Pirate of Darkness

Three hundred and ninety eighth God-making plan

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The world-shattering battle will be imprinted in everyone's minds, and the names of the three will also resound throughout the world. They are the world's top powerhouses and the world's top swordsmen.

The video recording of their fighting scenes will not be forgotten with the passage of time, but has become the goal pursued by all swordsmen.

Whether it's Redfield, Kozuki Oden, or Genryu Shigekuni, all swordsmen will remember their names.

"What a wonderful battle." Back in the hall, Tiki looked at Mi Tian and the others and praised.

"Haha, I really enjoyed myself. I hope that I can come to Wano Country as a guest when I have time." Oden looked at Yuanliu Shigekuni and Redfield and laughed.

Although they had contacted before because of Tiqi and the witnesses, they only knew the names, and they didn't know each other very well.

Friendships are all based on fighting. In this battle, Yuanliu Zhongguo and Redfield both got the approval of Mitian. Before that, they only knew that they were very strong, but how strong they were was only known after the battle.

Tiqi was very satisfied with this opening ceremony, and the effect was beyond his expectation. Through this opening ceremony, the authority of the Kendo Competition was born.

In this way, if there is another kendo competition in the future, it will definitely not be worse than it is now.

Of course, this is just an idea. Whether it will be held or not is another matter. It will definitely not be held again in a short time. After all, this competition is to compete for the title of "World's No. 1 Swordsman". If the second competition is held in just a few years , then this title is too worthless.

Moreover, there is no more suitable venue than the Battle Pyramid.

The kendo competition is already in full swing, with tens of thousands of swordsmen participating, even if there are many arenas in the battle pyramid, it cannot be completed in a short time.

The first round is to select the top 1024 swordsmen, that is, one tenth of the promotion places.

With most of the spots already booked by sword masters and great sword masters, the competition among swordsmen became more intense.

There are quite a few people who have won all ten battles, far exceeding the number of remaining places, so they have to continue fighting and go through another knockout round.

In the process of fighting, some injuries are inevitable, and if the injuries are serious, it may also affect the display of one's own strength.

The ten battles are naturally separated, maybe one battle a day, or two battles a day, after all, the Night Pirates need to arrange matches.

Although it was arranged early, the battle may be delayed due to serious injuries and it will take time to recover.

Of course, one game a day is a hard target.

There are also people who make death moves, although relatively few, but the death of the contestants will also affect the planning of the Kendo competition.

Such a big project kept the people in charge of the Battle Pyramid very busy. In the hands of these people, except for some members of the Night Pirates, most of them were sent by Christie Kingdom.

The main task of the Night Pirates is to maintain the order of the Battle Pyramid, Pagila Island.

Battle Pyramid, the first round of screening took half a month.

In addition to the swordsmen's match, the battle between swordsman and swordsman, swordsman and great swordsman is the main concern of everyone.

There are powerful and evenly matched ones, and there are those who fight all day and all night.

The battle between the Great Swordsman and the Great Swordsman has not appeared now, and the Night Pirates will not let them appear early.

At that time, every battle will attract people's attention. It will not be like now, where many battles will start together, but one game, one game.

Back then, one battle a day was possible.

Many people can only watch one fight at a time, which can't be helped with so many contestants.

There are so many people in the entire battle pyramid, basically every arena is full.

And each battle has a dedicated video phone bug live broadcast, and you can switch between video phone bugs at will.

Every battle will also be recorded and stored in a special column for video phone bugs, and you can also spend money to watch it.

The cooperation between the Night Pirates and the World Economic News Agency naturally made a lot of money. Swordsmen from all over the world will definitely pay for them, watch other swordsmen's battles, and gain experience from them.

Most of the services of the contestants in the pyramid are free, which is a huge consumption.

However, compared to what the Night Pirates earn, let alone, a large amount of ingredients, all kinds of needed things are produced, and shipped from various islands to Pagila Island.

The main supplier is the Kingdom of Christie. Because of the power of a kingdom and extremely high production efficiency, it is easy to meet the needs of millions of people.

All kinds of battles, Tiqi no longer pays attention to it, and the other emperors are the same, and in the end, when those strong people are fighting, they will take a look.

Tiqi's knowledge is released all the time, he needs to control the overall situation, prevent all possible accidents, and then kill it in the cradle.

