Pirate of Darkness

Six hundred and eighty fifth, white beard dies

"The king of the world?" Tiqi thought, feeling a little anxious.

Im was indeed the former king of the world, but very few people knew about him, and he had been secretly controlling the world.

Now, it's his turn.

Back in the Holy Land, the battle is still going on, the most important thing is the battle of several top powerhouses in the world.

Neither Gaia nor Isaac are easy to deal with.

However, both Ares and Drago have the upper hand, and if they continue to fight, they must win.

Huge pit, the battle ended early, even with great strength, but in the case of serious injuries, how could the two five old stars be the opponents of Shiliu and Mobius?

In the end, the bald Wu Laoxing was pierced through the heart by Shiliu, and the supreme big sword "Demon Sword" Guiche became Shiliu's trophy.

Another star mustache also died under the poison of Mobius.

At this time, they were all waiting in place, waiting for Tiqi's return. After all, the movement in the high-altitude battle was really amazing.

Now that the overall situation is settled, their power is not needed at all, except for the battle of the top powerhouses, the Night Pirates have already begun to harvest.

Carrying a large number of Tianlong people's residential areas, the treasures of the holy land, and transporting them back to the island battleship.

"Ticky!" "Boss!"

Seeing Tiki come back, Mobius's face showed joy, and he was even more excited. They all knew what Tiki's return represented.

"Let's go, take a look at the scenery on the throne with me, although it may not be very good-looking." Tiqi smiled and walked towards the still standing Pangu City not far away, among the wreckage, the Void Throne on the high platform.

The Void Throne, which represents the equality among kings of all countries, and the vow never to desire dictatorship.

The Void Throne is the center of the world, a symbol of peace that no one can defile, and a hope for peace and non-dictatorship of the world.

There is only one Void Throne, which means that there is no unique king in the world. Therefore, the highest power of the world government has always been divided into five parts, controlled by the five old stars.

That's right, the Void Throne is the symbol of the king of the world, symbolizing the supreme power and status,

Sitting on it means that he is the king of the world.

As for the rule that no one can sit on it, Tiqi doesn't take him seriously, besides, hasn't Im already done it?

The empty throne has always been a joke.

The tall throne is not very gorgeous, it looks solemn.

It looks like a sword from a distance, and it also has the symbol of the world government on it.

The logo of the world government is in the shape of a cross with circles at the four vertices and the midpoint. The four circles at the vertices of the cross represent the four seas, and the circle in the middle represents the alliance of countries all over the world.

But at the same time, this sign is a bit like the coordinates revealed after the four islands are connected, that is, the final island.

On the whole, it seems that there is a sword pointing at Ralph Drew.

The pedestal under the throne is divided into two layers. The throne is on the second layer, and it is guarded by twenty various weapons. These are the weapons of the twenty "kings" who established the world government eight hundred years ago. The guardians of the Void Throne .

The first floor is filled with all kinds of weapons, mainly swords. These are the weapons of the kings of the countries who have joined the world government for 800 years.

Each new king also comes here to take his oath at the World Government Conference.

There were no steps on the second floor, so Tiqi jumped up directly and stepped over the rusty weapons, some of which even exuded sword intent, not ordinary swords.

Walking to the throne, without the slightest hesitation, he just sat on it.

Just as he thought, there was no special scenery, the surroundings were deserted, and only wreckage remained.

And in his heart, there was no special feeling that this was not his throne, he had his own.

"It's really boring." Tiqi stood up, "The Void Throne is nothing special."

"Let's just destroy it."

The meaning of its existence is very good, but it also represents the world government, the world government, it is better to completely destroy it.

Even if he doesn't eliminate it, the revolutionary army won't keep this thing with a strong imprint of the world government.

A gravitational ball fell from his hand, and the moment it landed on the high platform, it instantly expanded into a gravitational field with a diameter of 100 meters, engulfing the entire Void Throne, a handful of weapons, and the entire high platform.

When it was all over, only a deep hole was left in the ground.

