Pirate of Darkness

Sixty-six: The Assassination of Kanjiro

Kanjuro handles this matter in the Daming Mansion. During Mitian's absence, he manages Kuri's finances and has great power.

Recently Orochi borrowed money from Jiuli again. The excuse is the same as before. He has just become a general and has no way to manage it effectively. The financial revenue is not good, so he needs to borrow money.

Although I really don't want to borrow it, Orochi is now a general after all. Although he is only a acting general, he has the same rights. Now it is Orochi who manages the country of Wano.

As a vassal of Oden, he should lead by example. He cannot refuse Orochi's request, which will also have a great impact on Oden's reputation.

Once they don't lend money to Orochi, there might be rumors about it.

The borrowed money is within a reasonable range, but every time Kanjuro will double the amount to Orochi, making Kuri's money less and less.

Now in Jiulizhong, Yu Tian is not around, those retainers have the most power, and the other retainers don't know much about money.

Kanjuro needs to play tricks in daily consumption and finances to cover up the extra money given to Orochi.

"Crack!" The window opened suddenly, and a gust of wind blew past, blowing the paper on the table.

Seeing this, Kanjuro stood up and came to the window to close it. Suddenly, his outstretched hand froze, stopped in the air, and his pupils shrank. His eyes noticed that in the crack under the window, I don't know when, there was a letter between them, with the five characters "Heitan Kanjuro" written on it.

This is his surname, and no one in the whole Jiuli knows, how could someone expose it, he is very vigilant, at this moment, he has a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Could it be a big snake? I usually have a secret way of communicating with Orochi, and I won't use this way to pass messages.

Could it be Kin'emon and the others? It's impossible, they haven't had any abnormalities recently, and only a few people know their true identities except for the big snake.

Quickly pulled out the letter, he didn't read it immediately, he put it in his arms and hid it, quietly closed the window, and looked around outside carefully before closing it.

The door was closed, Kanjuro returned to his place, took out the letter from his pocket, opened it, and began to read. But he didn't know that in the dark, there was a gaze watching him, very vaguely, that was Ashura boy. After hearing Tiki's words, he understood that Kanjuro was the ghost sent by Orochi. Under the evidence, he stared at Kanjuro.

Kanjuro's actions are very weird, very careful, hiding some little secrets, seeing Kanjuro's actions, Ashura Doji already knows, and after getting along for so long, he thinks he still knows Kanjuro very well, and his strength is not enough. Strong, but very reliable.

But now that I think about it carefully, I never knew Kanjuro well, and now I can't see through him.

As for Kanjuro, he frowned and read the whole letter, which said to let him go to the forest on the east side of Kuri, and Orochi had something to give him.

And the note under the new one is Orochi, and the person who gave him something is the Orochi Goiban. The Goitan is an armed force that guards the general's mansion. It is composed of samurai and ninjas and belongs directly to the general. Before Kozuki Sukiyaki was still At the time of the general, the name of the imperial court was Kozuki imperial court. Now Orochi has become the acting general.

Kanjuro was dubious in his heart, and quietly walked out of his room, "Yo! Kanjuro, do you want to go out for a stroll?" Kinjumon and Ashura Doji who were guarding the gate saw it, and Kinjuro asked with a smile , say hello.

Kanjuro is a tall and ugly man, with fluffy long hair that ends in the shape of a writing brush, bangs, half-moon eyes, high nose bridge, thick lips, blush on both cheeks, and clear facial lines. He wears a traditional waistcoat and robe, similar to Japanese Kabuki clothes,

Walk barefoot in herringbone sandals. A head of red hair looks like a monster, and in the past, he also had the name of Nozomi's monster. Although his appearance was not so acceptable, he did not dislike him for a day and successfully accepted him.

"Well, it's been a long time since I went out, to see how Oda-sama builds the beautiful Kuri," Kanjuro said with a smile, looking like a harmless animal.

"Haha, that's right, I haven't looked at it for a long time, and I'll go down there for a stroll in the evening." Kinemon laughed, he hadn't gone down for a long time, and he was still looking forward to the streets at night in Jiuli.

