Pirate Family

Chapter 96 The Festival of Flowers Begins

Because of the heavy rain, Lorne did not choose to go back to the church, but went directly to his home. The butler, Kofir, brought a cup of hot coffee and let Lorne warm up.

Lying comfortably on the sofa, Lorne took out today's newspaper, and a bold headline on it caught Lorne's attention.

"Shock the world! The world government has drafted an organization to limit the rampant pirates, and the king's Qiwuhai has entered the final selection stage!"

Below the title are several powerful candidates for the Seven Kingdoms, including the great swordsman who has become famous in recent years, Hawkeye Mihawk, the tyrant Bartholomew Bear, the great pirate Moonlight Moria of the new world, etc. people.

Hearing these familiar names, Lorne couldn't help but sigh. "Has the era of madness finally begun?"

In fact, this era became crazy after the death of One Piece King Gol D. Roger, and the prison escape incident of Lorne and the Golden Lion ignited the fire in people's hearts again.

According to the intelligence of the World Government, the number of pirates going to sea in recent years has been nearly ten times that of previous years.

Even for Adela, which is not on the mainstream route, pirate ships often appear in the surrounding waters.

"What? Boss is also interested in this King Shichibukai?" Fat Tiger held a large bucket of popcorn, took a look at the newspaper in Lorne's hand, and then asked in confusion. "They're just kids who offer a bounty of hundreds of millions of Baileys. It's not interesting."

Lorne smiled, and didn't pick up Fat Tiger's words. Most of the people who came out of the city's prison have a characteristic, that is, because the information has been closed for too long, they don't know the turmoil in the outside world. .

People often think that a person with a high bounty must be powerful. Actually this is quite wrong.

Because the world government sets the bounty based on its threat and destructive power. It's like Lorne, the driving force behind the city's jailbreak plan, was offered a sky-high price of 570 million by the world government. Even if it is placed on the sixth floor of the city where the strong are like clouds, it can be regarded as quite high. .

But in terms of hard power alone, Lorne can't beat anyone on the sixth floor.

What's more, the World Government's recruitment of the Shichibukai also took into account their potential, just like the rewards offered by Crocodile the Sand Crocodile and Boa Hancock, the Empress, are 81 million and 80 million respectively. Similar to the black bear Freard, it is inconspicuous in this sea.

But as time went by, no one dared to underestimate their strength.

But Lorne didn't want to correct Fat Tiger's opinion. He was the boss, not the teacher. It is up to them to know the world by themselves.

However, this report reminded Lorne that there was not much time left for him. After the world government completes the establishment of the seven martial arts system under the king and stabilizes the crazy new world, it will be able to free up its hands to clean up their group of jailbreakers.

With cp9's intelligence capabilities, Lorne didn't dare to bet how long his pseudonym could hide from the world government. If he couldn't have enough strength to protect himself before they started to deal with him, then everything would be useless.

Adela is just a small place, and the native people here have never seen a real strong man.

With the level of resentment the World Government has towards Lorne, even if an army is sent to level the entire Adela with the Demon Slaughter Order, Lorne is not surprised.

At that time, Adela's so-called underworld boss? Royal nobles? It's all just a joke.

Lorne took out a piece of paper with several names written on it.

Jeffrey, Quate, Old Blind Dog, Old Raleigh, and Ackerman in bullet points.

Ackerman, Adela's royal family.

Among them, the word Jeffrey has been marked with a huge cross by Lorne. Old Williams has long been on Lorne's must-kill list because of his rampant and stupid behavior.

The old blind dog Garcia was firmly grasped by Lorne because of his lifeline, and he did not dare to violate it. Even if you have a different idea in your heart, you can only obey the yin and yang.

As for the old Raleigh, he and Williams were business rivals, and he and Lorne had always been solid allies based on the simple point of view that the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

And the evil drug ES that Lorne got from Quite was one of the deals with old Raleigh.

As for Quite, Lorne didn't know how to deal with it for a while. This man's background is very deep, far from being comparable to Jeffrey's old blind dog. The Evil Drug ES alone was enough for him to sweep Williams and Garcia out of Adela.

But he didn't do this. Instead, he withdrew his power and put on a harmless appearance to humans and animals, in stark contrast to Williams, who was out of gold and jade and in ruins.

Lorne was afraid that he would capsize in the gutter, so he had paid close attention to Quite. But have been unable to find a little bit of clues.

It's difficult, Lorne's head hurts. After thinking for a long time, he decided to skip Quite first.

"Wait until I eat all of them, and try your weight again!"

After waiting for the last name, Ackerman, Lorne thought for a while, and finally wrote down the big characters of the sacrifice of flowers.


A week later, Adela's Flower Festival. This is the biggest festival in the whole of Adra. It can be compared with the Spring Festival of a certain plane.

Planting flowers is the custom of every household in Adela, and it is the annual festival of flowers. Adela's family will pick all the flowers in their own house.

Put it outside the house as a decoration. During the entire festival of flowers, Adela will be reduced to a sea of ​​flowers. All kinds of flowers compete for splendor and beauty.

Before the era of great pirates started, the sea was not as chaotic as it is now. Whenever the Flower Festival was held, people from several small islands around would come here to watch the ceremony.

The beautiful girls in cool clothes and the flowers against each other are the best scenery.

This is the origin of Adela Flower Country.

Adela's capital is composed of four streets: Rose Long Street, Rose Long Street, Rose Long Street and Lily Long Street. When it comes to the festival of flowers, people will walk from the street to the end of the street with their hands in their hands. Finally, they meet in the central city and throw the flowers in their hands into the central river. Different flowers interweave in the river, drifting with the current, and the fragrance permeates the whole city.

And people were singing songs on the shore, and there were also beautiful boys and girls who looked at each other and made a beautiful marriage.

On the long street of red roses, Ariel was wearing a bishop's robe as red as blood, standing on the steps of the church with a holy face. It contrasts with the equally bright red rose flowers around.

Behind her, a row of nuns stood in unison.

They were invited by Emperor Ackerman III to host this flower festival.

This chapter is better written, and after being scolded for a while, I feel that my thinking is much clearer. . . . . Sorry for writing too slowly!

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