Maybe no one cares, a strange creature is spreading all over the night pirates, becoming the symbol of the night pirates.

This is a creature created by "Dark Emperor" Tiqi.

Its appearance is characterized by three dragon heads, two tails, a pair of huge bat wings on its back, no forelimbs but only hind legs and two legs, and its whole body is covered with scales.

Although I don't know what kind of creature this is, but in the territory of the Night Pirates, the ports of each island, or important locations, such as the arenas of the thirty-six islands, and the battle pyramids, there are "it" The statue is here.

In addition, plush dolls, pictures, or sculptures, the existence of "it" is also gradually spreading, and it is becoming more and more eye-catching in the dark sea.

Although it attracted the attention of others, they didn't pay much attention to it. Many people are just a creature like novelty.

The main ship of the Night Pirates, the three dragon heads on the bow of the "Queen Anne's Revenge" are exactly the same as it.

The clothes on Tiki's body are also printed with "it" body, pictures, other members of the night pirates, more or less followed, imitated, and residents of the dark night sea area.

What is fashion? This is fashion, Tiqi's every move has attracted the attention of countless people, and when "it" appeared, it swept the entire Dark Night Sea in a short time.

There are secret promotions and subtle influences. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Kendo Contest, this new creature caught the eyes of countless people, spread outward from the dark night sea area, spread to other sea areas in the new world, and spread to the "Paradise" ", the four seas, the whole world.

Maybe I didn't care, but I was impressed and even a little curious.

"What's its name?

However, in addition to Tiki, there are two other people in the Night Pirates who know about this plan, Mostima and Red Yatt. Chi wants to do something.

Also unimaginable.

This plan is also known as the "God Creation Plan".

This god is naturally not a real god, and Tiqi doesn't believe that there is a god in this world, let alone the Tianlong people who claim to be descendants of gods.

However, Titch believes that the world is conscious and everything breathes, let alone this world.

Maybe it's a rule, maybe it's an instinct, maybe it's an order, although it can't be seen, it does exist.

The cause of the incident originated from a handbook.

Most of O'Hara's collection of books is in the hands of the Night Pirates, and the remaining small part is useless. Books related to the blank hundred years and archaeological history are still in O'Hara , these are of no use to the Night Pirates.

O'Hara's collection of books is beyond imagination. Although it was only born 400 years ago, the collection of books in it contains more than just 400-year-old books.

For a long time, O'Hara has been collecting books, even miscellaneous notes, all kinds of knowledge, including 800 years of history, except for the blank 100 years, the previous history.

The world's history spans thousands of years, and O'Hara encompasses that history.

So much knowledge naturally needs someone to sort it out. Even O'Hara's scholars can only roughly sort it out and classify it. Some knowledge that is useless to them will not be sorted out in detail.

Knowledge is a precious wealth. Handbooks and secret books are all in O'Hara's collection, and there are even treasure maps, some secrets.

These are very important to the Night Pirates, maybe there is a hiding place for the world's top devil fruit.

In this world, many powerful abilities have disappeared in the long river of history, and many of them below have been hidden by people, and only a small part of them appeared on the sea.

Tiqi sent people, a large number of scholars to sort out, find, some useful things.

Naturally, many good things were found. These are precious treasures, and a very old-fashioned handbook shocked Tiqi, which is also the origin of the "God-making Project".

According to special research, this manuscript has a history of nearly a thousand years, that is, a hundred years before the birth of the huge kingdom "Kingdom of God".

Compared with the 800-year history of the world government, this long history is surprising. I did not expect that it has been preserved, and it is still relatively intact, and there is nothing missing.

Most of the other ancient books are only fragments.

And this manuscript was written by a person who called himself the "God Maker".

"With the development of the world, the number of Devil Fruits is also increasing. Devil Fruits are constantly being born. The emergence of new things may lead to the birth of related Devil Fruits."

Devil fruit has existed since ancient times, but few people have thought about its birth.

This opening chapter is a reflection on the birth of Devil Fruit, as well as a conclusion.

"So, how did the phantom beast devil fruit appear? These fantasy mythical species do not exist in this world, why do phantom beasts exist? It is not a concept, is it just based on fantasy?"

