Pirate of Darkness

Two hundred and twenty-seventh shock brought by the night pirates

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Early the next morning, the big news about the Night Pirates came out of nowhere, directly occupying the headlines of the World Economic News.

"The naval fleet is approaching menacingly, and it was completely wiped out by the Night Pirates!"

"The Vice Admiral who died in battle, how the Navy will face the strength of the Night Pirates!"

"Dark fruit vs crushed fruit!"

"The most vicious devil fruit, the nemesis of those with abilities!"

"The Dark Emperor's road to king is unstoppable!"

"There are only two people in the navy who can be feared by the Dark Emperor."

Not only the World Economic News, but also other newspapers under his control under the World Economic News, all got information from their own boss, and each news was all about the Dark Night Pirates and Dark Emperor Tiki.

Compared with the navy, they try their best to belittle and describe the incompetence of the navy. There are countless corpses of the navy in the photo, but the night pirates did not lose a single person.

There is no need for these newspapers to deliberately exaggerate this powerful record at all, the facts are here.

I didn't expect that the Night Pirates became famous again, and directly took the head of a vice admiral, and this vice admiral was still a strong man who ate the crushed fruit. The newspaper described the crushed fruit in detail.

Anyone who has read the newspapers knows that the top-level Superhuman Devil Fruit with super destructive power is not weaker than Whitebeard's Shaking Fruit in terms of destructive power, even if it is inferior, it is not much worse.

Here, the related abilities of the dark fruit are also revealed, which makes people feel frightened, especially the devil fruit ability user, there is actually the nemesis of the ability user, this nemesis is another devil fruit.

On the back of the newspaper, it still reads, "The video about this battle will be played at four o'clock this afternoon."

Compared with before, the team formed by Morgans is more complete and more efficient than before.

This time the image is destined to attract attention, even this newspaper, Morgans printed millions of copies overnight and sold out easily, and is still in the process of reprinting.

With the exposure of the images, the people of the world have a deeper understanding of the world,

The sales volume of these newspapers is also more. In the past, many people would not pay attention to these things, but now, they will pay attention to them seriously, wanting to see what the world will become in the future.

There are also those big pirates in the new world, the powerhouses in this world, these powerhouses are basically devil fruit capable people, only a few are strong in physical skills, or rely on sword skills.

The nemesis of the ability user, this word is very dazzling, especially for the devil fruit ability user, the dark fruit actually has the ability to invalidate the ability of the ability user, which is too scary, they want to see, what is this What kind of ability is it.

And in the Navy headquarters.

"This bastard stinky bird, why dare to put everything in the newspaper. The information is so precious that it was passed on directly." Zhan Guo slapped his palm angrily, directly on the nanmu table in front of him, holding back He couldn't stop swearing, "Tichi probably won't allow it, the secret of his ability has been leaked."

The accurate information about the dark fruit is accumulated by the world government for hundreds of years. Other forces know very little, at most only a few forces know, but now, it has been directly passed on by Morgans.

"No, with the popularity of video, there is very little news that can be hidden from the world. Many people's moves are already familiar to them. Even if Tiqi doesn't say it, they will know sooner or later. It's better to say that Tiqi doesn't care. He has fully grown up, and he thinks that his strength is enough." He shook his head, said, and stretched out his finger, on the headline of the newspaper.

One is that there are only two people in the navy who can be feared by the Night Pirates.

The other is to destroy the naval fleet with zero damage. This, they can't believe it at all, but they have to believe it, because the photos are all placed here, and with Morgens' style, they may be exaggerated, but they will not lie.

"It's really arrogant, how many strong people there are in the navy, how come he, a pirate who has only been at sea for a few years, knows." A navy couldn't help sneering.

"The background of the navy is beyond the imagination of these pirates." Pirates are the overlords of this sea. Whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates or the Flying Pirates, it is impossible to win against the Navy alone. Of course , the combination of the two is an exception.

"Brom's fleet was completely annihilated, and we were mentally prepared yesterday, because with the style of the Night Pirates, basically there will be no survivors." Crane said his thoughts, "So, Wait, Brom lost, let's see how he lost, what happened? Also, what level of strength has Tiqi reached."

The last sentence is to recognize the conclusion of Polusalino yesterday, and Tiqi's strength has been greatly enhanced, and the same is true for the development of Devil Fruit.

"There is one thing that needs to be confirmed. The Dark Emperor himself is a monster. He is born with a special physique and cannot sleep. He spends most of his time exercising. He can endure the pain of not being able to sleep and use it to become stronger. Such a person, Whether it is will, courage, or charisma, he is not lacking in personality, and he has to admit that he is a monster who will reach the peak sooner or later, and he has fully grown up now, and is still growing at an astonishing speed."

Crane's words caused the audience to fall into silence. This was not a blow to them, but a fact.

Looking at the crazy Tiki flying in the air in the photo, no one doubts that as long as the Night Pirates enter the new world, he can easily confirm the status of the overlord.

"Damn it, why is there such a monster among the pirates?"