Talking and laughing, Kanjuro left and walked down the hill. After a long time, Asura boy looked at Kin'emon, "Kin'emon, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I need to fix it. You can watch it for me first. "

"Okay, go and come back!" Kanjuro nodded, and Asura Boy entered the mansion, but his mind was already on Kanjuro who left, and he jumped over the wall secretly, from the other side of the hill where the Daming Mansion is located. Go down, and then run towards the place agreed with Tiqi.

In the forest to the east of Kuri, Kanjuro holds his own weapon in his hand, a big sword shaped like a writing brush, made of special material, very hard, and also has the property of fire prevention, which can be well matched with his ability.

Kanjuro looked around vigilantly. He came from a theater troupe. He has very good acting skills and is good at playing other people. He has never been found suspicious because he showed a very calm side in the process of undercover Kozuki. That's why he was arranged to be in charge of Jiuli's finances.

At this time, he was still acting, a ninja in black suddenly appeared on a tree, so fast that even he didn't notice it, carefully looked at the ninja in front of him, wearing a special Ninja clothes, with a "snake" character on the obvious shoulders, this is the standard clothing for ninjas in Orochi Yuiban built by Orochi.

"Master Kanjuro, this is what Orochi-sama asked me to hand over to you, and I want to hand it over to you." The ninja in front of him said to him, took out a wooden box from behind, opened it slightly, and inside was a A devil fruit.

As soon as Kanjuro's eyes lit up, the suspicion in his heart suddenly decreased a lot. This is a devil fruit. His ability is obtained by eating such a devil fruit. But he is already a capable person, so what's the point of giving him one? use.

"What are you doing for me?" Kanjuro asked, looking at the ninja in front of him.

"Master Orochi wants you to cultivate another confidant, which is another nail in the Guangyue clan, so it will have a strong effect for the great cause." The ninja in front of him said indifferently, holding the wooden box in his hand, as if he didn't know The preciousness of devil fruit.

"Okay, I understand." Kanjuro nodded and stepped off the ninja, who also jumped from the tree, and the two slowly approached.

In the dark, one hand of Kanjuro involuntarily reached behind his back, holding the hilt of the writing brush sword.

Two meters away, suddenly, the ninja in front of him made a move. Kanjuro also wanted to make a move, but was preempted. The ninja grabbed Kanjuro with a strong claw, and the wooden box in the other hand It was already put away.

Kanjuro was prepared and avoided the claw, but the clothes in front of him were still torn apart. There were several tear marks, very dangerous.

Kanjuro breathed a sigh of relief, the blow just now was really dangerous, and the lethality made him feel a little scary. Once he was hit, he would at least be seriously injured.

Kanjuro took out his weapon, stared closely at the ninja in front of him, ready to fight, and said coldly, "Who are you? How do you know my identity?" If he shoots, he can be sure that the one in front of him is an enemy, otherwise he won't kill him.

The person in front of him is of course Tiki, dressed as a ninja. Facing Kanjuro's question, he didn't answer, but smiled, and asked, "How do you know I'm fake?"

"Your breath doesn't look like a ninja at all." Now that you know your identity, you still dare to attack yourself, even though you don't know who the person in front of you is? However, in the eyes of Kanjuro, Tiki is already dead, and he will not let this enemy who knows his identity live, and maybe he can learn from Tiki who else knows his true identity.

In the face of the dead, Kanjuro was also willing to give Tiki an answer, "Besides, I am enough for Kozuki's undercover agent. The more people there are, the greater the exposure risk will be."

As soon as the words were finished, Kanjuro started, holding a big sword, and slashed at Tiki. Although there was no blade, it was very hard and covered with arrogance.

This knife was easily dodged by Tiqi, and with a backhand claw, he directly grabbed Kanjuro's brush sword, and the other claw directly grabbed Kanjuro.

I didn't expect Tiqi's strength to be so powerful. Such strength is not something he can deal with with the strength he has shown now.

Facing this claw, he felt a huge crisis, but his heart was very calm, and he already had a way to deal with it. With one hand forming a pen, "Black Snake!"

Although his painting skills are very bad, but in fact he hides super high painting skills, using his ability, in an instant, a lifelike snake was drawn by him, his ability is like a magic brush from a previous life Like Ma Liang, he turned the painted things into real ones, transforming from two-dimensional to three-dimensional.

