In Sauron defeated Mr.After 1, Anbai brought Sauron full of injuries back to the hotel.

“Sauron was solemn!” Qiaoba said while bandaging Sauron.

“The opponent encountered this time was a bit strong, but Sauron finally broke through himself, comprehended the breathing of all things, and reached the realm of Jianhao.” An Bai smiled and explained.

“Anbai, are you not injured?” Namela checked by Anbai.

“I’m okay!”

At this time, Nami saw Robin who was standing behind and looked stiff. “Anbai, did she come to join our Pirates group?”

“Well, Robin began to officially become a member of our empty shadow pirate group today” and then Anbai introduced them to each other.

“Hello! Nami, Choba.” Robin said with a smile.

Originally, Nami and Qiaoba were still a little unnatural. Yesterday, they were still enemies and became partners today. However, after Robin took out a medical book and a large bag of Belly, Nami and Qiaoba were bought happily.

“Robin, Alabastein has a historical text, should you be interested?” Anbai said to Robin with a smile.

“Really?” Robin’s face was full of excitement, answering the text of history is the only motivation for her many years.

Then Anbai took Robin to the royal palace in Alabastein.


“Stop, who you are, this is the palace’s heavy land, outsiders are not allowed to enter.” The guard at the door of the palace stopped Anbai.

“I am looking for your king, Gobla,” Anbai said with a good voice.

“Is the king who can see it?” The guard continued to stop.

“Oh! Robin, do you know? Sometimes I really don’t want to do it, but there are always people who have forced me to do.” Anbai said to Robin with sighing.

“Captain, don’t you want it?” Robin was shocked.

“100,000 volts. Discharge”


“Did Crockedal have been defeated?” In the palace of Alabastein, the king said excitedly.

After Crockedal came to Alabastein, various things have happened. What are the droughts and rebellions in every place, and naturally someone has guess it, coupled with the news from Princess Vivien’s lurking in Barlock’s work club half a year agoIt has been basically determined to be the plan of Crockedal.

“It’s great, it’s great. Weiwei can come back.” Kabla said happily.

“King, it’s not good, the captain of the empty shadow pirate group who defeated Crockedal,” Lei Ming “Anbai broke in.” A guard suddenly ran in to report.

“What, what do he want to do?” Cabra ran to the outside of the palace nervously with his face and saw that the guards outside the palace had all fell to the ground.

“This adult, I am the king of Alabastein, Corbra, I don’t know what happened to the big fire?” Cabra said with a smile, and the IQ of being a king would not be bad. I immediately understand that the enemy is strong.The weak reality, respectfully.

As for the kind of intellectual disabilities that are only available in the face novel, you can only conceive in the minds of those authors.

“You see, isn’t this good? Your guards are too sensible. I have said it to visit. They have to stop me and do it. I can only kill them all. You shouldNo comments! “Anbai said with a smile.

“No opinion, no opinion.” Cabra was sweating, and

“We come here mainly to see the historical text in your palace. Please send someone to take us for a while, thank you!” Anbai said, the right hand has condensed the lightning.

“No opinion, no opinion.” Kobla continued to laugh with a smile.

Bell, the captain of the Alabastan Kingdom Guard, who has been following the king, did not agree. “His Majesty, but that is the tomb of the king of Alabasan. How can outsiders go in?”

“Stop your mouth!” Cabra stunned loudly. “The adult defeated Crockedal for us. What requests we must be satisfied. I ask you to obey in the name of the king.”

“Yes, Her Majesty!” Bell respected a military ceremony.

“Are you satisfied?” Kabla was in danger and was not scared to death. Fortunately, the response was timely. What do you say to the pirates and find death!This Bell will have to cultivate again in the future.

“Very good, take the way!” Anbai was very satisfied with Kabla’s attitude.

Cabra sent another deputy who absolutely obeyed the order to take Anbai to read the historical text.


“Adults, it’s just right.” The deputy official stood respectfully at the door and opened the door to the two of Anbai.

“Robin, the text of history is in it, go in!” Anbai said to Robin with a smile.

Robin looked at the text of history, so I didn’t know how long it took, and Robin ended with joy.

“Have you finished reading? What did you write on it?” An Bai knew that it was recorded in the ancient weapon “Pluto”, but looking at Robin’s joyful expression, she couldn’t help but tease her.

“This records the past and the history of the founding of Alabasteen. It is very boring and boring. You will not be interested.” Robin said with a serious face.

She still did not trust Anbai and chose the news of concealing ancient weapons.

Anbur’s face sank, “Nicole Robin, I thought we could be honest, but I didn’t expect you to choose to conceal it, which disappointed me.”

Robin was scared to look pale, “Captain, I, I didn’t lie to you.”

“Hahaha” Anbai suddenly laughed. “Robin, I knew the news that was hidden in the ancient weapon” Pluto “.”

“Since you don’t want to tell me, then don’t tell me, tell you when you want to tell, okay, we should go back.”

“Slowly walk!” Cabra brought a group of guards at the door farewell.

“By the way, since you already knew that I defeated Crockedal and helped me to promote it. I hope that the world will know tomorrow.” Anbai suddenly turned around and said to the king.

Anbai suddenly remembered that the original navy blocked the news of Luffy to defeat Clokdal, and then pushed the contribution to Smomger. Anba could not bear the hard -to -kill Crockedal, his reputation was actually someone else.of.

“Good adults, I immediately ordered all ministers to mobilize. Tomorrow you will be able to see the news at the newspaper at this time.” Kabla has not received an order from the Navy.


… …

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