and said: "In one sentence, it can be regarded as your shortcoming in this battle: you must make full use of all the resources around you."

He pointed to the position behind him, "If I were you, I wouldn't just bring these people and this little gun to attack an unknown altar. At least the entire main battleship would have to come and blast it. wheel, and equip the soldiers with the latest Holo flintlock rifles and fragmentation grenades."

"Then drag a few heavy cannons, lay a minefield in front of the altar, and even call in magic-based supernatural beings who can heal to help. It's always a good idea to make more preparations."

"There is an old saying in my hometown, which is 'a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength'!"

These words made Casrito fall into deep thought.

He hesitated and said: "But, I think the most powerful one is like you, one person forming an army!"

"Too stupid!" Lu En said helplessly, "I don't do this because I don't have such resources! If I had, I would have used them long ago! It's useless to form an army alone. It depends on your strength. Until you are strong enough, quantity can solve most problems!”

Castretto rolled his eyes and said, "I understand! Just like you did in Lucerne Village, you first used artillery fire to clear the ground and then clean up the mess! You also used Storm Hammer Type I to kill an enemy priest."

As he spoke, he seemed to understand something and left in a hurry.

Without this guy to disturb Luen, it was finally quieter.

But what he didn't expect was that reinforcements did not arrive twenty minutes later.

But more than an hour later, a Beloberg main battleship, along with five destroyers and fifteen frigates, broke through the white fog and appeared in front of them!

From the ship, more than 500 heavily armored soldiers came down, fully armed and extremely powerful at first sight.

The leader was Major Belloberg.

When Castretto saw the person coming, he jumped up excitedly and waved, then ran to Luen: "Captain, I have done what you said, do you think these people are enough?!"

Lu En was already speechless.

Enough, enough!

I originally thought that it would be enough if some people supported me, but with a message, this guy convinced so many people to come over!

Rune's eyes looked at Castrituo with some changes.

Admiral Niels was known to have been childless.

He's too nice to Castretto, this guy can't be the illegitimate son of the admiral, right?

"Casrito, you are so reckless. How could you sneak people into such a dangerous place without reporting it?!" The major said in a complaining tone before he even walked in front of him.

Castretto looked unconcerned, "You always imprison me in Beloberg. What can I learn? I have to fight, and only in the battle can I learn and progress! Without further ado, today we will conquer the previous one. altar!"

As he spoke, he pointed at Lu En and said, "This is Captain Lu En. He will be in command of this battle."

The expressions of Lu En and Major Abi changed at the same time.

What this guy said was against the rules.

The major follows the captain's orders?

It doesn’t make any sense!

But Major Abi quickly reacted and saluted Luen, "Everything follows the commander's orders!"

Since the major had no objection, Castretto looked at him expectantly, and Rune was no longer humble.

But when he saw the fighting power on his side again, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Does this still require command?"

Such a powerful combat power can be pushed directly!

Just push and that’s it!

Since the advantage was on our side, Lu En did not hesitate at all and immediately issued the order.

End it early, get the dream crystal and go back to do the work.

"Lightly-armed soldiers form the vanguard and are responsible for attracting monsters."

"All frigates and destroyers are ready for artillery fire, and the target covers the entire battlefield!"

"Heavy-armed soldiers are standing ready to clean up the remaining monsters!"

Three simple instructions were quickly conveyed.

Looking at the piles of weapons, ammunition, and artillery, Lu En said that he had never fought such a rich battle in his life!

too easy!

The five-man team of lightly-armed soldiers entered the battlefield at extremely fast speeds and located in the center of the battlefield. They then set up a "Storm Hammer Type I".

Golden lines lit up on the barrel, and the shells shot out quickly, heading straight for the altar!

The monster inside was awakened instantly and poured out like a tide.

The appearance of these monsters is different from the previous ones.

Just from the appearance alone, there is no human appearance at all.

They lie on all fours, like dogs and wolves.

A mouthful of fangs penetrated the mouth, growing out of it like bone spurs.

The skin was ulcerated and red, and it seemed to be itching unbearably. They had been scratching with their sharp claws, scratching the skin and bleeding pus and blood.

When they discovered Lu En and others, they suddenly became irritable and crazy!

The lightly-armed soldiers had already retreated.

The monsters that poured into the battlefield were so dark that when they saw the location of Lu En and the others, they immediately rushed over like wild dogs that had escaped the reins!

Their speed was very fast, and they ran across half of the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

If dealt with in a normal way, such a monster will definitely give the defenders a headache!

Flexible and fast, this kind of enemy will be difficult to deal with whether it is melee or long-range combat.

But only.

Artillery with range damage are not afraid of these!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The ships docked on the coast fired their large-caliber artillery, as if they were playing a triumphant song of victory!

No matter how fast the monster in the center of the battlefield runs or how powerful its evasion skills are, under the indiscriminate and blind-angle coverage of artillery, it can only turn into fragments of limbs.

"Captain! What you said is indeed true!"

Castretto couldn't help but think of the difficult battles and the dead soldiers in his mind.

Looking at the scene of the battlefield in front of me, it is so easy to kill the enemy!

Only then did he realize that there was something wrong with his previous thinking.

If you don’t use resources when you have them, wouldn’t you be a fool?

The so-called power does not necessarily have to burst out from one's own body. It is called power when it kills the enemy.

One's own status, one's own resources, one's own connections are also a kind of power!

As long as you can destroy the enemy!

Although one's own great power is the foundation, the flexible use of all available resources is the way to achieve the highest combat power.

Castretto looked at Rune's expression and became even more admiring.

A few words and one battle made me realize that he was indeed his idol!

He looked up and saw that there seemed to be a big movement at the altar in front of him.

A huge monster is gathering and taking shape inside.

Upon seeing this, Castretto immediately shouted: "Soldier, quickly! Pull up our main ship gun!"

When Lu En heard this, he raised his eyebrows and added: "Fuck me hard!"

"Yes!" Castretto looked extremely excited and echoed loudly, "Fuck me hard!"

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