Pirate of Darkness

Six hundred and seventieth public execution

The news of the disappearance of Sage, including the fourth team he led, quickly attracted the attention of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because the phone bug couldn't make calls at all, and it seemed that there was no signal. There was only one result. If something happened to the phone bug, it meant that something happened to Sa Qi.

The Whitebeard Pirates have their own intelligence network. Although it is not particularly large, it is sufficient to cover the entire Whitebeard sea area.

Sach and the others were therefore able to catch up with the Haig Pirates so quickly.

Similarly, the Haig Pirates also disappeared, and it is not known whether they are still alive.

This cast a haze over the hearts of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, and they were relieved that Saki's life card was still there.

However, one-third of Sage's life card has been burned, which shows that Sage's condition is not very good.

"Find it for me, you must get Sage back."

Whitebeard pulled out the salt water hanging from his body with one hand, and slammed the knife in his hand on the deck. The whole ship was shaken, and a terrible breath spread from his body to the surroundings.

"Anyone who hurts this old man's son is my enemy!"

Anyone who knew Papa knew that Papa was angry now.

At the same time, Marco and the others were also very angry that someone dared to attack their family.

No matter who they are, they are the enemies of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard is angry. I don't know who angered the Whitebeard Pirates. Now they are crazy in the New World, looking for something wantonly.

After careful investigation, I didn't expect that someone would attack the Whitebeard Pirates. The Fourth Division mysteriously disappeared while chasing and killing the Haig Pirates.

Now the Whitebeard Pirates are mainly looking for the traces of the Haig Pirates. The disappearance of Sach and the others must have an inseparable dry cleaning with the Haig Pirates.

Not only the Whitebeard Pirates, but other forces in the New World are also looking for the Haig Pirates.

However, the Haig Pirates also mysteriously disappeared in the sea.

Something happened to the Whitebeard Pirates, and now the navy is about to send troops to the new world at a critical juncture.

It feels a little out of the ordinary.

Soon, some people speculated whether it had nothing to do with the Haig Pirates. Some people who knew the Haig Pirates knew that the Haig Pirates did not have such strength.

Even if he concealed his strength, he couldn't defeat Sage silently, and took Sage away.

There must be a third party to take action, and it is still a very powerful existence. After all, Saatchi has a good reputation in the New World. As a great swordsman and the captain of the Whitebeard 4th Division, it is not so easy to deal with.

This kind of remarks was quickly recognized by others, and all kinds of information about the Haig Pirates were quickly turned over to the point where there was no underwear left.

There is no ability to avoid the detection of each force. After all, the uninhabited islands around the sea area where the war may have occurred have been investigated, and no traces have been found.

Who is it? Which side is it?

Many things cannot be hidden, even if it is looking for a needle in a haystack, it is about the lives of the family members. The Whitebeard Pirates went directly to the sea to search.

After two days of searching, the wreckage of the ships of the Haig Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates was finally found in the sea.

Both ships were badly damaged, vandalized into countless pieces.

Even so, the Whitebeard Pirates recognized it.

In the deep sea, there are still corpses, most of which have been turned into bones and have been ravaged by sea beasts and sea kings. It is difficult to see how these pirates died.

This also reveals the fact that the Haig Pirates have been destroyed by a third party, and the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirates has also been destroyed. It is very likely that only Sage is still alive and captured.

In such a situation, on that day, the residents of the islands in the large sea area felt the ground tremble.

According to legend, Whitebeard got angry on that day, and the powerful force tore apart the sky and disturbed the entire sea area.

After many years, it once again showed the terrifying power to destroy the world.

"Is everything ready?"

Naval Headquarters,

Warring States looked at the many high-level officials and said solemnly.

"Yes." Many senior executives stood upright.

But many of them still have doubts in their hearts, isn't it a war against the new world? Why should the elites of the school level and above from each branch be brought to the headquarters?

It also includes their high-level people.

This kind of power, which is equivalent to 90% of the entire navy's combat power, has to be transferred to the navy headquarters, so the other branches don't care? What the hell is this going to do? Who is their enemy?

Warring States looked around, and he could see their doubts, because only a small number of people knew the real purpose from the beginning to the end.

And now, it's time to reveal the answer.

"Our target is the Whitebeard Pirates!"

As soon as these words came out, most of the people present were taken aback, including the high-level navy who participated in the meeting through video.

"Now the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Sachi, has been captured by us and locked in the city of advancement." Sengoku continued.


None of them could have imagined that the disappearance of the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates was actually done by themselves. This so-called third party was the navy.

"In two days' time, Sage, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' 4th Division, will be escorted to the Navy Headquarters for a public execution a week later. You will arrive at the Headquarters within five days."

"Next, we will issue a mandatory call-up order for Qiwuhai to participate in this war."

"With Whitebeard's character, he will never let it go. The war between the Navy and Whitebeard is doomed. You must be prepared."

"In this battle, take the headquarters of Marin Fando as the battlefield, and cut off Whitebeard's head!"

The last sentence made everyone excited, and the ultimate goal was to kill Whitebeard.

Taking the headquarters as the battlefield is enough to illustrate the determination of the Warring States Period, and it can also maximize the advantages of the navy.


A piece of news spread throughout the world in a short period of time, and the front page of the screen was a photo of Saatchi who had become a prisoner.

The Navy Headquarters publicly announced that it will publicly execute Sage, the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, in the headquarters of Marin Fandor in a week.

This news directly shocked the whole world.

It was solved. I didn't expect that it was the navy that did all of this. Some people had guessed it, but very few, most of them were guessed by the forces of the new world.

