Pirate of Darkness

One hundred and five, the mighty Mostima, the destroyed navy

Kaski was panting, and the continuous use of his abilities had consumed a lot of his physical strength. Watching him shine, the members of his own pirate group cheered loudly there.

"As expected of Captain Kaski, in the hands of the captain, that Mostima should have died." A pirate excitedly said, "Then after this, the bounty will increase again." The screen of the live broadcast There is also thick smoke all over the place, making it hard to see what was released in the field?

Suddenly, the thick fog that was slowly flowing in the air was speeding up, spreading and dissipating in all directions. At this time, someone had already discovered that in midair, pieces of feathers were constantly rotating, transforming into a silver whirlwind.

And in the center, Mostima stood alone looking at the sky, causing people's eyes to stare, and the soles of their feet just stepped on the air without moving.

"What's going on? Mostima is standing in mid-air?" A naval officer was a little surprised and couldn't help saying.

The same is true for Kaski, looking at Mostima in the sky, he was stunned, feeling that he had been hitting the air before.

And the other pirates, the bounty hunters, wanted to attack at first, but they couldn't help but stop at this moment, how to fight this? Mostima can fly, which naturally has a great advantage.

"Although I don't know how you got into the air? But now you are our target." Kaski was the strongest one in the field, staring at Mostima and shouting.

He raised his hand to attack, and the powerful jet of flames shot at Mostima. What Mostima had to face was not only the high-temperature flame, but also the impact of the powerful jet.

As soon as Kaski's words came out, other people also responded. Those with guns pulled out their guns one after another, and shot towards the most horses in the sky.

As if to shoot Mostima into a hornet's nest, fighting in the sky is weaker than fighting on the ground, many people are like this, except for people with abilities like Xiangjin Shiji, there are also a few people, And Mostima is one of them.

"Is he in danger now? We must hurry to save her." With tears in her eyes, Kelly, who was observing secretly, said to Tiki as she watched Mostima fall into danger.

"This doesn't pose any threat to Mostima, so don't worry." Tiki smiled and couldn't help but lament Kelly's simplicity. Mostima captured her as a hero to save the beauty, and she couldn't be said to be innocent. , after all, heroes who save the beauty have always been very popular.

When everyone thought that Mostima was going to be finished, the feathers around Mostima suddenly gathered together and formed a pair of wide white wings, which were five meters long. In front of Stima, the huge wings closed directly, wrapping Mastema's body inside.

The bullets landed on the wings and were directly bounced off. Mostima's wings were as hard as steel, so how could these bullets be effective. Kaski's flame is also useless, although the flame can burn his feathers, but it is covered by armed domineering, this kind of flame is completely impossible to hurt Mostima.

The sprayed flames directly landed on the wings that protected the Mostima, and it seemed as if a big fireball appeared in the sky, burning.

When they thought that Mostima was going to be burned to death, they gradually found something strange, the wings wrapped in a ball did not change at all,

Nor did it disband.

With a sudden sound, the wings opened directly, and the sprayed flames were directly scattered, and two sharp feathers fell from the sky, shooting straight at Kaski, piercing the feathers in the air, Kaski clearly felt a little crisis, But the speed was too fast, his body couldn't react at all, he turned sideways and instinctively wanted to avoid it, a feather directly slashed across his left face, and a bloodstain more than ten centimeters long appeared on the entire left face, the blood continued gushing out.

And another feather was inserted directly on his right shoulder, and a long feather was half inserted into his arm.

Kaski only felt bursts of severe pain, which were slowly fermenting and strengthening. Mostima's feathers were not ordinary, they were extremely sharp, and even a little curved.

Kaski seemed to have the upper hand before, but he didn't expect it to become like this in a blink of an eye.

Looking at Mostima, he was not injured at all, and there were no scorched marks on the wings. It seemed that Kaski's attack had no effect at all.

The wings grow directly on Mostima's back, coupled with his handsome appearance, like an angel, through the screen, the hearts of many girls couldn't help but jump.

High in the sky, looking down at the pirates and bounty hunters below, Mostima's indifferent eyes gave them a chill in their hearts. At this moment, they knew that even if they were all together, they were not Mostima's. opponent.

Some people want to escape, but Mostima will not give them this chance.

"Feather Fall Thousand Feather Slash." Mostima said calmly, and countless pieces of feathers appeared in the sky at some time, floating in the air, and suddenly stopped in the air, pointing diagonally downward, as if It will fall at any time.

Suddenly, Mostima raised his head, looked into the distance, waved his hand down, and pieces of sharp feathers formed a rain of swords, falling continuously.

However, it didn't fall below, but in the distance, a group of people were rushing over there, constantly approaching.

"What?" Just a thousand meters away, thousands of naval soldiers came over, and the leader was Lieutenant Admiral Huber who rushed over from the Navy headquarters. They were the ones that Mostima had just discovered. The navy with good eyesight I saw the white lights flying in the sky.

"No, run away." Huber's face changed, and he saw feathers falling down like arrows. On the sharp white feathers, there was a trace of sword energy, "Land feet!" Huber jumped , appeared in mid-air, and kicked back, kicking out a five-meter-long slash.

Hubbell's blue feet knocked down many feathers, but thousands of feathers fell from the sky, and the falling speed was extremely fast, how many feathers could be blocked by Hubbell alone.

The navy soldiers came all the way, standing together densely, every feather, light and elegant, turned into sharp knives at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, the standing navy phalanx turned into defeated soldiers. Most of the navy soldiers fell to the ground, and those who could still stand were severely injured. Only a few lucky ones were not covered by feathers. stabbed.

