Pirate Family

Chapter 93 Blue Enchantress

When the first ray of sunlight pierced through the mist, Adela finally ushered in a warm morning.

It was still daylight, but the small streets were already full of people.

"Excuse me, do you want to buy flowers! The roses you just picked have some dewdrops on them. It's just right for the beautiful lady next to you!"

A childish voice came from Lorne's ear. Lorne turned around, and a little girl in rough clothes was pulling his priest's robe timidly.

A few days have passed since the gambling between Lorne and Garcia. This day is Adela's flower collection. People from all over the world will gather together and sell all kinds of flowers.

The gathered long streets are colorfully rendered by flowers. This is the favorite of girls.

Even Ariel, who is a bishop, was no exception. Lorne couldn't stand her request, so he had to spare time to go shopping with her.

This little girl is probably a flower girl who just came out to sell flowers nearby, holding a flower basket in her hand. Because I am shy, the flowers in the flower basket are still full.

"What kind of flower is this?" Lorne randomly pulled out a bouquet, with two blue roses intertwined.

"This is the blue enchantress!" The little girl said with a blushing face. "The intertwining of two blue enchantresses has a very beautiful meaning!"

"Is it a beautiful meaning?" Lorne said to himself, Ariel next to him gently held Lorne's arm, but looked at Lorne expectantly with pale green pupils.

"Tell me," Lorne picked up the blue enchantress and handed it to Ariel. The latter happily took over. Take it to your nose and smell it, full of intoxication.

Girls can't resist the temptation of flowers.

Especially beautiful girls and beautiful flowers.

"The meaning of the double-branched blue enchantress is," the little flower girl said sacredly with her hands intertwined in front of her chest.

"Meeting is a kind of fate, but parting is inevitable. Either life or death."

Lorne felt Ariel's body beside her become stiff. He couldn't help feeling a little helpless. Why do I talk so much. Isn't it good to buy flowers?

However, Adela's flower language culture is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if the little flower girl doesn't say it, Ai Ruili will know it through other channels sooner or later.

Although Lorne didn't believe in these illusory things, Ariel, who was a priest, believed in these things.

This may seem to her to be God's guidance.

A good shopping trip ended with Ariel's listlessness. The sun had just risen when the two returned to the church.

The light of dawn shines through the windows of the church into the hall. Ariel was praying silently by herself.

"Don't you have the habit of chanting in the morning?" Lorne leaned against the door, holding a scripture in his hand.

Lorne has a habit of doing everything to the extreme no matter what he does. For example, pretending to be an identity.

Whether he was an aristocrat at the beginning, a prisoner later, or a priest now, Lorne strives to be meticulous.

Ariel, who was kneeling, ignored Lorne, still pious. When the sun rose completely, Ariel slowly got up.

"This is not Morning Psalm." Ariel glared at Lorne, "This is me asking God to bless you."

"What blessing do I need?" Lorne came over and wanted to stroke Ariel's head, trying to make her stop thinking about it. This was a habit he had developed on Garrett since time travel.

Touching the head to kill is a move that girls can't refuse.

But this tried-and-tested move failed, and Ariel deftly avoided Lorne's hand. Then he stared at Lorne with light green pupils.

"But I'm worried about you," Ariel said, "I'm stupid and can't do anything well, but you are different. Ever since I met you, I have felt that you have amazing abilities."

"You are not an ordinary person, but the more extraordinary you are, the more likely you are to be in danger."

"No one has smooth sailing like in a fairy tale."

"So I worry about you."

Ariel is innocent and easily deceived. To put it bluntly, it's stupid.

But at this time Lorne didn't want to deceive her. He put down his raised hand, put his arms around her shoulders, and said firmly.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me." The teaching scripture in his hand fell to the ground, and he kept turning the pages under the blowing of the wind. But the two who are believers have no idea of ​​picking it up.

"If the future is not a fairy tale, then I will make it a fairy tale."

There was a hint of doubt in Lorne's tone, and a little bit of sunlight shone on the two of them, making the teaching robes a little dazzling.

"Really?" Ariel Nannan said, she didn't know how to deal with Lorne's overly intimate behavior. She stood there straight. I didn't know where to put my hands, so I had to close my eyes slightly.

"Ahem." An untimely voice sounded from behind.

"Sorry to bother you." A woman in a black and white nun's uniform opened the door gently.

Her figure exudes a mature charm, even the loose nun's uniform can't hide it, but her face has a weather-beaten look. It added a bit of vicissitudes to the whole person.

She was Sister Rilla, number three in Adela Church. When Lorne arrived, he was at a low point in his life. It was Ariel who gave her the courage to live.

Then he became a fanatic of the Holy God of Truth. In charge of the chores of the church.

"The worshipers have already arrived, just wait outside." The nun said neither humble nor overbearing. "For the sake of keeping the name of the Lord unblemished, I also invite the bishop and the priest to go to the backyard."

"It's all your fault!" Ai Ruili had already reacted at this time, hurriedly arranged her clothes, and said angrily.

"I'm going to preside over the worship service, you go out first!"

In fact, the bishop Ai Ruili didn't need to personally preside over the service, but maybe he didn't want to be alone with Lorne now, or he didn't want the nuns to cause any misunderstanding. Ariel pushed Lorne out of the hall.

I really don't understand what the girl is thinking. She was hesitant to talk a second ago, but now she turns her face and denies her.

Lorne took the scripture handed over by Sister Rilla, and strode out of the church.

The most annoying thing is going to church or something. Lorne tried it once, and the people sitting in the church seemed pious, but many of them had evil intentions. Some men even kept staring at the nun's calf in white silk standing on top.

His eyes are full of desire.

Since you want it, why not conquer it? Lorne couldn't understand their thoughts, so even now he has an instinctive aversion to worship.

It's just that the nuns have a good temper, and their job is to purify these believers who have been polluted by the world.

However, looking at the believers standing on the street. Lorne was smiling, his hands outstretched.

As if ready to hug them.

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Mengxin is constantly trying.

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