A fierce snake made of ink appeared all of a sudden and bit Tiqi's head. Tiqi sneered, grabbed the big sword, and jumped to the side to avoid the snake. Although he could deal with the black snake, but The ink produced above will get on him.

The powerful strength is not comparable to Kanjuro, in order not to be led by the nose by Tiki, he can only give up his weapons.

Losing his weapon did not affect his combat effectiveness. Soon, in a short period of time, he held a brush knife transformed from his ability, which looked similar to his original weapon.

This is actually a very buggy ability. The creatures he draws are all alive. The more similar and realistic the drawing is, the higher the wisdom and strength of the life being drawn will be. If it is further developed, he can Draw those strong men he is familiar with, but I don't know if he will have the ability.

"Mohe." With a wave of the ink brush, this is no longer a painting skill, or it can be instantly formed into a creature that one can draw, and this Mohe is one of them.

With those sharp eyes, the wings spread at least seven or eight meters, and Kanjuro jumped onto Mohe's back in one step and flew in the air.

"Molong!" With a swipe of the brush, a tens of meters long ink dragon appeared and charged towards Tiqi. Tiqi leapt forward, stepped on moon steps, and charged straight at Kanjuro.

Molong has his own wisdom, but after all, it is drawn, and he does not have the strength to threaten Tiqi. It can fly, and its huge body stands in front of Kanjuro.

Compared with Tiqi's speed, Molong's reaction was a bit slow, Yuebu shifted back and forth in mid-air, directly avoiding Molong in the air, and the target was Kanjuro.

And Kanjuro's ability is very troublesome. Although it is not very lethal to Tiqi, it also has a strong restraining effect.

Flying in the air is troublesome. Tiki's speed and agility are greatly reduced in the air. As a swordsman, Kanjuro's reflexes are very sharp. Coupled with his own ability, he has the upper hand for a while.

However, as long as Tichi seizes the opportunity and hits Kanjuro hard, the situation can be turned around. Now in his thirties, Kanjuro's strength is close to the peak, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. With his strong swordsmanship and the advantage of flying, he can be said to be evenly matched against Tiqi, and no one can do anything to him.

Tiqi was about to attack by force, and he didn't know when this situation would end. The violent fighting movement would attract the warriors in Jiuli.

"Magic Claw Rift Valley!" The powerful claw strikes, and ten huge ten-meter-long sword lights are caught. The huge attack range makes Kanjuro nowhere to escape. "Ink Law Shield!" With a wave of the brush, a A black shield stands in front of him, and he is very confident in the shield he drew, it doesn't have to be as bad as the real shield.

But, immediately after, Kanjuro's face changed. Under Tiqi's ten slashes, the shield he drew was like a bubble, and it was broken at once. A sharp slash came oncoming.

Kanjuro's face was solemn, and he tried to block the sword with all his strength.

Faced with this powerful slash, the ink crane under his feet shattered in an instant, unable to hold on, was split in half, and then turned into ink and fell from the sky.

The ten sword lights generated by the claw strikes fell on Kanjuro's body at once, and his clothes burst at once, and then tore Kanjuro's body, flesh and blood, and the intersecting sword lights collided in the air. internal conflict, burst.

"Ah!" Kanjuro's body was dripping with blood, and there were bloodstains on his body. How could Kanjuro be able to resist Tiki's deadly claw attack?

Kanjuro was seriously injured, and the next situation is very clear, but it is impossible for a person like Kanjuro to be solved so easily. In addition to the shield, he also has many defensive methods. Creatures interfered with Tiqi's actions. This time, he was more cautious.

However, as Tichi continued to attack, Kanjuro's injuries became more and more serious. While resisting Tiki's attack, he was also moving in the direction of Kuri. Once he escaped to Kuri, he was safe.

Although he can fly with the help of his ability, if he wants to escape, Tiqi will destroy the mount he drew, and redrawing it will consume his physical strength even more.

Suddenly, Kanjuro's eyes lit up, he saw a familiar figure, and shouted as if seeing a savior, "Asura boy, come and help, the assassin sent by Orochi!"

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