Pirate Alliance

Chapter 124: Division Strategy

After spending several months, the Don Quixote family is ready to leave Beihai.

However, the family's going to the Great Sea Route does not mean completely abandoning the Beihai sphere of influence. After all, Doflamingo has been an elite here for more than 20 years, and Beihai is the "root" of the family, so his plan is to maintain the original On the basis of strength, expand new business.

The Don Quixote family's control of the North Sea is a rather vague and holistic statement. They are the largest pirate group and the biggest vested interests in the North Sea. However, there is no such thing as "absolute control". There are still countless other pirate groups, and the family's "dominance" is only maintained in the field of pirates, and they cannot compete with the power of the navy.

Therefore, Doflamingo needs a more solid "foundation" and absolute control of a certain area as the support of the family, and the position he chose is not bad... Dressrosa, which belonged to Tang 800 years ago Quixote's country.

It is inevitable to move the family's center of gravity to the new world, but the "control" of Beihai will not give up, and this kind of big move across half a planet is too difficult, so most of Don Quixote's general staff will still Staying in Beihai is the most basic part of controlling various "underground businesses". Anyway, such people are not irreplaceable, and such manpower gaps can be filled soon after they settle down in the new world.

In terms of personnel only, Doflamingo will only leave with cadres and some of the basic backbone elements of the Pirates, which is also the essence and core of the Pirates.

And around the middle of the year, this huge pirate group that has been entrenched in the North Sea, the shit-stirring stick of the dark world, finally left this sea area by boat.

Due to the loss of the main combat power in the remaining part, the activities have also turned to a more covert method in an all-round way.

The navy also noticed the change of the Don Quixote pirate group. At first they thought that the pirate group was just a routine activity, until their surveillance ship sent a clear message:

The pirate ship MISS Rab Daku crossed the Upside Down Mountain, and the Don Quixote Pirates entered the great route.

This is a big event that is enough to cause the North Sea Navy to explode. Don Quixote, who has been squatting in this place without moving his nest, finally entered the great route. What's going on?

Sudden intention without warning? Or did they really abandon the Beihai base and formally break into a wider sea? With Doflamingo's strength, Beihai is almost equivalent to Novice Village, and it is indeed time to leave.

However, it may be just a short voyage. Before, Don Quixote also went deep into the great route and then returned to the North Sea... But then they found that this time seemed different.

All kinds of signs indicate that this pirate group is really going to "leave" Beihai.

good thing? bad thing?

After Don Quixote left, the pressure on the North Sea Navy was naturally greatly reduced, but the other party would not go sightseeing on the Great Route, right? Did they make any big moves?

But no matter what, the navy did not make a large-scale exposure of this matter after discussing it. The so-called no tigers in the mountains, after losing the suppression of Don Quixote, maybe other pirates in the North Sea will have a very serious battle. Large-scale turmoil, the navy will be very busy again.

So the navy didn't take the path of finding trouble for themselves. Perhaps Don Quixote's movements will inevitably be gradually exposed in the near future, but that is much better than such a one-time outbreak.

Let's talk about the Don Quixote Pirates, enter the great --\u003e\u003e

After the flight, they headed east and soon arrived at the food island. The speed was not bad - Dover's purpose was very clear. He didn't need to go sightseeing or make unnecessary stops on unnecessary islands. It is impossible to have any idea of ​​adventure.

However, at the Gourmet Island, the Don Quixote Pirates, who were traveling all the way, stopped suddenly, because according to the prior arrangement, they would split into two groups from here.

"Monet, Ian, from now on you need to act alone, go to Dressrosa in the new world before the family, according to what I said before, I need you to mix into King Liku's palace..." Enter the great route Afterwards, Doflamingo has explained his strategic intentions, and now it is time to implement them in accordance with the guidelines.

"Understood, young master."

These are all arrangements that have been made before, so Monet smiled and agreed without any surprises, and Ain nodded in agreement.

"Afterwards, you will take a warship to the New World, but the family can only do so much. After arriving in Dressrosa, you need to act on your own. The purpose is to obtain as much information as possible about this country."

The tentacles of the Don Quixote family obviously did not extend that far, so everything needs their own efforts. As for what Dover can do, it is to send the two of them to the destination as safely as possible. For this reason, he bribed Some naval officer—quite adept at it.

Although Virgo failed before, this does not mean that there is anything wrong with Dover's way of using spies. The so-called one spy rushes to the street, and tens of thousands of spies stand up, which is the current situation.

Um, well, there are not tens of thousands, only two.

As for the candidate for the spy, Monet was chosen because she has the talent in this area, or she is the only one in the family at this time who has the qualities to be a spy, and Ain is the second insurance... because Monet is not a combatant, or It is said that her combat power at this time is equivalent to nothing, and Ai En is used to deal with extreme situations.

Of course, Qiubai can actually do this job, but the amazing thing is that Doflamingo doesn't want him to do it anymore. Why?

Not only that, but being two places away from Ain will increase Qiu Bai's scruples in a certain sense. Many things are no longer what he wants to do, and he can do as he wants.

"By the way," after explaining the matter, Doflamingo suddenly stopped Monet again, "As the most important subordinate, I happen to have a suitable gift for you here."

As he said that, he took out a fruit that looked like a citrus, but it was covered with a layer of crystal clear frost. Under the translucent frost was an orange skin, which was dyed with strange patterns.

Because the task on Monet is too important, Dover is going to give her the power to protect herself... At least on the face of it, it seems that she is irreplaceable at this time. Ai En has always been a bit "sluggish", which doesn't look like it It is the kind of talent who can obtain information cleverly.

Although Ain also has acting talent, this part has been concealed.

The intelligence personnel will go to Dressrosa in advance, while the actions of the remaining combatants will be more significant and direct.

And it's quite dangerous.

Because this kind of action belongs to "playing with fire", if you don't do it, you will really burn yourself to death.

Doflamingo is finally ready to attack "Heavenly Gold".

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