"Son, you are my son." The crazy Ouyang Feng called to Xiahou as soon as he arrived.

Xiahou has a mmp in his heart, don't think that it's okay if you scream crazy.

At the moment, Xiahou punched him casually.

Although Xiahou didn't use Internal Energy, the power of his punch was close to a ton.

Facing Xiahou's punch, Ouyang Feng immediately felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, and instinctively performed his stunt.

Toad power!

This is a martial arts created by Ouyang Feng, whose power is not under the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms.

I saw that Ouyang Feng squatted on the ground, like a big toad, holding his breath and accumulating energy, gathering momentum, and staring at Xiahou stubbornly.


With a scream of toad, Ouyang Feng jumped up and shot out with both palms.

Toad gong is a strong external gong, which can be masculine and make the whole body firm.

Now, the strength of Ouyang Feng's wrists, arms, shoulders, back, abdomen, legs and other parts are concentrated in his hands. Therefore, his palm strength is strong and powerful.


Xiahou fisted with Ouyang Feng with both palms, but they were evenly matched. However, Ouyang Feng used at least 80 to 90% of his skill, but Xiahou did not use his power, which shows the huge gap between the two sides.

"My dear son, I haven't seen you for some days, martial arts has improved a lot." Ouyang Feng said with a smile.

"Unbeaten." Xiahou was annoyed in his heart.

At the moment, Xiahou used a little skill.

Although Xiahou didn't have even the skill to use in Chengdu, it was more than enough to deal with Ouyang Feng.

As the leader of the Zhutian chat group, once in a combat state, Xiahou's speed will increase. Now, his speed is 200%. If the Zhutian chat group is upgraded to lv2, he will be at 300% speed in the combat state.

Now, Xiahou can easily avoid Ouyang Feng's attack, but this is not necessary.

At this time, Xiahou punched again.

Ouyang Feng used toad power again, but this time the situation was different.

Under Xiahou's punch, Ouyang Feng's toad power was broken. He vomited blood, flew upside down for several meters, and was already seriously injured.

Fortunately, Xiahou didn't use a success force, otherwise, one punch would kill Ouyang Feng.

Hong Qigong, who was watching the battle, was surprised. Although he knew that Xiahou would definitely defeat Ouyang Feng, he didn't expect to understate it so lightly.

"It seems that Xiahou was afraid that he didn't even use half of his strength, but he defeated the old poison lightly. His martial arts are really terrifying." Hong Qigong thought.

Next, Xiahou punched and kicked Ouyang Feng.

Poor Ouyang Feng hugged his head, curled up, and withstood Xiahou's beatings, he screamed from time to time.

Soon, Ouyang Feng was scarred, and his ribs were also broken.

"Be careful when speaking later." Xiahou curled his lips.

"Who are you? Why can't I beat you? I am number one in the world. I have learned the Nine Yin Scriptures." Ouyang Feng shouted.

"The world is number one? It depends on you?" Xiahou smiled contemptuously.

There are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world. Even if this is just a low-strength plane, there should be some people who are better than Ouyang Feng.

"What's your name? What's my name?" Ouyang Feng held his head, he felt his head explode, painful.

"You? Your name is Ouyang Goudan." Xiahou rolled his eyes and said to Ouyang Feng with a smile.

"Ouyang Goudan? My name is Ouyang Goudan?" Ouyang Feng muttered to himself.

"Yes, your surname is Ouyang, and your name is Gougan." Hong Qigong walked over and said to Ouyang Feng solemnly.

"Then am I called Ouyang or Gougan?" Ouyang Feng asked again.

"Call Gougan!" Hong Qigong said.

"So I was called Gougan." Ouyang Feng raised his head and shouted, his voice spread far.

"Okay, googly, get out of the mountain!" Xiahou said.

Xiahou had to have dinner with Hong Qigong, and only then used the food tablecloths to display a lot of delicious food and two bottles of wine. Before he could enjoy it, Ouyang Feng came.

"Down the mountain?" Ouyang Feng fixed his eyes on Hong Qigong.

At this time, Ouyang Feng's eyes gradually sharpened.

"I remembered, I remembered everything, I am Ouyang Feng." Ouyang Feng is not crazy.

"The old poison is not crazy? It's strange." Hong Qigong smiled.

"It's been a long time to call flowers. Come on, let's fight." Ouyang Feng opened his posture and was about to fight Hong Qigong.

"Now you are not my old opponent." Hong Qigong said.

After being beaten by Xiahou, Ouyang Feng was seriously injured and his strength was greatly reduced. He would definitely lose in a battle with Hong Qigong.

Ouyang Feng's eyes flickered, thinking in his heart.

After some calculations, Ouyang Feng said: "I still have things to do, so I'll say goodbye, and wait for Huashan to learn from the two masters when he discusses the sword."

As soon as the voice fell, Ouyang Feng turned and left.

Looking at the back of Ouyang Feng going down the mountain, Hong Qigong couldn't help sighing: "I'm afraid that Rivers and Lakes will have trouble from now on."

Ouyang Feng's lifelong wish is that martial arts is number one in the world. This time he was beaten by Xiahou. With his urinary ability, he would definitely do everything possible to improve martial arts.


The sky is getting dark, the night is as cool as water, the silvery moonlight falls on the earth, and the top of Huashan is cold.

Xiahou and Hong Qigong were full of wine and food.

Next, Hong Qigong talked to Xiahou about martial arts.

Whether it is Cultivation Base or Realm, Xiahou is above Hong Qigong. Therefore, the two who talked about martial arts, Hong Qigong has benefited the most.

"I have some time to come to Huashan, let's leave tomorrow!" Xiahou said he wanted to go to Lin'an.

Xiahou didn't want the Southern Song Dynasty to be wiped out by Mongolia.

There was the Song Dynasty, who were both strong and weak. The short-sighted Song Taizu was worried that others would follow his example and put a yellow robe to add his body to civil and military. As a result, the Song Dynasty was often bullied by foreigners, Liao, Jin, Xixia, Mongolia, and even Vietnam. Bullying the Song Dynasty.

In fact, the Song Dynasty had a developed economy, a vast land and abundant resources, a large population, and the soldiers’ combat effectiveness was not weak. The reason why they were repeatedly bullied by foreigners was that, in the final analysis, they used civil and military affairs. Moreover, the military power is in the hands of civilian officials, and the generals are almost puppets. Although all these make it impossible for the generals to rebel, they undoubtedly do more harm than good to a country and a nation.

To change history and save the Southern Song Dynasty, it is difficult to do it by one person. Therefore, it is necessary for Xiahou to go to Lin'an to talk to Zhao Yun about life.

Zhao Yun is also Song Lizong, now the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Speaking of it, Zhao Yun was not completely incompetent. In the first ten years of his succession, he was under the coercion of the empire of power and history, and he was completely indifferent to government affairs. He only began to pro-government, and at the beginning of his pro-government, he was determined to revive. He took reform measures such as dismissing the historical party, admonishing himself, clarifying government officials, and rectifying finances, which temporarily made the Southern Song Dynasty stronger, but it was abolished in his later years.

When Zhao Yun tried his best to cure the situation, it seemed like a ZTE scene.

Perhaps, because Mongolia was too powerful to see hope, Zhao Yun gave up on himself.

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