"Don't worry, don't we still have the three of Sakaski and the others? And there are so many futures." The general on the side persuaded with a smile.

The new era of the navy headed by the three monsters of the natural department of Sakaski, that is, the future of these navy graduates from the elite training camp of the naval academy established by Zefa, most of the elites have already shown their potential.

In this case, the faces of other people can't help but relax. You must know that in the battle of the New World, countless sailors died on the battlefield, including several vice admirals, and there are already a large number of the backbone of the navy.

If it weren't for the elite training camps trained by Zefa to fill the missing positions, otherwise, the current reserve talents of the navy would be insufficient, and they would fall into the embarrassing situation of not being able to take over.

This undoubtedly added new vitality to the interior of the navy and strengthened the navy.

So in the previous year, during the period when Zefa did not teach the elite training camp, the Navy has been persuading Zefa to re-establish the naval elite training camp.

Not only Zefa, but also Karp, Sengoku and some high-ranking naval officers, old friends are persuading him and enlightening him. It took a year for Zefa to regain his strength, walk out of self-blame, and continue to cultivate the future of the navy .

However, there are more monsters in Pirates. The overlords of these new worlds, which ones are not monsters, have very powerful power.

"Hey, Brome is dead, and he took away so many elites." A general clenched his fists, five thousand elites, four majors, and eight lieutenants.

Especially the latter, they are the backbone of the navy, maybe the future lieutenant general will be born among them, and in this battle, everything will die.

Everyone mourned in silence. Before, they were all talking about the Night Pirates. At this time, they knew about the loss of the navy, or if they knew it, they avoided talking about it.

"This guy, he's been really active recently." Root, who was a gunman, couldn't help sighing as a pirate ship was sailing in the sea in the New World.

"Has it reached this level?" The tall man in the lead stood at the bow of the boat, holding a newspaper in his hand, thinking to himself, if Tiqi was here, he would definitely recognize it. rick.

"Sulfuric acid man" Eric is very famous in the New World now. The captain of the Eric Pirates has reached the level of being close to a general. In the past four years, he has grown very fast. The strength has made great progress, and the bounty is as high as 1.146 billion Baileys, a strong contender for the position of supremacy.

In the previous battle in the new world, many people participated in it. Eric, as a pirate in the new world, naturally participated, and he also became famous. With his own strength, he fought against the two vice admirals alone. The two vice admirals died and the other was abolished.

It is said that this disused vice admiral was corroded all over his body, even his appearance was the same. Similarly, even his flesh and blood were corroded, and he could no longer fight.

Eric, of course, was badly wounded himself.

Seeing the news about Tiqi, he knew that he was not as good as Tiqi, and Tiqi had surpassed him. He was obviously stronger four years ago, and even in the battle with Tiqi, he was still defeated.

After seeing these world-class battles and overlord-level power, Eric knew that he was still far behind these overlords, but this was the accumulation of years.

And Tichi, already one step ahead of him, has reached that level.

Many people are waiting, waiting for Tiqi’s battle images. The size of the navy’s crusade fleet has come out this time. A vice-admiral Brome who ate a powerful superhuman devil fruit, four captain-level major generals, Eight brigadier generals, this is undoubtedly a terrifying force. Below them are colonels, lieutenant colonels, and a total of five thousand elite sailors.

However, the Night Pirates destroyed this fleet with zero damage. How did they do it? Could it be that the Dark Emperor directly shot himself? This is also impossible, the photos in the newspapers all describe that Tiki is fighting with Brom, and the navy and pirates below are fighting with each other, Tiki did not intervene much.

The much-anticipated video is about to start. This is also the trust of the president of the World Economic News Agency, Morgens. You must know that the quality of the video that can be published in the newspaper like this is very high. Ordinary video, even the world economic news. No eligibility to apply.

At this moment of attention, the video began, whether it was the navy, the big pirates of the new world, or civilians all over the world, they all began to watch.

In the beginning, it was the situation when the two met. The war started directly in a short period of time, without much talk.

Everyone was immersed in the battle between the two. Tiqi's new move, the black hole, could absorb even Brom's shattering impact. Such a move was simply invincible.

In close combat, the two looked evenly matched. Although Brom had the upper hand, he couldn't help Tikki.

Through the video, the figure of Tiqi's Brom kept flashing by at an extremely fast speed. Only by slowing down the speed through the video can the audience see more clearly.

Brom showed his terrifying destructive power. This top-level superhuman devil fruit, which claims to be no weaker than the shock fruit, fully demonstrated its terrifying power. Or sea water, are destroyed.

This reminds me of Whitebeard.

The turning point of the picture is here, Tiqi has exerted twice the gravity on everyone, and the navy below is being slaughtered by members of the Night Pirates. It is a completely one-sided battle.

The members of the Night Pirates are more adaptable. Similarly, some people have noticed the shadow armor on the members of the Night Pirates. They haven't noticed it at first, but with the close-up shots given in the picture, this answers other people's questions. doubts.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh, this is too buggy, all fatal attacks were blocked.