The Void Throne, like the World Government, was destroyed and buried by history.

And the previous scene happened to be photographed by someone, and was seen by the world through the live broadcast.

The Dark Emperor sat on the Throne of the Void, and then disdainfully destroyed it with his own hands.

What does this mean? The Dark Emperor won, truly destroyed the world government, and defeated or repelled the unknown and terrifying powerhouse hidden by the world government.

This is a historic moment. The destruction of the world government will open a new chapter.

Everyone knows that the Dark Emperor is already invincible, beyond the Pirate King Roger.


The whole world is cheering, and there is nothing that makes people happier than the destruction of the world government, especially the four seas.

As for the panic-stricken members of the great route, those who realize the significance of the dark emperor's actions are not to be feared at all, nor are they important.

Even the World Government is destroyed, and no one can stop the Night Pirates anymore.

This thing is just getting started.

What the dark emperor's actions contain, we need to wait for the analysis in newspapers and forums to know.

"It's almost done now, help Ares get rid of that guy, and then leave."

"I'm going to the Navy Headquarters now."

Tiki is still somewhat interested in the battlefield on Marin Fandor's side.

More than half a day has passed now, and the war over there will not end in the future.

It was almost dusk.

At this time, Marin Fando has raised the surrounding wall, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates cannot leave.

The time has moved forward a few years, and White Beard has not been sworded by the filial son, so his condition is much better.

The battle with Sakalski was very fierce, and the hole in the chest was clearly visible.

Under Polusalino's attack, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates died.

His sacrifice allowed Whitebeard to be seized by Sakasky and deal him a serious blow.

The other members of the Whitebeard Pirates are also not feeling well, and other team captains have already sacrificed.

The advantage of the navy is gradually expanding, especially after the appearance of the pacifists, it has dealt a fatal blow to the Whitebeard Pirates and suffered heavy losses.

After half a day of fighting, they still couldn't get close to the execution platform, and the loss was already more than half.

The execution was supposed to be executed three hours later. Seeing that the situation was stable, Sengoku postponed the execution time, just to give hope to the Whitebeard Pirates.

The battle on the edge is over, the two cp0s were all killed under Redyard's siege, and now they are secretly observing the war.

"Ticky should be here."

Based on Redyard's understanding of Tiki, it is easy to see from the vision of the end of the battle that the Night Pirates have sent him a message.

"Baboons, Baboons! Is the world government really dead?" It was so fast, within half a day, that Doflamingo felt a little unreal.

"The king of the sky lost more than half of it in one shot. Most of the strength of the Night Pirates, plus the revolutionary army, this speed is normal." Redyard explained slightly.

"But Tiqi's battle is a bit fast."

Such an astonishing vision, Tiqi's opponent must be very strong, after all, he has already prepared for defeat in advance.

It now appears that something should have happened, there may not have been a fight to the death.

"Let's wait and see."

Warring States on the execution platform noticed the change in the sky and felt a little uneasy. He also realized that Tiqi's war was over, but he didn't know how.

This is a bad signal, which means that variables may appear again.

On one side, the red-haired pirates were hiding and were discovered by Sengoku, but the red-haired pirates did not intervene in the battle, as if they were waiting for something.

Should be waiting for Whitebeard's death, so that the Red Hair Pirates can have a reason to intervene in this war.

Now that the outcome is still undecided, we must wait for Whitebeard to die in battle to truly determine the outcome.

Whitebeard is really too strong. This is still an old Whitebeard, and Sakasky, who played against him, can clearly feel it.

Still has such terrifying power, strong vitality, and can still fight when the body is pierced.

Surrounded by their own children who were constantly sacrificed, the anger of the Whitebeard Pirates was uncontrollable, and they all vented on Sakaski.

Whitebeard punched Sakalski's head with a terrifying punch, and punched Sakaski's abdomen with a powerful punch.

The terrifying shock force erupted in Sakalski's body, and how many bones of Sakalski were shattered, making Sakalski helpless for a while.

