Are you sure you're not a monkey invite?

But soon Luo Chen and the three of them restrained their smiles, and the indigo orb that was releasing light blue light was obviously releasing some kind of power, that is, this orb was indeed not ordinary.

Who made this rain?

Is it really calling for wind and rain?

You're a little bit talented, right? Playing Immortal cultivation in Pokémon World? It's a bit inauthentic, hey!

"What can they really summon?" Minna was shocked.

Asking for rain is a very easy thing for Pokémon, but it is a mythical power that cannot be completed by humans, and even those with special abilities cannot do it.

Minna had never heard of a prop that could give humans the ability to call the wind and rain.

But the scene in front of her obviously subverted her cognition.

Now she can only hope that Luo Chen's superpowers can find some clues and then solve her doubts.

"System, what's going on?" Luo Chen decisively asked the system for help.

"The orb has the ability to manipulate the weather, and it's not clear whether it can only manipulate rainy days, but the indigo orb doesn't have this ability, so this orb is not the kind of indigo orb we know, it's some kind of similar-looking prop. "

"Props with similar appearances, and this kind of thing?" Luo Chen was very curious.

The system reminds: " Don't forget that ultra-ancient humans can create indigo orbs and vermilion orbs, and the two orbs you get in the parallel universe of the Pokémon world are the orbs created by ultra-ancient humans in order to control Groudor and Gaioca, this kind of orb does not control Gaioca and Gulardo completely, and will expand the evil thoughts in people's hearts, so in the end, these two orbs were sealed by super-ancient humans, since humans can create such a orb, it is not impossible to make an indigo orb with the function of calling wind and rain!"

Luo Chen's brows tightened, and he remembered those experiences in the first secret realm trial.

The ultra-ancient humans of that world possessed all kinds of incomprehensible black technologies, and some of their technologies were even ahead of modern technology.

Although the two orbs they created could not completely control Gaioca and Grunardo, they could have a very big impact on them, but one thing, there were no Pokémon in the super ancient period of this world!

Pokémon only appeared in this world a thousand years ago, and at that time, human technology was in a mess, where could they have the ability to create such powerful props?

Only a world that has had Pokémon survival since ancient times like the Pokémon main world can give birth to such a black technology, because human beings can easily produce a relationship of mutual help under the co-existence of Pokémon for a long time, and human beings will also create some strange props under the strong pressure brought by Pokémon.

But the world obviously didn't go through that kind of environment, so there shouldn't be artificially created indigo orbs on Gaia.

Then how did this orb come about? Luo Chen had endless doubts in his heart.

But there's one more important thing to figure out.

"Can this orb summon Gaioca?" This is a very important point, if this orb can only call the wind and rain, then it is a complete chicken rib prop, and it has no effect other than pretending.

But once this thing can summon Gaioca, it will be the highest level of legendary items!

You must not allow others to take the orb away.

The system also wanted to answer Luo Chen's question, but now she couldn't figure out whether this indigo orb could summon Gaioca, and she didn't dare to speculate without careful testing.

"Shall we just snatch this orb?" Luo Chen suggested to Mina.

The system can no longer be counted on, and they can only rely on themselves.

Minna hesitated, "What if this orb has no other function and can only beg for rain?

She and Xiao Ya showed their true faces, unlike Luo Chen, with a face-changing device, let alone robbery, even if he killed people and set fires, no one could find him.

But if she does such a thing as robbery, her reputation will be over, and what face will she have to go to the alliance to clock in and go to work in the future?

And the most embarrassing thing is that I am afraid that some media will make a big gimmick, and when the time comes, news like "Shocked! The deputy director of the headquarters of the alliance actually snatched a small prop for rain, is the world hot or the alliance deducts wages, making the life of a deputy minister-level figure unsustainable?" Once news like this is spread, the impact will be too great!

She voiced her concerns, and Luo Chen was silent after listening.

Yes, if you want to do something, you can't show your true face, even this group of blue-robed people know how to wear masks, if he rushes up like this with Mierna, it will be the end of the calf.

"Alas, the days without a face-changing device are difficult!" he shook his head regretfully, and made up his mind to go back and buy a face-changing device for Minna and Xiaoya, otherwise he would be constrained in doing things many times in the future.

But now I can only dispel the idea of robbery, as long as I continue to wait, and when this group of people do something unruly, I can go up and subdue them with righteous words, and then Minna will not have any worries.

Even if it's seen, it's nothing, do good deeds, the more people who watch the excitement, the better~

Luo Chen released his mental power, wanting to observe the condition of the indigo orb up close, but his spiritual power was blocked by an invisible force when he approached the throne.

Luo Chen's eyes narrowed.

The blue-robed man who was dancing on the high platform also glanced at Luo Chen's side lightly.

"This guy, is he a superpower?" Luo Chen muttered softly.

Mirna's ears moved, "Superpower??

Luo Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know, I didn't continue to try, but judging from the fact that he was able to release the spiritual barrier and block my telekinesis, his telekinesis strength is not low." "

Luo Chen's superpower is the highest level of supremacy, this man's superpower can block his telekinetic exploration, and it is estimated that it should at least reach the top!

I just don't know how big this man is, if he is young enough, then this talent can be described as shocking.

The arrival of Luo Chen and the three of them did not make the blue-robed people stop the sacrifice and pray, and the three of Luo Chen did not bother, as the sacrifice continued, the drizzle fell in the sky again, and it became heavier and heavier.

This time, Xiao Ya did not change the weather, but left the opportunity to the audience watching the performance in the center of the island.

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