Pirate Family

Chapter 56 Undercurrent Surge

One year later, it was 1501 in the lunar calendar of the sea.

The huge whirlpool sea area, the deepest part of the city of Impelton. In the sixth layer of infinite hell. A boy is sitting in a cage. He looked at a newspaper in front of him with a serious expression.

This boy was Lorne, and over a year later, his body became much stronger. After he said those words to Domino, the little girl really didn't take the initiative to look for him again, and she would actively avoid meeting him by chance.

Even the nervous warden Hannibal secretly asked Lorne if the two of them had broken up, which made Domino so sad.

Lorne was speechless. Hannibal, the warden with a similar face, had such a strange brain circuit. He thought that Domino had taken a fancy to him because he was nice to him, and the two deliberately avoided it, which meant they had a conflict and broke up.

But fortunately like this, he didn't see the scrutiny of his subordinates.

However, the relationship has been separated, but Domino’s promise to Lorne to bring newspapers has never been interrupted. Every now and then, a newspaper will be secretly inserted in. It is these newspapers that make Lorne’s prison life not so boring. Find out what's going on in the outside world.

The prisoners around didn't bother Lorne. After getting along with them for many years, they had already figured out the habits of this prison inmate. After he finished reading, he would contribute the newspaper for everyone to circulate one by one.

"Huh? The world government has launched an order to slay demons?" The first person to take over the newspaper was the legendary pirate Golden Lion Shiji who was imprisoned next to Lorne. The typeface catches the eye.

This sigh sounded like thunder in the sixth level of hell.

"Where did the world government take action again?"

"I'm afraid I found something extraordinary again."


At this time, a weak voice sounded, "Excuse me, what is the Demon Slaughter Token?"

There was a brief silence in the huge prison, and then the prisoner next to the questioning prisoner shouted.

"You don't even know this? How did you get here?" The prisoner next to him explained. "The Demon Slaughter Order is an indiscriminate attack launched by the world government on a region in order to cover up its filthiness!"


Not to mention Lorne, the Demon Slaughter Order is an indiscriminate attack on an area launched by the Navy Headquarters authorized by the World Government. It was formed by the Admiral of the Navy. It has at least five lieutenant generals, ten major generals, and nearly 10,000 elite sailors. Horror plastic surgery. Just to destroy all people or things in the target area.

The newspaper said that the demons in O'Hara, the land of demons, tried to falsify history and overthrow the government's rule. Therefore, this time the demon-slaying order was triggered, and the entire O'Hara was turned into ashes.

But in fact, the scholars of O'Hara discovered the secret hidden in the history, which was obscured by the world government. They will not tolerate anyone knowing this secret, so O'Hara can only be destroyed.

This plot is also included in the original work, and the current occurrence means that the plot is further promoted.

Maybe I'm the trashiest traveler, obviously a butterfly who knows the plot, flapping its wings desperately but not changing the plot in any way. Lorne laughed to himself.

But a few pieces of information in the newspaper caught his attention.

"Due to the large number of people locked up in the Demon Slaughter Order, the World Government plans to send the Director of Advance City Prison to lead the escort team to the Navy Headquarters to pick up the prisoners." Golden Lion said slowly, but this sentence seemed like the wind blowing out the candle, making people The entire sixth floor prison was silent.

Except for a surprised gulp.

When Lorne saw these prisoners, a trace of flame seemed to be ignited, a flame of desire?

Imagine the time when Golden Lion Shiji escaped from prison, it was about this time, right? Lorne thought that before, he was still thinking about why Skee had to wait two full years before successfully escaping from prison after hearing Roger's perception and rekindling his raging desire to conquer.

Or use the self-mutilation method of cutting off his legs bound by Hailoushi. If the decision has already been made, why wait so long?

But that was all from God's point of view. Now that Lorne himself has been reduced to a prisoner, he realizes that escaping from prison is not just a matter of thinking. Surveillance phone bugs are everywhere outside. As long as the prisoners appear where they should not be, the arrest team composed of guards will catch up immediately.

The full name of Advancing City is Impelton, the Great Prison of the Deep Sea. As the name suggests, it is a prison hidden deep in the deep sea. Except for the first layer above the sea, every other layer is hidden in the sea.

Any prisoner who wants to get out can only attack layer by layer. The prisoners held on the first, second and third floors, even if they were close to the sea, were not strong enough to walk to the gate, or were easily defeated by the guards.

On the fourth floor, there are directors and deputy directors in charge. Once any escaped strongmen below are entangled by the guards, the terrifying recovery ability of the animal awakened makes them unbeatable Xiaoqiang. As long as they entangle the prisoners for a while, the director They will rush to the scene quickly.

Then is the real despair.

It is this perfect mechanism that has allowed the city to achieve the myth that no one has escaped from prison for hundreds of years!

Lorne knew that Shi Ji, who had the ambition to rule the sea, would never live in a corner and spend the rest of his life in the promotion city. He is waiting for an opportunity!

But now, he felt that the opportunity had come! Lorne also had the opportunity to realize his goal of coming to the city of advancement.


The news that Ken was not in the city of advancement spread like wildfire, and the atmosphere in the city of advancement was solemn. The jailers were watching the prisoners suffering in hell, holding standard long forks, ready to fight at any time.

And the prisoners were also working absent-mindedly, did they look at the jailer outside and smiled strangely.

In the prison director's office on the fourth floor, did Magellan get up and walk back and forth, frowning. Before Roger executed the prison riot, he and Ken were taken by the teacher to Mary Joel, the headquarters of the world government, for training, and a lot of reports were written.

After Ken returned to prison, his whole person became a lot gloomy. Instead of torturing and killing the prisoners, they tortured the prisoners in different ways. Let them "experience" the pain of hell without dying.

This time, the world government ordered Ken to pick up the warship where O'Hara's prisoners were being held. Ken didn't know what to think, so he agreed. Doesn't he know that if either of himself and him is not in prison, the group of villains below will not be safe!

"Report to the Deputy Director!" A jailer rushed into the office, saluted and said solemnly to Magellan.

"In the third layer of Hunger Hell, prisoners fought over food!"

"Let them go, don't they often fight?" Magellan was very annoyed, and didn't want to care about these trivial matters. Ken made a rule to put some food in the third level of hunger hell every once in a while.

There is not much food, and it is definitely not enough to satisfy the prisoners, so the prisoners often fight because of this incident.

"But," said the jailer breathlessly. "This time, the whole Hunger Hell is fighting!"

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