Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks

Chapter 28 Acquisition

Flame Cave.

"Everyone back up, mt hold, idiot, jump away when you see it breathing fire, don't stiffen up, fuck, vice t on, 3t ready."

More than 100 people crowded into the flame cave and besieged the flame lord 'Galesit' collectively.

These people were all found by my Beast Beast. After parting with Li Yi, he searched the Internet with suspicion, and he actually found the strategy written by the so-called 'inside test player'.

Exactly as what Li Yi said, the guide did mention the Flame Lord's style of play, but it didn't call it 'Fire Lord' but 'Flame King'.

There are also some differences in the style of play, but it is basically similar to Li Yi's style of play.

I love beasts and looked at the release date of the guide. Two years ago, the "King of Gods" hadn't been opened yet.

The closed beta is different from the public beta, so it's not surprising that the boss name has changed a bit.

Just like that, I Beast Beast believed what Li Yi said.

It's no wonder that no matter who reads this guide, they will never doubt it again...

Actually, it's just a coincidence.

Before the King of the Gods was opened, there would be tens of thousands of strategies written by "beta players" on the Internet every day. Countless people wrote them, and there would always be one or two that could catch the same...

When Li Yi pulled the boss, I Beast Beast was there, he understood the method, and the Flame Lord was refreshed, so naturally he couldn't let it go.

Bringing more than 200 people to fight 'Galaxit', unexpectedly, the master t couldn't resist at all, and the deputy t would die if he stepped up. None of the five famous mts in the guild could resist.

I can't hold it back at all, one person dies when the flame is sprayed, and group fights are not good. After the flame lord drops to a certain amount of blood, every time he kills a person, he will automatically recover one-third of the blood volume. This is its signature skill 'flame Rebirth'.

After the boss' blood volume drops to two-thirds, unless no one dies, no matter how many people come, it will not be able to kill it.

"What are you guys doing? You have all the frost suits, and your defense has reached 300, yet you can't resist a small boss? You're not as fucking as good as an archer."

I love beasts and cursed with anger.

The five major mts of the guild, you look at me, I look at you, and no one speaks.

"Head, more than a hundred of our people died, and the least number of deaths was three or four times. If we continue to die like this, the overall strength of our guild will definitely decline." A healer said worriedly.

Here, only my beloved beast knows the resurrection technique, but the usage limit of the resurrection technique is a 30-minute cooldown, it's okay if one dies, but if more people die, he will be overwhelmed.

I love Beast looked at the full blood of 'Galesit' with hatred, and sighed: "Disband."


'Fire Leaf Grass' and 'Bing Xinlian'.

Li Yi browsed the auction house, saw 'Fire Leaf Grass' and 'Bing Xinlian', as long as the price was not too expensive, they would all be auctioned.

These two materials are necessary for making fire-attribute potions. After level 15, the fastest-upgrading dungeon belongs to the top of flame dungeon group.

The map of the top of the flames, from bosses to ordinary mobs, without exception, is all fire attribute attacks. If you don't drink the potion of fire attribute resistance, the burns caused by the fire attribute attacks will definitely make people collapse.

If you want to clear the copy of the flame, the fire attribute potion is a must.

What Li Yi is doing now is to hoard most of the materials on the market, and when the Dungeon Group on the Top of Flame is opened, the price of materials will definitely soar, and by then, he can make a lot of money.

Li Yi frantically swept up the goods, causing the prices of the two materials to rise sharply, but he didn't care about that at all, as long as the increase was not too outrageous, he would buy them all.

As a player who has been reborn once, he knows the value of fire attribute potions better than anyone else.

"Why is it gone again? Who is buying this thing?"

"That's right, what a mess, I can't even find the materials even if I'm proficient."

"The forest is so big that there are no birds."

A group of junior alchemists gathered in the auction house, complaining.

In addition to combat professions, there are many life professions for players to choose in "King of Gods". There is no limit to life professions, any profession can be learned, and pharmacist is one of them.

Although there are no restrictions on learning life occupations, not to mention mastering them all, even if you want to practice a certain item to the top, not everyone can do it. Like the king of the gods who has been running for eight years, he is a well-known master of life occupations , but they are still so rare that they can be counted on one hand.

In his previous life, Li Yi once learned "Forging", but unfortunately, the huge cost of materials and money and a lot of time and experience investment made him only rush to the intermediate level, and then voluntarily gave up. .

Since he learned how to make "Steel Arrow", Li Yi has gained another profitable business. In the early stage of the game, there are still many archer professions. NPCs only sell the most common arrows, and arrows with increased attack power, Only he can do it, and the sales will naturally explode.


"Bitch, the steel arrow forging book you sold for 2 gold last time, someone used it to make arrows, a set of arrows, 30 silver, so fucking black..."

"Is it easy to sell?" The bitch Wang casually chopped up the adult wild boar without lifting his head.

It's unlucky for him to provoke a big man with a Chinese face. He is tyrannical, and the other party is even more tyrannical than him. He just killed him and his subordinates to drop back to level 5. In the end, the head of the Huashan Guild came forward to negotiate with the other party, and the matter was settled. .

"It's not on display. The average sales record in the auction house is more than 500 sets a day."


The bitch Wang was a little depressed, as soon as he turned around, the adult wild boar attacked from behind, ramming twice in a row, knocking Wang Renjian to the ground.

Bitch Wang's subordinates were stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to step forward with a knife, Bitch Wang cursed: "Don't fucking kill it, I don't need you, remember the appearance of this wild boar for me, I will kill it myself when I come back!"


Li Yi only stayed at the auction house for a short while before receiving invitation messages from three people.

One is 'I love beasts', inviting him to fight the Lord of Fire again.

The second one is holy. Recently, his knights were leveling up in the western wilderness, and they always met the level 20 boss Violent Ape King. Unfortunately, he would die once, and he couldn't beat him at all, so he came to Li Yi.

The third one is from the Dark Dynasty guild. The guild is currently opening up wasteland with a heroic difficulty of 'Frost Mystery', so all the guilds are asked to go and want to win the first place on the server.

After much deliberation, Li Yisi declined the invitation of Shengjiemo and I Beast Beast, and chose to help the Dark Dynasty fight the heroic difficulty 'Frost Mystery'.

Although he didn't have a good impression of the Dark Dynasty, but this time he was reborn, he had decided not to owe anyone any more.

If the Dark Dynasty wants to win the 'Frost Mystery' on the heroic difficulty, just help him, not to mention that there is still a task that I haven't finished there.

After making up his mind, Li Yi made some preparations and set off for the Aegean Forest.


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