This scene made the people who watched the live broadcast stunned. The Navy Headquarters said, "This bastard!" Kong took an angry photo on the table, and the other naval officers were also filled with righteous indignation. In the hands of Mostima, very angry.

But what is more, is the fear of Mostima. The threat of Mostima needs to be raised a little more. This kind of trick is too lethal against their naval soldiers, and the speed is so fast that it makes people react But come on, the damage is high.

And the pirates below, the bounty hunters, seemed to be relieved. It was only two feathers that made Kaski, the strongest among them, look like this. Once thousands of feathers fell together If it falls on them, they will die, and they cannot guarantee that they can avoid it again and again.

At the same time, looking at the tragic experience of the navy, he couldn't help gloating.

"Damn it! You bastard!" As a vice admiral, Habel, seeing his subordinates being severely injured, stared at Mostima, his eyes seemed to be congested, bloodshot in an instant , I felt very guilty in my heart, I didn't protect my subordinates well, and I was angry at Mostima.

"Hehe! What about this?" Mosttima had a weird smile on his face. Seeing this, Tiqi couldn't help but smile. This is Mostima's bad taste. He likes to tease and provoke others. Emotions, this is what he discovered after contact with Mostima, especially after eating the feather fruit.

After asking Hadno and the others, this state of Mostima will only be shown when facing the weak.

There was an ominous premonition in Huber's heart, and he saw Mostima raised his hand slightly like a gentleman, and the blood-stained feathers stuck on the navy soldiers' bodies one by one, and the feathers on the ground gradually disappeared.

However, pieces of feathers appeared again in mid-air, the same scene, "Feather Falling Thousand Feather Cut!"

Pieces of feathers continued to fall like a rain of swords again, "Don't!" Huber yelled in despair, his body moved in the next moment, and he kicked out a series of slashes in a short period of time, covering his body with armed colors, blocking one after another. Falling feathers.

At this time, except for a few naval soldiers below, the others basically had no resistance. Mostima's feathers fell in an irregular trajectory, some fell to the left, and some fell to the right. There are all directions, and what it brings is more difficult to predict.

In the face of such a rain of swords, Huber couldn't save anyone. With this move, all the navy was wiped out. In the eyes of so many people, Huber's desperate rescue seemed so powerless. .

"Ah! You bastard, I'm going to kill you." Huber lost his mind a little bit, hating his own incompetence, his own powerlessness, and his hatred for Mostima.

However, when Huber roared, he didn't realize that Mastema's figure had disappeared.

Appeared on the right side of Huber in an instant, Huber was at least a lieutenant-level powerhouse, he still had a fighting instinct, and he instinctively turned sideways to avoid it, but it was already too late, after a full shot, after getting used to flying, Mostima's speed in the air is faster than that on the ground.

A flash of sword light flashed, "Shiratoriu·Zhan Kong." Mostima's faint voice rang in his ear, before Huber could react, one arm, Huber's right arm, was slammed by Mostima. The sword cut off.

The bleeding arm flew out and landed on the ground. Huber endured the pain and punched backhand. At this moment, Mostima had already left. With a slight flap of his wings, the figure disappeared in place, and appeared directly in the next moment. He touched Huber's left side, Huber's left hand was covered with arrogance, and he punched it.

Mostima held the sword in both hands, with a faint smile on his face, he turned sideways to avoid it, he could use the moon step to move freely in the air, and with his own characteristics, it was very easy, which is what ordinary moon steps can do. Impossible.

Huber's punch hit Mostima's wings, and Mostima slashed across with his sword.

With a sound of "Pop!", there was a hint of surprise in Huber's eyes, and his fist directly passed through the wings of Mostima. This is a wing made of feathers, without the cover of the armed color, it is like a The elementalization of the natural system is the same, passing through directly, without any impact on Mostima.

And Mostima's sword had already cut through.

Blood splashed out, Huber's body trembled, one leg flew out, and landed on the ground, leaving Huber with only one leg and one hand, like a rootless weed, the inertia of that punch, with His body fell forward and fell directly to the ground.

The figure of Mostima flitted past him and appeared in mid-air. The missing part of the wing, the part that Huber passed through, was slowly being supplemented by the new feathers.

Bloody arms, bloody thighs, most people are stunned, many people don't know, what happened? How come in the blink of an eye, after the entire army of these naval soldiers was wiped out, the vice admiral lost both limbs in the confrontation with short cuts. You know, this is the vice admiral!

Although I can't see clearly what exactly happened after Mostima's move? But it is conceivable that there must be a fierce confrontation. Mostima took the lead and gained the upper hand. It is predictable, but the vice admiral lost both limbs.

Tichi couldn't help sighing that Mostima's combat art relies on his brain to fight. The strength of the two is not much different, but Mostima is very restrained to this vice-admiral, especially in terms of speed. With the blessing of a swordsman-level swordsman, the attack power is also very fierce.

In the beginning, Mostima's goal was Harbel, and killing the navy was also to deal with Harbel. Huber didn't know the specific strength of Mostima, especially the speed.

First, he used the death of the navy soldier to stir up Huber's emotions, making him angry and irrational, and then showed his flaws, giving Mostima a chance to attack.

One step ahead, one step at a time, the vice admiral was defeated by Mostima in this way.

And this vice admiral, although he is not dead, but everyone knows that he is useless, a vice admiral who is good at physical skills, what else can he do after losing a leg and an arm.

If only the calf is broken, the forearm is broken, then you can still fight with the prosthesis, and you can still retain some combat power, but Mostima's attack is very ruthless, the whole arm, the whole leg to the root of the thigh, with the current Technology, even prosthetics are difficult to fit.

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