Pirate Alliance

Chapter 70 Purpose (Part 2)

Facts have proved that the sinking of the ship actually depends on the "destiny", and not every orangutan will be drowned. Although Qiubai is sometimes very weak, he will not encounter the determinism of too metaphysics after all—"He named it , and then the boat on which you are on will surely sink.” This kind of slander is untenable.

But to put it bluntly, there are more "man-made disasters" in it. The key to being safe and sound when returning to the voyage may be that this time because Qiu Bai himself was beaten up enough, he couldn't mess around on the ship. .

The control of the ship is in the hands of Ain. She can only command a safe voyage, and she doesn't force the navigator at will, so the journey is very safe.

In addition, there is good news. By the time Qiu Bai returned to the stronghold, his injuries had recovered to a good extent. It has to be said that his recovery from his injuries far exceeds his understanding of the recovery ability of "ordinary people". Perhaps this is also due to his stronger vitality.

As for his gains from this operation, first of all, Qiu Bai finally figured out his actual combat level - his most basic combat power should be maintained at the Luqi level, and his combat power can be simply labeled as "one way".

In fact, this 14-year-old young version of Lu Qi, Qiu Bai didn't think it was too difficult for him to win, and even "easy" in some places, so to describe Qiu Bai's battle in Frevans, it can be referred to as ...

Louis 14.

Of course, on the premise that he doesn't know how to use barrage to attack, this doesn't mean that Qiubai will win 100% of the time when he meets Lu Qi next time.

Combat power is always flexible, and it is difficult to describe it with specific numbers. In this world, there are people who can be beaten to vomit blood by pirates with a rank of 30 million. Beard fights each other, and firmly believes that there is a pirate who can chop off that head. From No. 1 in the world to No. 10,000 in the world, you can play back and forth. Does it look familiar? That's right, the name of that pirate is ready to come out, it is one of the famous "King Shichibukai", Sha Crocodile.

Of course, there are also many people who like to call him another more famous name: Kroc 50-50.


After escaping the encirclement of the Frevans navy, Qiubai and Ian finally returned to their "hometown" after several days of sailing.

With the creaking sound of printing on the board of the boat, Qiu Bai got off the boat, and then set foot on the solid ground again.

Then, he began to try to move his left shoulder.

"Ain, I always feel like I've forgotten something. This kind of vague feeling is a bit subtle. Do we still have a D that hasn't been completed?"

Qiu Bai always felt that he had lost something.

"Your plan? How would I know."

The voice came from behind Qiu Bai, and Ai En followed behind him.

This guy always seems to have many weird plans, but only he knows the details of those plans, but in fact, there are many unexpected situations in this operation, and it is impossible to implement any ABCD plan.

Qiu Bai reached out and tapped his own head, but gave up the treatment. Forget it, just forget it, the forgotten thing is always the nail clippers left at home, and one day it will appear again.

So Qiubai immediately changed the subject: "But when will you be able to complete the change to D?"


This time Ain didn't understand what he was saying. Looking back, Qiu Bai could see the doubt in Ai En's eyes.

"What I mean is... forget it, I have nothing else to do." After thinking about it, Qiu Bai decided not to commit suicide for the time being. After Frevans and his party, he understood a profound truth, that is It's good to be alive.

So... a big man, cute big tits, and a man with a big tit.

Next, Qiubai needs to report to Doflamingo the fact that the world government blew up the Po lead mine... Judging by the prior arrangement and schedule,

At this time, the pirate group has undoubtedly returned, and the conspicuous pirate ship is also here.

But when Qiubai was thinking about how to describe the "facts" of the Po lead mine more like "facts", a sudden change happened... Eh, the "nail clippers" were found so quickly?

Thinking that he is so dignified as Qiubai, there was such a day when he encountered the so-called "thing that fell from heaven".

With the shout of "Ah↗Ah↗Ah↗", a small black shadow gradually enlarged in front of his eyes.

The fall point of the black shadow, Qiubai, is within reach, so...


With the sound of "Boom!", a human-shaped trace was smashed in front of Qiu Bai's eyes.

"Saving a life" itself is a must-have recipe for increasing favorability and strategy level, but facing the thing that is about to hit him, Qiu Bai subconsciously took a step back like a normal person.

So the other party should fall and fall as they should.

He lowered his head to identify it, and then found that there was probably a boy in the pit... Wait a minute, the leopard-spotted winter fur cap, and although the clothes on his body were nothing special, there were two circles of grenades wrapped around his chest and back.

The quality is good, and it didn’t blow up after such a rough throw——Qiu Bai thought of his own D.

Still a little uncertain, he reached out and grabbed the opponent's back collar, and then lifted the stunned guy from the pit.

It seems, probably, maybe right?

At this time, Qiubai realized that his "fate" with Frevans was not yet over, because the thing he was holding was probably the only survivor of Frevans who "destroyed the whole country". "Trafalgar Law".

The white spots on the body that can be seen through the clothes can also illustrate this point, which is probably caused by the lead disease.

Those who survived the country-destruction event were undoubtedly extremely tenacious. Although Luo was just a brat, he was no exception. He would not die easily. So after being thrown from a fairly high place, he just lost consciousness rather than being thrown to his death.

He may even have regained consciousness shortly after suffering the onslaught of pain from the fall.

Then Luo, who opened his eyes again, found that his face was covered with blood and his whole body was tingling. What's more, he was now "on all fours" and was being held up for viewing like a small animal.

The pair of golden pupils in front of him filled with "I'm very interested in you" made Luo panic, suspicious, angry, and then explode.

"Who?! Let me go!"

"OK OK."

Although Qiu Bai said so, he didn't intend to let go at all.

At this moment, although Ai En didn't know what the child had experienced before, she could be sure that the little boy's future experience must be worthy of sympathy.

Luo, who was still being carried, began to wriggle his whole body in an attempt to break free from Qiu Bai's palm, but when he found that he couldn't break free, he started punching and kicking Qiu Bai again.

It's just that his fists don't have much strength, and those short legs can't reach Qiu Bai's body no matter how hard they slam.

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