In this way, Sakaski's situation is not very good, which makes people feel a little worried.

This caused the general Huang Yuan who was dealing with the phoenix to rush over in time, and a laser pierced Whitebeard's chest.

Bearing Whitebeard's pressure while inflicting trauma on Whitebeard gave Sakaski time to adjust his state and recover.

The advantage will only slowly expand, especially in this case.

Saqi's tears were almost dry, and he felt endless remorse in his heart, and at the same time asked why Zhan Guo didn't execute him quickly.

This is useless, for the Warring States period, Saqi is always just a tool man.

Whitebeard can't hold on for long, the injury is unavoidable, and when he uses his ability, the injury will be added, and it is difficult to heal.

The attention of Kaido and Barrett, who are fighting, is also faintly on Whitebeard, and it seems that Whitebeard is also coming to an end.

"Air shock!" Whitebeard punched the air with a powerful punch, and the terrifying force generated by the air shock attacked many navies and the Naval Headquarters.

The vast majority of navies are within the range of this move, and many navies have to retreat or protect other navies.

A trace of sadness flashed in Whitebeard's eyes, and he could see clearly that the navy was determined to win his head.

I'm sorry, children, Dad will not be with you in the future, you must live a good life.

I'm sorry, Thatch, but I'm useless if it's Dad.

With big strides, Whitebeard walked in front of all the members, facing the numerous navies.

"Listen, members of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"What I am issuing now is the final captain's order!"

"Dad!" Many members couldn't believe why Dad would say such a thing, and there was an ominous premonition in their hearts.

"You and I will be separated for the first time."

"Everyone must live!"

"Back to the New World safely!"

As soon as the words fell, White Beard gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly to gather strength, and a tear fell in his eyes.

"I am a remnant of the old era, and there is no boat for me in the new era!"

A terrifying punch in the air.

The ground under his feet split in an instant, forming a ravine behind him, directly dividing the entire battlefield into two.

Most of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are on one side, and most of the navy is on the other.

This gully blocks the path of more navies.

"No one can leave!" Sakaski's body was flowing with lava, and there was blood on his forehead.

"Hey! Sakaski, don't be impulsive. The Whitebeard Pirates will let them go, and they will naturally be destroyed in the new world. We only need to deal with one Whitebeard."

Seeing that Sakaski wanted to chase down the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, Polusalino appeared to stop this somewhat superior colleague.

"Reserve more power to deal with the next situation in the sea, you should know."

Polusalino's words made Sakaski sober, and his eyes turned to Whitebeard again.

The faint pain in his body made him want to kill Whitebeard himself.

At the same time, Kaido broke away from the battle with Garp and came to watch the battle.

Barrett was also disgusted, one was poisoned and the other was controlled, so he couldn't enjoy the passionate confrontation at all, and at the same time came to the side.

The navy tacitly gave up the pursuit of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the top fighters stared at Whitebeard and surrounded him.

This is the best situation, whether it is for the Whitebeard Pirates or the Navy.

Whitebeard can't go.

Under Sage's shocked gaze, Sengoku undid Sage's shackles.

"Our goal has been achieved, and whether you are executed or not is no longer important."

Warring States said calmly, all this is unfair to the Whitebeard Pirates, now that the overall situation is settled, the Navy no longer cares about Saatchi's life.

From beginning to end, the Navy's goal was Whitebeard.

Besides, he has known Whitebeard for so many years, and he also hopes that Whitebeard can leave safely and not cause trouble for the Navy before he dies.

Many people know that the cause of the whole incident is the Navy's targeting of Whitebeard, and Saatchi is just a bait to attract Whitebeard.

Sach stood there blankly, not knowing what to do? go? Back to the Whitebeard Pirates?

How could I have the face to live after sacrificing so many family members because of myself?

"Sage, it's not your fault! Go back to your family." White Beard felt grateful for Sengoku's behavior, and shouted at Sage.

"You wish our sacrifices to be in vain, Thatch!"