"If I imagine a creature, will it be born?"

"If it really succeeds, then I am the one who can create mythical species."

"On this day, I put forward this conjecture, and I immediately put it into action. With excitement, I want to create a mythical species."

"Angels, demons, dragons, titans, what creature do I want to create? It can be a beast or a human. I like birds, so let's use it as a model."

"It needs to have great strength, extraordinary ability."

"I started planning, went to learn to paint, and then sculpted, put all my passion into it, and in a year, I created it, made a clear picture of it, and sculpted a statue of it."

"It's a thunderbird with great speed and golden feathers."

"However, I realized that it is impossible to create a phantom beast devil fruit just like this. The reason why myths are myths is that they can be passed down and known. Legendary creatures do not exist, but there are many people know."

"Could it be enough to let many people know about it?"

"No, it's not that simple."

"Mythology lies in its ancientness and its primitiveness. It is an ancient belief, an ancient totem, and a god. Faith, yes, it is belief, and it must be related to belief."

"Next, I went all over the world to look for ancient primitive islands, looking for those islands that have no contact with the outside world and have indigenous people."

"Observe, record."

"It took ten years, and I finally found it. On a primitive island, a group of indigenous people believed in their gods. I named it Chimera with a lion's head, a sheep's body, and a snake's tail."

"On the ancient altar, there is a fruit, a devil fruit, which is their sacred object and a token of the gods. I guess, it is the devil fruit of the phantom beast species, in the form of a Chimera."

"If it is true, it means that my guess is correct, but if you want to verify it, you can only confirm it by eating it."

"After some planning, I deceived most of the natives, but also angered them. This altar has always been guarded."

"Several shots were fired, wounding several natives guarding the altar, and successfully took away this devil fruit. These natives have surrounded me, and I have already bet everything on it."

"I succeeded. I transformed into a Chimera form and felt a powerful force. These natives knelt down as if seeing a god."

"I asked these natives, how long have they worshiped the Chimera? Although I don't know what they said, I can roughly tell that it has been about three hundred years."

"Three hundred years, how could I wait so long? Faith must be related to the number of people. If there are more people, can the time be shortened."

"I already have an idea, and now that I have strength, it will be much more convenient."

"I recovered a large group of aborigines, built a statue of Thunderbird, an altar, and guided these aborigines to believe in Thunderbird."

"In the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed, and the altar has not changed a bit. I have never given up. The life of the indigenous people has improved a lot, and the number of them has increased. I am also constantly trying to find ways to acquire the indigenous people."

"I realize that their beliefs are not pure, and they are mostly afraid of me, but there is no way but to replace quality with quantity."

"Twenty years later, I am already desperate, my body is already old, and I have reached the age of eighty-seven. How long can I live?"

"This has become my obsession. I pay attention to the altar every day. Could it be that I have failed all my life?"

"I planted a tree behind the altar, and my heart gradually calmed down. It seems that I really failed. I can already feel the passing of life."

"My lifespan is running out. I look at the altar every day, but I found that a golden devil fruit appeared on the tree I planted."

"Successful, I really created a devil fruit!"

"I hid this devil fruit under a fruit tree and put my diary in the middle of a book with a map of the island."

"I know this cannot be known by others. It must be a terrible thing if it is used by someone with a heart. However, this is my life's painstaking effort, and I don't want it to disappear."

"So, let it be, in the last time, I left the island where I stayed for more than half my life, and put this book that hides my diary in a corner of a library, hoping that someone will find it."

"I won't say my name, if you can, please call me God Maker."

It is precisely because of this that Tiqi had the idea of ​​creating a devil fruit and put it into action.

And this creature was created by him, if it was really born, its abilities would naturally be the ones he was familiar with. After all, the Thunderbird hadn't been born, how could he know that the Thunderbird could use lightning.

Ability and his dark fruit can also be perfectly combined to exert greater power.

He didn't need to hide, as some people in the entire Dark Night Sea Region, and even the entire world, couldn't spend as long as this "God Maker", and he couldn't afford to wait.

Therefore, this kendo competition hides such a purpose, and no one can imagine that Tiqi would have the idea of ​​creating a devil fruit.

It is believed that this creature in memory will finally appear in the world in the form of a devil fruit.

And its name - Ghidorah!

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