But today, Aylin will become the first captain to be "removed".

In a sense, it can be regarded as nailing Aylin to the captain's pillar of shame.

Would someone as powerful as Aylin be willing to have his status taken away from him?

Thinking of this, several captains have already placed their hands on the Zanpakutō at their waists.

Once Aelin resists, they will free the Zanpakutō immediately.

Otherwise, with everyone sensing Captain Aylin's spiritual pressure during this period, there may not be many captains present who can fight against Aylin.

However, contrary to their expectations, Aylin did not refuse the verdict of Captain Yamamoto.

"Captain, it is the right thing to accept punishment for violating the prohibition."

"Not to mention, you have given me three months to correct it."

"I fully accept the punishment you give me."

Well, after hearing Aylin say such words, everyone knew that this was a show.

I started directing the play three months ago.

However, they didn't know what roles Kuchiki Ginling, Captain Yamamoto, and Ayrin played in this.

The only person present who knew the purpose of Aylin's actions was probably Yoruichi.

"This guy is quite responsible."

This captain's meeting came to an end soon after Aylin recognized Captain Yamamoto's verdict against him.

Next, under the witness of all the captains, Aylin took off his captain Haori, and Kuchiki Ginling regained his position as captain of the sixth division.

"Father, Byakuya, take care of yourself."

At the door of Kuchiki's house, Kuchiki Haruko hugged Kuchiki Ginling and Kuchiki Byakuya respectively, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and returned to Aelin.

"Byakuya, you have to remember that if the Kuchiki family or the Sixth Division encounters something difficult to solve in the future, you can use the Kuchiki family's world-traversing gate to come to the present world to find us, but don't survive alone."

"Also, father-in-law, if you have time, you can come to the real world to see Haruko more often. This little guy Byakuya has grown up. When he can stand alone, father-in-law, please come to the real world to live with us. .”

Ai Lin's words made Kuchiki Yinling feel a little moved.

But then he shook his head: "Let's talk about it then."

Kuchiki Ginling feels that his end may be within these ten years.

Under Aylin's three months of training, Byakuya's strength has grown rapidly, and now he has enough strength to serve as the deputy captain of the Sixth Division.

However, it would take at least ten more years for Byakuya to complete the training of swastika and take over his position as captain of the sixth division.

This means that it is almost impossible for him to wait until that day.

"But don't worry, you guys, on the day I leave, I will ask Captain Yoruichi to bring you a message asking you to come back and stand in front of Byakuya for a few years."


Aylin didn't want to say these farewell words to Kuchiki Ginling at this moment to make Haruko even more sad, so he raised his head and glanced at the sky, then said to Kuchiki Ginling and Kuchiki Byakuya: "Father-in-law, Byakuya, time is running out. It’s early, we’re leaving now.”

"Well, have a nice trip."

"Oh? Captain Yoruichi, Urahara Sanchi, are you here so early?"

When Aylin took Haruko Kuchiki to Urahara Kisuke's underground base using shunbu, he sensed their spiritual pressure.

"Hahahaha, I knew you were anxious after I saw you had no objection to old man Yamamoto's verdict at the captain's meeting."

"No, as soon as I came out of the first team, I pulled this guy out of the quilt."

Aylin followed Yoruichi's finger and looked at Urahara Kisuke, almost startled.

This guy with a chicken coop head, dark circles under his eyes the size of a panda, and an aura of decadence all over his body, is he Urahara Kisuke?

"Ah, in order to prepare the prosthetic bodies of Miss Kuchiki and Captain Aylin, I haven't slept well for more than two months."

Urahara Kisuke yawned and said lazily.


Aylin was confused: "Urahara Sanchi, does it take so much time to make a prosthetic body?"

"Also, Urahara-san, I am no longer the captain of the 6th division. You can just call me by my name."

If Ayrin remembers correctly, when the Gotei 13 team fought Hueco Mundo Arrancar in his memory, the Shinigami led by the captain of the 10th team, Hitsugaya Toshiro, all used the righteous bones directly in the living world.

Could it be that the technology for making artificial skeletons has made a breakthrough in the past two hundred years, so that the artificial skeletons corresponding to the gods of death can be produced immediately when necessary?

"No, if it's just an ordinary prosthetic skeleton, I can directly mass-produce it here."

Hearing Aylin question his ability, Urahara Kisuke reflexively retorted.

"However, such artificial bones can only be used by the Shinigami in this world for a period of time."

"The prosthetic remains of Captain Aylin and Miss Kuchiki are intended to be used in this world."

"Therefore, these two artificial corpses must be 100% compatible with their souls."

"In this case, the two of you can live in this world with these two bodies without changing their prosthetic bodies."

"Let's go, you two."

"I'm going to take you to meet your new body."

After saying that, Urahara Kisuke led the three people to two stone pillars. After inputting spiritual pressure on the side, a constantly rotating blue circle of light was formed between the two stone pillars.

"Is this a world-crossing gate?"

Aylin was surprised. He had never seen a boundary gate before. He had used the Kuchiki family's boundary gate several times.

However, the boundary gate in front of Aelin at this moment is different from the boundary gate used by the Gotei 13 and the Kuchiki family.

"Urahara, your world-traversing gate seems different from anything I've ever seen. Are you sure this thing is safe?"

"Oh? Captain Aylin actually discovered it."

Urahara Kisuke pretended to be surprised.

Although Aylin told him that he was not the captain and asked Urahara Kisuke not to call him captain, it seemed that Urahara Kisuke didn't listen and still called Aylin captain.

"The world-crossing gate used by the Gotei Thirteenth Team is the safe passage between the Soul Society and the present world left by the 'Spirit King' at the beginning of the creation of the world."

"My world-traversing gate was made by analyzing the 'black tone' used by virtual beings."

"Compared to the boundary gate used by the Gotei 13, it is indeed a little more dangerous."

Looking at the distance between Urahara Kisuke's thumb and index finger, Aylin snorted in his heart.

This guy Urahara understands the "fingertip universe".

"However, for us, this risk may be less than when ordinary Shinigami encounter Zai Yuxu."

Indeed, with the strength of Ai Lin, Shifengin Yoruichi, and Urahara Kisuke, even if something unexpected happened to the world-traversing gate and caused them to fall into Hueco Mundo, they would be able to forcefully fight their way out of Hueco Mundo.

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