People Sign In At The Mountain Village Leisurely

Chapter 180: Is My Wife Spicy And Fierce?

Chapter 179

There are nine golden chains.

Since Xia Yingqiu's palm began to entangle, he went around the tiger's mouth, locked his wrists, and converged at the position where the old Chinese medicine pulse was signaled, and tied a beautiful and complicated knot.

The nine chains are very thin, as thin as a girl’s jewelry. They are all entangled in one hand, and they don’t look too bloated. On the contrary, there is a strange beauty that makes people look even more strange. All of Yu's mind couldn't help being attracted to it.

Liu Pingan's gaze fell on the nine chains, twisted around the beautiful and complicated knot, and then stretched out along the chains until he plunged into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Obviously, the slender and delicate chain in the hand gradually became stronger with the distance, from a plaything-like ornament to a simple and crude creation, full of mighty power.

It feels a bit like being super suppressed by Xia Yingqiu's hands, directly pressed into jewelry. Only by staying away from Xia Yingqiu can he reveal his true colors.

But suppression belongs to suppression, jewelry belongs to jewelry, after all, it is a chain, after all, it is a ban.

Xia Yingqiu was obviously affected, at least that hand was quite inconvenient to move, it seemed awkward and stiff, and it seemed that it might be unsteady to pick up something with it.

Liu Pingan looked at the wife who claimed to be the supplier of the Xianjia Hotel, and looked at the chain extending from her hand that was completely invisible. The look on her face was a little strange.

This is Wu Ruomei's dream, right, here I and the "system" I have should be the person in the dream dreamed up by that hot girl, right, but, this scene, this situation, how can you see more and more Do you think something is wrong?

He just came to this dream to play the person in the dream. To put it bluntly, he was experiencing the dream, but now he couldn't help but doubt that this was not Wu Ruomei's dream at all, but his own dream.

Xia Yingqiu with nine chains and wrists in front of him should be his own conjecture, right? It corresponds to the reality in Life, a wife with a bad body and a bad temper...

Dreamland is originally a derivation of reality and a reflection of reality.

Just like Liu Pingan, whose upper body began to flourish in the system, he became a living immortal in other people's dreams, and became a secluded boss.

A bad-health and bad-tempered wife, in Liu Ping’an’s dream, has become a system of being banned, suppressed, and restricted. It does not seem to be incomprehensible?

Before Liu Ping'an, who was thinking divergently, came up with a name, the coldly faint Xia Yingqiu had opened her outstretched hand.

"The knife comes."

This was not what Xia Yingqiu said, but Liu Pingan subconsciously dubbed it.

Because as her slender white hands opened, the entire starry sky and the entire sea of ​​clouds began to turbulence. A stream of light came from an unknown void, almost out of nothing. Open hands.

Liu Pingan, who has read a lot of online novels, subconsciously dubbed him a voice. He felt that this situation and the scene were a perfect match for this very pretending line.

It's just a kitchen knife or something, it doesn't fit this scene a bit.

And the knife seemed familiar, especially the lack of a gap on it, and it was quite familiar.

It seems that when Lao Zhang's family killed pigs during the New Year, Liu Pingan, who chopped ribs, cut a small gap with the kitchen knife Xia Yingqiu was used to.

He rolled a few eyes at Xia Yingqiu and talked about it several times.

At this moment, Xia Yingqiu didn't talk any more, but lightly held the small hand, grabbed the simple-looking kitchen knife, turned his wrist slowly, and pulled out an unsightly knife.

The golden chain shook with it, and I didn't feel that it was nearer, the farther it was, the greater the amplitude. When it went deep into the sea of ​​clouds, it was already like a dragon, and the entire sea of ​​clouds was stirred up and tossed.

The shadow of the dragon is faintly visible rolling, like a dream and illusion.

It seems that the true body of the nine chains is the nine mighty and domineering golden dragons.

The sound of chain buckles colliding from near to far, from small to large, when it reached the vast sea of ​​clouds, it was already like a dragon's chanting, and it was also like thunder.

In a daze, I don't know whether it is Nine Dragons holding hands or slender hands driving the dragon.

The next moment, a shrill sound came from the thunder of the dragon's voice, clear and long-distance, yet vigorous, which made people think of a word that was comparable to that of the dragon's voice for the first time.


A ray of fire exploded in the void, turning into a Phoenix that covered the sky and sun.

Fengming Nine Heavens, Phoenix spreads its wings.

Then, my eyes were red, and I only felt that the fire was raging, and the sky was overwhelming.

Phoenix on the other side of the ashes, has already rushed down.

With that momentum, it was as if the entire sky had been ignited and it was collapsing. The entire fairy palace on the sea of ​​clouds had ignited flames and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Liu Pingan didn't move, he was dumbfounded.

Xia Yingqiu moved, and she swung out the kitchen knife in her hand.


Liu Pingan couldn't help but dubbed it again, thinking that it seemed interesting to pick up a chopper to cut Phoenix or something.

It's just that Xia Yingqiu's knife is an understatement, just a casual swing, slowly and lightly, and even the knife's light can't be condensed.

Also, there are nine chains wrapped around his wrists, and the restraints are not unimportant. It is not easy to get up quickly and to be stable.

In reality, Xia Yingqiu is slow when cutting vegetables, making people anxious.

In Xia Yingqiu now, swinging a knife is like cutting vegetables.

Phoenix, who threw her head down, was the vegetable she wanted to cut.

Using heaven and earth as a chopping board, cutting fire and phoenix is ​​like cutting vegetables.

The dazzling fire exploded, and the stream of fire scattered, like a gushing glow.

There was a flower in front of Liu Ping'an, and he felt that he opened his eyes blindly, and he couldn't see anything.

He rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and then looked at it with concentration. Where is the Phoenix, where is the Golden Dragon Chain? What I saw and heard just now seemed to be an illusion.

The sea of ​​clouds is still the sea of ​​clouds, the starry sky is still the starry sky, and the fairy palace is also the fairy palace.

The energetic gas turned into clouds and mists, tumbling into the sea, Qionglou Yuyu scattered in a pattern, stretching into a palace, still immortal, still cold as promised.

Xia Yingqiu was still by her side, her expression still cold, but she was empty-handed, she didn't have the kitchen knife that seemed to be familiar, and she didn't have the Nine Dragon chains that bound her and was suppressed by her.

A stove was placed in front of her, and a pot of chicken was stewed on the stove.

The fragrance drifts ten miles, tempting to covet.

Liu Pingan took a breath, which was a bit weird.

If I dare to love my eyes, you gave Xiao Zai the Phoenix, and chopped it directly into meat for stew?

This is to treat it as a broiler, right?

Uh, in reality this is a broiler, but in a dream it becomes a Phoenix.

My wife is so spicy, it turns out.

Luckily, it was in a dream.

Otherwise, I really don't know how to live that little life.

If one is not careful, maybe the whole thing will be fully cooked.

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