Pirate Family

Chapter 91: Thought 91

The candles in the hall have been burned out. Lorne also fell asleep on the table.

After a long time, an angry voice woke Lorne from his sleep.

"Oh, oh, why did you fall asleep here, you'll catch a cold!" Ariel said worriedly as she put a cloak on Lorne.

Lorne opened his eyes, and found that Ariel had woken up at some point, and changed a batch of candles to relight. The pale yellow candlelight shone on her crimson bishop's clothes, revealing a trace of warmth.

"Is it cold? You'll be warmed up with some hot soup." But when Ariel turned around and looked at the cold food on the table, she couldn't help being a little bit blamed. "Look at you, you came back so late! The food is cold! Wait for me for a while, I'll warm up the food."

"Well, ah." Lorne stretched comfortably, and he hadn't fallen asleep so comfortably for a long time. Since I got the fruit of perception, any disturbance around me can't escape my intuition. So Lorne could only fall into a very shallow sleep.

However, being by Ariel's side made Lorne feel a rare sense of peace of mind. Only by her side could Lorne abandon everything and get a good night's sleep.

This is actually not a good thing, because Lorne's armed color is not strong, and if he doesn't use his perception ability, he can't achieve the domineering intuition of danger.

Lorne in this state is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

However, Lorne smiled. If you live according to the schedule like a robot, without the slightest surprise, then what is the meaning of life?

Moreover, if someone dared to attack him, it was only because he was not strong enough, and the fear he gave to others was not enough. That's all.

Ariel trotted away with the food in her hands. Lorne looked at her back helplessly.

There is no shortage of manpower in this church, and she doesn't need to do everything by herself. But she was always restless, even as a bishop, the habit of being a nun in the past had been carved into her bones.

Ariel moved quickly, and in a short while, a large table of sumptuous dinner was prepared by her again.

Just as Lorne was about to pick up the knife and fork, Ariel gave him a hard look. He reluctantly let go. Hands together. Muttering on the mouth.

"Dear Almighty and Omniscient Holy God of Truth,"

"Thank you for leading me another night and giving me a new day. I want to hand over this new day respectfully and reverently to God, and I pray that you, Holy Spirit, will guide my heart and my mind. , making it wholly subservient to the hearts of believers of the Holy Truth."

Although Ariel is gentle, she is extremely persistent in these details. After the short prayer before the meal, Ariel happily picked up the knife and fork.

"This is the red sandalwood raisin turkey that Aunt Nolala on Qiangwei Street taught me to make. I don't know if it's delicious." She cut a small piece and put it in her mouth, but she was a little frustrated.

"It doesn't seem as delicious as Auntie Nuolala's. I'll try harder next time!"

"No." Lorne tasted a piece. Looking at Ariel's pale green pupils, she said with a smile. "Every dish you cook is delicious, and I like it very much."

"Really?" Lorne's words made the little girl very happy. Under Lorne's perception ability, one could clearly see her little face turning red against the candlelight. It was unknown whether it was because of happiness or shyness.

The warm candlelight dinner passed quickly, and Ariel returned to her room after saying good night to each other.

Lorne was alone on the eaves of the church, quietly looking up at the starry sky.

The moonlit night is silent, and under the illumination of the night, the flowers blooming all over the city have a strange beauty.

But for people living in the country of flowers, it is a kind of torture not to be able to appreciate the beauty of flowers in the middle of the night, so people go to bed early.

Lorne looked at his pocket watch, it was still a quarter of an hour before dawn. "So I've been asleep for so long?" Lorne closed his pocket watch and said to himself. Fortunately, the little girl was stubborn and waited for so long.

Anyway, enough time. Lorne moved quickly and walked in the direction of Nancheng.

Soon came to a magnificent house, which was full of voices, which was incompatible with the silent Adela. However, the surrounding residents had to swallow their anger because of the influence of the owner of the house.

"Look who is this?" A clown with a big belly and a funny hat stood at the door. He yelled exaggeratedly after seeing Lorne.

"Isn't this our Father Wayne? Why, do you want to come here to look for the lost lamb?" The fat clown approached Lorne, "But I advise you to calm down, everyone here is voluntary!"

"Really?" Lorne said lightly. "It's a pity that I'm not here to save people, I'm just bored to gamble."

This resplendent house is exactly a gambling building. His master is one of Adela's underworld tycoons, the old blind dog Garcia who controls more than 80% of Adela's casino business!

"Father Wayne, are you kidding me?" Cold sweat dripped from the fat clown's face, as if he had been taught a lesson by Lorne. He said mournfully. "Didn't you make an agreement with Mr. Garcia that you will never come to our business again?"

"Why would I come to ruin your business?" Lorne said with a smile, and then Cong took out a coin from his pocket. "I'm really just playing around. Don't you welcome people here?"

This coin is worth 50 peles, which is really a casual play.

"How come?" The fat clown showed a smile uglier than crying. "Father Wayne, please." After Lorne walked in, the fat clown took out a phone bug from his arms.

"Moses Moses, Boss Garcia! Father Wayne is here to mess things up again!"

The moment Lorne walked into the gambling building, the whole gambling building seemed to be quiet. The gamblers stared blankly at Lorne.

But the next moment, the gamblers cheered, and they crowded towards Lorne and surrounded him.

"Father Wayne is here, I want to get my money back today!" a gambler who lost his eyes shouted. Get the response of those around you. The gamblers followed Lorne to a gaming table, and the croupier of the casino looked extremely ugly. But after getting the fat clown's consent, he started to roll the dice very stiffly.

"24 o'clock." After the dice fell to the ground, Lorne tossed the coin in his hand casually. With his perception ability, it is not too easy to play these things.

The gamblers followed Lorne closely, and a mountain of bets weighed heavily on the croupier's heart. He stiffly picked up the dice pot. The numbers added by the five dice inside are exactly twenty-four o'clock!

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