
Gunfire rang out again.

After clearing the people at the first outpost, Luen put on a guard's clothes and ran towards the next outpost without looking back!

There is an incident at the first outpost now. Although the second outpost is some distance away from here, you will definitely be on guard if you hear the sound of gunfire.

Luen must seize the time and launch a surprise attack before the opponent has fully mobilized its personnel!

"Who is it, stop!"

In front of the second outpost, someone pointed a musket at Rune.

When he saw Lu En's clothes in the light of the fire, he put down the gun again.

"What happened ahead?"

Lu En did not speak, but walked forward quickly.

The other party also noticed something strange and was still hesitating about what was going on.

The gunshot of fate takes the place of the answer!

The second and third outposts were cleared one after another, and the barrel of fate began to feel hot.

The blood and corpses on the ground represent the ruthless rule of extraordinary beings over ordinary people!

If they are not extraordinary, they are just ants.

Of course, this sentence can also be used by extraordinary high-level people for low-level people.

Just like Melis and Rune.

There is a huge gap between each extraordinary sequence, and it takes countless time, energy, resources, and luck to improve.

The suppression of spiritual values ​​is the most ruthless natural chasm!

Therefore, even though Rune had the treasure that Chris had given him before, he never looked down upon Melis as an enemy.

If you are not careful, you will be buried here.

Lu En exhaled a breath, if possible, he would like to have one now.

The depression in his heart after the murder and the pressure of the upcoming battle made his nerves a little tense.

He glanced back and saw little Carter arriving, then waited for a moment and headed towards Melis's laboratory.

As Carter obtained from previous investigations, there were no guards at all near Melis' laboratory.

In other words, for a Sequence 8 transcendent, these ordinary people are not qualified to be her guards.

She herself is currently the strongest fighting force in the stronghold.

While walking, Luen recalled yesterday's detection of Melis with his voyeuristic eyes.


【Name】: Melis

[Path]: Sequence 8. Believer (lv.6)

[Spirituality]: 2200/2400

[Fate value]: 60——

A spiritual value of two thousand four and a destiny value of sixty!

This means that while the opponent is powerful, it is also very difficult to kill!

Luen also knows a little bit about the Believer sequence.

The most intuitive information is that there are similar sequences of worshipers, believers, and priests. Their abilities are causally related to the existence they believe in.

Melis calls Hydra a god, and she doesn't know which quality of Hydra she has acquired.

While thinking, Lu En had arrived not far from the laboratory.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory was locked, and he did not dare to step forward rashly.

If you want to defeat Melis, you must strike first!

Only with the spider web scroll, dragon blood potion, and the cursed nail-headed crossbow can the opponent's combat effectiveness be brought to a level similar to his own!

If Melis were to strike first, Lu En was convinced that the opponent would have 10,000 ways to kill him.

So he lurked behind a tree by the door.

Wait until dawn, which is the time Melis has agreed on for the experiment.

Considering how much Melis values ​​himself, it is very likely that he will not wait for the guards to "send" him to the laboratory, but will take the initiative to "pick up" him.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the other party will come out of the laboratory.

The only thing that made people worried was that the other surviving guards noticed something strange and came to report it in advance.

This is also a gamble.

The tormenting time passed minute by minute, and Lu En forced himself to calm down.

When the first ray of light appeared from the east, there was movement in the laboratory!

The bet is on!

The door to the laboratory opened slowly, and Melis stepped out as expected.

Rune was like an old hunter, quietly waiting for the other party to fall into his trap.

The spider web scroll generates a spider web with a radius of five meters, and the maximum distance is ten meters!

Melis moved forward step by step, but stopped ten meters away.

Her eyes were like snakes, looking at the big tree where Rune was hiding.

Lu En narrowed his eyes and was discovered!

"Do you want to ambush me? Use an intermediate spider web scroll?"

Melis' voice was understated, as if he had everything under control.

"I knew there was something wrong with Chris. It was such a coincidence that your 'perfect experimental body' appeared."

"Combined with the information I have inquired about before, it is not difficult to guess the plan you are about to implement."

She smiled like a ghost, "But it's okay, you can deliver it to your door yourself, and I'll save a little effort!"

After saying that, she waved her palm, and surging spiritual power surged out. The tree broke in half, revealing Rune's figure.

"But don't worry, you are my cherished experimental subject, and I can't bear to get you hurt." Melis licked his lips, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, "Should you catch it yourself, or should I put in some effort?"

Facing Melis head-on, Lu En felt a hundred times more pressure than before!

The spiritual power value of 2,400 compared to his own 420, the difference was nearly six times!

The opponent can crush him to death just by using his spiritual power.

Using props openly in front of Melis is tantamount to fantasy.


Lu En thought one more step!

Melis may find himself, within the scope of his thinking.

Therefore, the spider web scroll and the cursed nail-headed crossbow have long been handed over to the invisible little Carter!

The fact that she was able to follow Melis for so long proved that Melis could not see through her invisibility.

In an instant,

A huge spider web fell from the sky, tightly covering Melis.

Being restrained, unable to use displacement or teleportation.

He can only be a living target on the spot!

Melis was a little panicked for a moment. She looked at Lu En, confused.

Obviously Rune didn't make any move, who released this spider web scroll!

There is obviously no one else around!

But no one answered her.

The next second, a crossbow arrow with a cold light was shot towards her body!

The crossbow arrows were accompanied by darkness from the deep sea, which was silent and terrifying.

Melis himself also knew that if he was hit, the consequences would be disastrous!

But being trapped by the spider web, she had no room to escape and could only watch the arrow sink into her body.

There was a stabbing pain, and then she felt that her body was enveloped in extreme cold, and every inch of her muscles and nerves were frozen.

The curse activates!

Block 60% spiritual value!

And it comes with the [poisoning] effect!

Melis's spiritual value instantly dropped to 960 points.

The gap with Rune has been narrowed by more than half.


On Luen's side, he had already opened the cork of the dragon's blood potion while Melis was restrained.

I swallowed a bottle of medicine, and my fate was determined by my will!

Lu En felt as if there was a fire burning inside his body, as if there was a small beast running along his blood vessels.

[Spiritual Power Value 420] → [Spiritual Power Value 840]!

The spiritual power is doubled!

Although there is still more than a hundred points difference with Melis, the opponent is still in a poisoned state.

Repeatedly, there is almost no difference!

Armor-piercing bullets were already loaded.

Luen quickly drew his gun and stepped forward, aiming at Melis's head!

After one shot, most of Melis's face was blurred.

Another shot, Melis was in pain and roared crazily.

But Lu En discovered something was wrong.

This Melis seems to be from the physical arts department too!

Otherwise, with two shots, the bodies of the sequencers from other factions would have been beaten to pieces!

"Damn! You deserve to die!"

"Despicable guy!"

Melis's voice suddenly became hoarse, and he used all his strength to tear open the cobwebs against Rune's firepower.

Then he took out a tube of yellow reagent and plunged it directly into his neck!

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