At this time, a shot was also given to Redyard, who was the only one not fighting, sitting on the bow of the Lady Luck.

However, this has caught the attention of those who care, why give him a shot? This must be a key person who will appear later, and his identity is likely to be Tiqi's deputy, which shows the strength of his hidden strength.

Brom was going to help his subordinates, but his body was involuntarily attracted, he was grabbed by Tiqi, and then he punched and flew away.

This scene made people stunned, and some people were thinking, Tiqi can fly? Just like that suspended in the air.

The following conversation solved their doubts. After using dark water to catch Brom again and knock him into the air, facing Brom's doubts, Tiki answered his doubts and answered them all.

Now, everyone understood that the dark fruit is special among the natural devil fruits, it cannot be elementalized, and it will suffer double the pain.

But also because of its specialness, it has a suppressive effect on devil fruit ability users.

They couldn't help but sigh that Tiqi is a ruthless person. Similarly, some of them also saw the way Tiqi solved his weaknesses. There are black holes in the face of long-range attacks, and dark water in close combat, which is equivalent to absolute defense.

Next, there were only two people who made Tiqi afraid of the remarks made to the Navy Headquarters.

Everyone was thinking the same as Brom, thinking of Garp and Zefa.

However, they were all wrong, it was Karp and Sengoku.

The contempt for Zefa, his weakness, completely wiped out the seedlings of the navy.

The big pirates in the new world laughed, while the navy was extremely angry, which was equivalent to exposing scars.

If Zefa brings his elite training camp to trouble the Night Pirates, the Chambord Islands incident will reappear, and Tiki is absolutely capable of containing Zefa. The members of the regiment will be massacred, leaving no one left.

This makes perfect sense.

In this way, all the navy was slaughtered, except Brom, and after continuous fighting, Brom has reached the limit, but these top powerhouses can see that Tiqi can solve it more easily and efficiently. Brom, because in the next battle, Tiqi did not exercise restraint on Brom's ability.

In the final blow, Brom attacked the crew of the Night Pirates below, but everyone knew that it would definitely fail in the end, but Tiki didn't make a move. So who blocked this blow?

The figure of Redyard appeared in someone's mind.

Facing the downward smashing impact.

A "Dragon's Breath" sounded in the ears, and everyone's bodies couldn't help but startled. No one knew that this was Kaido's signature skill, and even directly destroyed a mountain through the image.

In the huge palace of the Barbarossa Kingdom, Kaido looked at the video and drank heavily. Suddenly, the movement of his hands stopped, and there were other members of the Beasts Pirates present.

Among them, the person sitting under Kaido is not the famous "Plague" Quinn, nor is it the most powerful ancient species, Tarbosaurus devil fruit ability user, "Tyrannosaurus" Lamer.

It was a young man with a delicate face and short silver hair. Although he was only fifteen years old, his eyes were squinted, and there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, like a fox.

This is the chief strategist of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, valued by Kaido, who has risen and become famous in the past two years, with a bounty of 130 million. He grew up with foxes, "Silver Fox" Krell , a phantom beast species, fox fruit, nine-tailed fox form ability, and the son of the current chief executive officer of the Barbarossa Kingdom.

Tiqi didn't expect that the fox fruit that he discarded at the time was an ordinary fox fruit, but it turned out to be a phantom beast.

He was mistaken, this devil fruit looked very similar to a fox fruit, but Tiki couldn't tell it apart, and Tiki didn't know what a nine-tailed fox fruit looked like.

On the other side, there is a six-year-old girl with white hair and two horns, the daughter of Beast Kaido, Yamato.

They looked at the image in surprise and curiosity.

I saw Red Yatt shot at an extremely fast speed, and appeared under the shattering impact in an instant, raised his head, and in everyone's eyes, a terrifying black beam of light rushed straight up, collided with the shattering impact, easily Resisting this punch, he also showed his strength to the world.

Phantom Beast Dragon Fruit, this is the idea of ​​others, the top Phantom Beast species, the only Phantom Beast species that has appeared so far is the current overlord of the new world, Beast Kaido.

Now the overlord of the new world has several subordinates and assistants, all of which are phantom beasts. Kaido's subordinates have not yet grown up, but have shown amazing potential. · Nine-tailed fox form ability, Krell.

Whitebeard's subordinate, Marco, a rising phantom beast, bird fruit, and phoenix form ability user.

There is also the left hand of Shiji the Golden Lion, a fully grown Cronus, an ability user in the form of phantom beast, human fruit, and storm titan.

Now, there is another one. Judging by Redyard's age, the potential seems to be even more amazing.

Originally, only Tiki was strong in the Night Pirates, and the other members hadn't grown up yet. Now, with the appearance of Red Yatt, he clearly told them, "Wolf is coming", and it won't be long before the Night Pirates The regiment will once again have one more top combat power.

Those powerful overlords were not doing well, and the weaker ones couldn't help feeling a little flustered. The Night Pirates finally opened their sharp fangs.

In shock, Tiki stepped on Brom, the black air erupting in his body swallowed everything, and the video ended in darkness.

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