Amidst the cheers of his companions, Sage returned to the camp of the Whitebeard Pirates, no one blamed him, he was innocent, it was just bad luck, even if it wasn't him, he would be another companion.

This was doomed when the Navy focused on the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Gu la la la! Let's have a big fight at last." White Beard laughed loudly, and he had nothing to worry about.

It's useless, the moves with large-scale destructive power are purely fighting.

Such a situation made many admirals lament the depth of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, his grasp of people's hearts, and his grasp of White Beard's psychology.

Whitebeard's death did not surprise others.

At this time, the navy really felt the victory and began to cheer.

"Let's go." Tiki didn't appear in the dark, but was with Redyard and Doflamingo.

"Won't that devil fruit be recovered?" Redyard was a little surprised. Except for Doflamingo, everyone else was shocked that the Dark Emperor actually had the ability to recover devil fruits!

The reason why he didn't hide it was because it was unnecessary. One of them was his own people, and Doflamingo had already guessed about it.

"Hehe! I've got it." Tiqi chuckled, and in the palm of his hand, darkness surged, and a blue, pear-shaped devil fruit with strange patterns appeared.

"Shocking fruit!"

This ability, which is recognized as the strongest attack power in the world, has fallen into the hands of An Di.

Tiqi can capture ability users in the air, and naturally can also capture the ability of devil fruits in the air, but it needs to be closer to be able to capture clearly, otherwise the ability is likely to escape.

But after eating the Ghidorah fruit, the power to manipulate gravity has greatly increased, and this distance has also increased many times.

"The sea will change next, and there are still many things to do."

The plan can never keep up with the changes. Who knew that the world government would be weakened and destroyed so quickly?

Many of the previous layouts of the Night Pirates are now useless, such as the spies hidden in the world government, the erosion of the world government's spy agencies, and various important training islands.

This shocked even the two sisters Stephanie and Stucey who had taken refuge in Tiqi.

I didn't expect it to come true so soon.

These people are very precious, and those with the shadow of the world government need to evacuate as soon as possible.

After that, the revolutionary army will definitely completely cut off some tentacles of the world government and clean them up, although it may not be able to destroy many.

After all, there is no important information from the spy agency. All these things were destroyed under the bombardment of the king of heaven.

Most of them have to evacuate to the West Sea, and then return to the New World.

A small number of very safe ones can be left behind and turned into strongholds of intelligence agencies.

This is a very normal thing, and it is not the first time. With the weakening of the world government, many love networks of the world government have lost contact and suffered heavy losses.

A large number of intelligence personnel "jobless".

At this time, with Stephanie's intelligence, a large part of it was absorbed by the intelligence agency controlled by the Night Pirates.

This is also the reason why the intelligence agency of the Night Pirates has developed so fast, lying on the world government to suck blood.

The next great route will not be peaceful. The Kingdom, the Navy, and the Revolutionary Army need to coordinate. How can it be so easy?

At this time, various forces have a great opportunity to embed secrets in it and develop their forces.

The strength of the navy has also been greatly weakened, and only a little over 40,000 of the 60,000 elite are left.

Of course, it's much better than the Whitebeard Pirates, which don't even have 10,000 people.

After all, the war was too fierce and lasted a little long, and the pirates in the new world were much more vicious than the great sea pirates.

This is definitely a very huge loss for the Navy.

Next, it depends on the operations of the various forces. The navy has the idea of ​​​​the navy, the revolutionary army also has the idea of ​​​​the revolutionary army, and the franchise countries also have the ideas of the franchise countries.

Among them, the revolutionary army is the weak side.

Because the joining countries need the navy, and the navy also needs the support of the joining countries, it is easy to achieve unification.

The revolutionary army is also one of the culprits in destroying the world government, and the franchise countries will not give them a good face. The only bargaining chip may be the ancient weapon "Pluto".

But "Pluto" can be used as a deterrent weapon, and it is too naive to threaten the navy.

It's just a battleship, and it's easy to handle. Although the destructive power is great, it has no effect on the top powerhouse.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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