Originally, even the Whitebeard Pirates thought it was done by the Night Pirates. After all, the Night Pirates have this ability. Now the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates maintain a good relationship with the Night Pirates. relation.

As an existence that breaks the pattern of peace in the sea, the Night Pirates are the target of most people's doubts.

Now the navy has revealed itself, and it has completely linked the actions of the navy during this period of time with the Whitebeard Pirates.

There is nothing wrong with the navy planning to go to war with the New World, but the target is not the Beast Pirates or the Night Pirates, which the public suspects, but the Whitebeard Pirates.

This is also reasonable, after all, the Dark Night Pirates, the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates are all complicated.

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, the captains of the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, were once on the same boat and were relatively close.

Whichever side is attacked, it is likely to involve a huge amount of combat power, which the Navy Headquarters cannot afford.

The Whitebeard Pirates are much easier to deal with. The aging Whitebeard and the Whitebeard Pirates, which have been stagnant for many years, have been beaten to a half by the Night Pirates, and their combat power has suffered serious losses.

The number of affiliated pirate groups is only more than 30.

Although the power is still huge, it no longer feels as oppressive as it used to be.

This makes people feel a little bit emotional. Has the Whitebeard Pirates, once powerful in the sea, fallen into such a situation?

It's really interesting. The Beast Pirates, which caused huge losses to the navy, have nothing to do with the Night Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates fell into a disaster without any reason, and became the main target of the navy to vent their anger and break the new world pattern.

This is how bullying the Whitebeard Pirates are.

But such an approach is indeed a bit despicable.

Instead, it shows the strength of the Night Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, which is a manifestation of the Navy's initiative to show weakness.

But thinking about it, the Navy's decision is not wrong, it is the most beneficial to the Navy, first of all, the Whitebeard Pirates have no allies.

Among the big pirates, alliances are not uncommon, on the contrary there are quite a few, but they will not last long.

Those like the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates are very rare.

Everyone has their own ideas, but the only constant fact is the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.

It is impossible for Whitebeard to give up on Saatchi. Once he gives up, it means that the Whitebeard Pirates will go downhill, become a sick tiger in the eyes of wolves, and even have a reputation crisis internally.

Besides, Whitebeard's taboo is his own family.

Some people began to wonder whether the joint strike between the Beast Pirates and the Night Pirates was to force the Navy to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates? After all, the Whitebeard Pirates are the easiest for the navy to deal with.

In this way, from the perspective of God, the Night Pirates were a little far-sighted, and finally sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The Whitebeard Pirates in this matter will not care about these remarks, because this is also something after their war with the navy.

After the news spread, the sea began to calm down, waiting for the storm to come.

The Whitebeard Pirates convened many members of the affiliated pirates, clarified their interests, and let them decide whether to follow them.

At this time, Whitebeard has decided to break into the Navy headquarters and save his family.

None of the members of the pirate group refused or retreated, even if the enemy was the navy.

In this way, including the Whitebeard Pirates, a pirate coalition consisting of 38,000 pirates from 34 subordinate pirates was formally established.

There are other members of the Whitebeard Pirates, who are of ordinary strength, and most of the women, Whitebeard did not let them participate in the battle.

After all, the past was nothing more than cannon fodder, and it was just death in vain, and it was high-end combat power that determined the final outcome.

Regarding the intelligence of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy did not know about it, and several surveillance warships were easily sunk. Even the spies placed by the Navy in the Whitebeard Pirates or its own pirates were unable to pass on the news.

Because their phone bugs are all confiscated to avoid information leakage, only key members can keep the phone bugs.

Morgans is still very professional. At this time, he did not disclose the main information of both parties, nor did he conduct live reports.

At most, it is some innocuous, sideline news related to the war, which arouses the curiosity of others.

The Red Hair Pirates, looking at the news about the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, everything has become unstoppable.

"What should we do next? Even if Whitebeard dies, the balance of the new world will not be broken. To be honest, the pattern of the new world ruled by the Dark Emperor has long been formed, and it is meaningless for us to save the Whitebeard Pirates."

Beckman knows a little about Shanks' thoughts, but the current situation in the world cannot be interfered by the red-haired pirates, and the influence of the red-haired pirates is not strong.

If the emperors at sea were separated, it would be fine if they would not interfere with each other, and there would be a lot of room for maneuver.

But the ruler of the new world is the Dark Emperor, the Dark Night Empire.

The ruler of the underground world has influence throughout the new world and even more distant seas.

Power and power beyond limits.

Such a super-multi-power structure could have checked and balanced each other, but it is a pity that the Big Mom Pirates appear to be allied with the Dark Night Empire, but in fact they are already attached.

The Beast Pirates and the Night Pirates are not hostile, on the contrary, they have a lot of cooperation.

The man-made devil fruit is the head product of the Beasts Pirates. With the addition of animal medicine, the strength of the Beasts Pirates has been increasing over the years.

Such a dark night empire is already invincible in the new world.

"Try to save the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates. I have some friendship with them. Whitebeard's death is not something I can decide on my own, and I can't do it."

"There are too many people who want Whitebeard dead."

Shanks was a little helpless. They all knew that it would be difficult to compete with the Navy relying on the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates alone.

"I have a hunch that the Night Pirates will not be calm, and it is likely that there will be actions in the dark."

This is also a common practice. This incident is inextricably linked with the Dark Night Pirates.

Saying that the Night Pirates are going to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates and kill people with a knife, Shanks and the others don't believe it. The Whitebeard Pirates are no threat to the Night Pirates.

It can only show that the Night Pirates may have other purposes at that time.

What exactly they can't guess, Navy? World government? It's all possible.

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