Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 404: Reorganized combat body

Lin Feng was in the Great Destruction Battle Physique, but he was not in a hurry to cultivate. The cultivation of the Battle Physique cannot be accomplished overnight, even if his current Tide Battle Physique is strong enough to support the cultivation of other Battle Physiques.

"A battle body that fits the laws of space!"

After Lin Feng selected the Great Destruction Battle Body, he put his mind on the laws of space.

The law of time and the law of space can be regarded as one of the very special laws among all the laws, and there are even thousands of laws that say that time and space are king.

Practitioners with a talent for space have a very high status in the vast universe. Those space passages are actually built by those who have practiced the laws of space.

As for the law of time, it is too few and too few. Even Lin Feng has never heard of anyone who has comprehended the law of time. Even if Lin Feng has such a treasure as the Stone of Doom, it is almost impossible to comprehend the law of time.

Although he cannot comprehend the law of time, Lin Feng has already comprehended the law of space, and with the Stone of Doom, his law of space will continue to grow and become very powerful in the end.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a combat body that fits the laws of space. Even if it does not work now, it will definitely work in the future.

But in the Battle Body Temple, battle bodies that fit the laws of space are really rare, so few that Lin Feng has been looking for for a long time, but he has not been able to find them.

However, the Battle Body Temple contains all the battle bodies in the Beamon Temple. Even if they are rare, there are still battle bodies that conform to the laws of space.

In the end, Lin Feng found a battle body that matched the laws of space, and this was the only battle body. Therefore, Lin Feng had no choice.

This battle body is called the Escape Battle Body.

It is a special fighting body, even if there is no space law, it can still be cultivated. Its combat effectiveness is not strong, it is not the main battle body, but an auxiliary battle body.

Once the air escape body is condensed, it can "moment" in a small range, yes, it is teleportation. There is no need for space laws, but there must be a talent for space.

And the so-called small-scale teleportation can only be within the stars, and it cannot be too powerful. It is too strong inside the planet, and the space is stable. Even if you practice the Escape Battle, it is difficult to move instantly.

For example, for huge planets such as Beamon Star, Roja Emperor Star, etc., it is almost impossible to move instantaneously with the help of the air escape. Because inside these huge planets, the space is too stable.

It seems that the air-evasion combat body seems a bit tasteless, but as a special auxiliary combat body, it is not used in this way. In fact, the fundamental reason for cultivating the air escape body is to help you comprehend the laws of space.

The air escape body is extremely in line with the laws of space. Once you practice it, you can draw inspiration from it, so that you can more easily understand the laws of space. Once you comprehend the laws of space and cooperate with the air escape body, it will be very different.

Primitive space law can increase the power of the air escape body ten times in space escape!

At that time, even super planets like Beamon and Roja Emperor could move instantly. Even in the cosmos, primitive-level space laws combined with air-evading combat bodies can move a short distance.

Of course, it's just breaking the distance, and there is still a certain burden on the air escape body. Only when the law of space has reached the planet level, can the air-evading combat body at this time be able to travel through space in the universe. At that time, the universe is so big that it can go there with the air-evading combat body.

"It's these two battle bodies, the Great Destruction Battle Body and the Escape Battle Body!"

Lin Feng finally chose these two battles, and then, he grabbed the light group, and suddenly, the detailed cultivation methods of the Great Destruction Battle and the Air Escape Battle appeared in his mind.

The so-called cultivation method is actually the arrangement of cells. Every brand-new combat body is a practitioner in the universe. It has undergone countless attempts and perfections before it finally takes shape.

The method of combat body cultivation in the light group is completely imprinted in the mind and will never be forgotten.

After Lin Feng selected the two battle bodies, he left the battle body temple and returned to his residence. He began to try to cultivate these two battle bodies.

The first is the Great Destruction.

Lin Feng has practiced the tidal body, and it is easier to get started with the big destruction battle body. Among the fighting bodies, as a whole, the size of the body is used as a measure.

But can't it be possible to distinguish between high and low combat bodies of the same body type?

That's not the case, the battle bodies have different functions, such as the explosive power and destructive power of the battle bodies, and the Great Destruction Battle Body is terrifying.

Especially with the blessing of the law of annihilation, it is even more terrifying. Wherever the Great Destruction Battle Body passes, everything will be turned into ashes! This is a battle body created for fighting and destruction.

The fighting body is the way the cells are arranged, which Lin Feng already knew very well.

Therefore, Lin Feng displayed the tidal body. The 650-kilometer tidal body was very strong. It seemed that every cell was full of vitality and power.

But compared to God King Beamon, only one cell can turn into an independent life, but Lin Feng is far from being able to do it.

However, he can control the cells in Zhan's body and begin to change rapidly, which is "the ever-changing".

But now, what Lin Feng does is more meticulous and bolder!

He wants to rearrange all the cells of the tidal body, which is very bold, but it is also a necessary process for cultivating other battle bodies.

Lin Feng calmed down and felt that everything was in order, he immediately started to act.


Lin Feng's tidal body collapsed suddenly, yes, like gravel, it collapsed instantly. The 650-kilometer battle body completely collapsed, and the scene was spectacular.

But the battle body is not gravel, it is "collapsed" on the surface, but in fact every cell is still under Lin Feng's control. In his mind, the cell arrangement of the Great Destruction Battle Body emerged.

So cells began to reorganize, and countless cells began to wriggle and reorganize rapidly. In this process, a lot of energy is lost. In other places, the loss of so much energy alone is enough to be distressing.

After all, energy is a hard currency in the universe, and everything can be less, but only energy cannot be less.

However, this is in the upper area of ​​the Beamon Temple, and the great Beamon God King even exerted his mighty power to move dozens or hundreds of supergiant planets and stars.

Its energy is so huge that it is unimaginable. Not to mention a mere 650-kilometer battle body, even if it is a battle body that condenses planetary life, it is easy and the energy is very sufficient.

Here, you can keep trying without worrying about running out of energy.


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