Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks

Chapter 38 Be yourself

"Fox, the details of Dark Wing have been found out."

"A human archer, level 14, with average equipment, should be a lucky player."

"Luck is better? The Lord of Fire is also led by him, so is that also luck?"

"What do you mean? He's a master?"

"It's definitely not an ordinary player. I suspect that the first glorious event on the server is his masterpiece."

"You mean, he was the one who killed the Wild Boar King?"

"Well, although he didn't announce his name, have you noticed that there are two shielding words in the system."

"Dark Wing!"

"Wuwei, you continue to collect information, no matter whether my guess is right or wrong, you must first establish a good relationship with him."



Li Yi took a taxi and went to Chu Nan's mansion.

He didn't play the game today, because Chu Nan's birthday party, as one of the invitees, he went of course.

Sitting in the taxi, Li Yi couldn't help sighing secretly, the huge gap between the past and the present.

In my previous life, I seemed to be alone all the time, except for the graduation party, I didn't seem to have contacted any classmates.

The taxi stopped, Li Yi got out of the car, and walked into the mansion in front of him.

This is his first visit to Chu Nan's house.

There are many people in the luxurious living room, and everyone is dressed luxuriously, showing their own identities.

"Li Yi, this way!"

Yao Li was the first to see him and waved to him.

The Chu family specially took out a living room to entertain Chu Nan's classmates.

A lot of students came, both men and women, at least a hundred of them, sitting in the room was extremely noisy.

"You joined your father's company? It's so fast, I haven't found a job yet."

‘Envy, envy, hate, reincarnation is really a science, when will you help my buddies? "

"Do you know what Lili does? I opened a cologne shop and became the boss."

"Really? I didn't notice it when I was in school, and I didn't see her use perfume..."

Although it wasn't long after graduation, the most talked about topic when the students gathered together has developed from gossip to life goals.

Whoever found a good job, whoever became a big boss, whoever made a fortune, these have all become objects of comparison.

Sure enough, once a person enters the society, innocence can no longer be found.

Li Yi sat in a corner and chatted with Yao Li.

Both of them play the game of gods, so the topic of conversation is naturally related to the game.

"Hey, isn't this classmate Li Yi, a big professional gamer? I heard that you made a fortune playing games recently? How many thousand?"

Just when the two were chatting vigorously, Hu Dezhi sat down carelessly.

Li Yi's face suddenly darkened.

Hu Dezhi was one of his classmates, and the relationship between the two of them was not very good when they were in school. Hu Dezhi liked to form gangs and be the leader of hooligans, and he could figure it out for the whole class, only Li Yi never gave him face.

The two had a fight, that time Hu Dezhi brought two people, but Li Yi cleaned it up by himself, this incident made Hu Dezhi lose face in school, in order to save face, he found a few more gangsters The young people in the society wanted to teach Li Yi a lesson, but they didn't expect that those young people were all messing with Chen Yang. Not only did the young people not do anything to Li Yi, they even told 'Brother Yang' about it when they returned.

After Hu Dezhi's disaster came, Chen Yang 'invited' him out for a talk every now and then, and every time he talked with him, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Since then, the two of them haven't had any communication at all.

What does it mean that Hu Dezhi jumped out now?

"It's okay." Li Yi said calmly.

"Hahahaha, I heard that player Li Da made a lot of money in the game, come on, tell us old classmates, how much money did you make?"

Hu Dezhi raised his legs arrogantly, took out a box of soft China and handed one to Li Yi.

"Ever smoked this cigarette? Come and try it?"

"Sorry to bother you, please go outside to smoke." The servant of the Chu family ran over and motioned Hu Dezhi to smoke outside.

"I won't smoke yet."

Hu Dezhi coughed a few times in embarrassment, and several classmates watching the scene behind him burst into laughter.

Seeing Hu Dezhi's posture, Li Yi understood that this guy came here specially to show off to him. .

Everyone has graduated and is no longer a student. What is done in school is no longer feasible in society.

"I recently did a few business deals with my dad, and I only made more than 9,000 yuan in the past half a month. Oh, I'm so tired, I don't want to do it anymore."

Hu Dezhi's voice was very loud. As soon as he yelled, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone turned their attention, and the hall was suddenly quiet.

Hu Dezhi was even more proud.

"Small business, we still need everyone to support, take care of things."

While Hu Dezhi was talking, he handed out business cards to people one by one, and Li Yi also received one, which said: Dezhi Clothing Monopoly, General Manager: Hu Dezhi.

"Player Li, tell our classmates how much money you made playing games? Haha."

Looking around, many people laughed at themselves, obviously they all wanted to see their own jokes.

Li Yi sighed slightly. Why didn't he see that they were so snobbish when he was in school?

"Not much, I only made more than a hundred thousand in half a month."

Li Yi took out the crystal card (a bank card with numbers displayed) and shook it at Hu Dezhi.

It clearly shows a series of numbers, 156322.

"Hehe, is it true or not?" Hu Dezhi's smile was a bit forced.

"Is Li Yi here?"

At this moment, Chu Nan walked in, saw Li Yi, and handed over a crystal card.

"This is the 100,000 first kill reward my brother gave you. This is a universal card that can be used anywhere. Let's talk first. I'll go out to entertain guests and I'll be back in a while."

The living room was silent.

Except for Chu Nan's relatively wealthy family, most of Li Yi's classmates are from ordinary families. For them, finding a job with a monthly income of over 10,000 is already very remarkable.

Hu Dezhi's face was extremely ugly. He wanted to ridicule Li Yi, but he didn't expect that his little capital was not even enough for others to earn...

"No matter what you do, it's for a better life. It's okay to compare each other, but what can you get if you belittle others and elevate yourself? I'm just a gamer, an ordinary person, I don't steal or grab, I enjoy it, It doesn't matter if you look down on me, because I don't need you to look down on me, I just want to be myself."

Li Yi took out a simple crescent-shaped dagger and put it on the table together with the one hundred thousand crystal card.

"This is a gift from me to Chu Nan. I'm sorry everyone, I still have something to do. I'm going back to play games."

Li Yi left gracefully.

A classmate who knows the goods picked up the dagger, looked at it carefully, and exclaimed: "The authentic late Qing Mongolian dagger has an official price of 28,000 yuan."



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