Chapter 368: Poison Island Renzi is about to attack, and is beheaded by the pit of Tianyu!!

At the same time, Ginza on the other side is also particularly lively at this time, after all, as one of the most prosperous pedestrian streets and shopping malls, there are always more people.

The time had been poured and it was close to lunch, and in a restaurant at this time, Poison Island Yazi put down a paper bag and said with relief: “Finally bought, thank you, chop.” ”

Tianyu Chopper did not answer this question, but said with a very casual look on his face: “It’s finally this day, Zi.” ”

Poison Island Renzi’s face turned red but did not deny it, so she nodded quickly and said softly: “Well, chopping, it’s finally this day.” ”

“So, you’re nervous?”

Poison Island Takeko shook her head and said, “I’m not nervous at all, because I can feel that Ye Jun doesn’t hate me, even… Even those who feel for me, I can succeed! I will definitely succeed! ”

“So, that.”

“No, you have to accompany me! Otherwise I’m really nervous.”

Tianyu narrowed his eyes and said indifferently: “You confess, I am standing in the middle, what do you think?” ”

“Because. Cause… Because if I succeed, I can deal with the slash immediately! ”

Tianyu was stunned for a moment before grinning and said, “Deal with me?” Teeth. To this day, your sweet dream still hasn’t woken up? ”

“I’m not dreaming! Haven’t you always wanted to talk to Ye Jun?! If you succeed, I will definitely deal with you with all my strength! Be sure to behead you, and then be a meek and good wife! ”

Tianyu tilted his head and said: “I thought I would only make a move if you failed, since you are so confident, I didn’t plan to make a move when you succeeded, or I don’t have this idea at the moment, now. Scold… Teeth.”

“Are you fighting me?”

Poison Island Renzi said softly: “Since you will come to fight Ye Jun forcibly sooner or later, instead of letting you destroy the normal trajectory of your life after that, it is like directly solving the beheading!” Solve it early, and you can be taught sooner! ”

“Hmm. Childish, it’s okay, Valentine’s Day. Scold… Tooth, I suddenly have some doubts if you are using a trick. ”

“With a meter?”

“I always feel like you can’t wait for me to drive those guys away.”

“I’m you!”

“It doesn’t matter, Yazi, think clearly, you yourself can’t wait to give up the dominance, no problem, just solve the matter of family marriage urging, in addition to being weaker than me, I have a very good evaluation of this guy, but I can teach more martial arts in the future.”

Poison Island narrowed his eyes and said, “Are you so sure that Ye Jun and I can’t beat you alone?” ”

“This is inevitable, a person who refines his cooking skills, even if he has practiced martial arts since childhood, how strong is it? What’s more, he still practices the piano, and that hand is a little more expensive. ”

Poison Island was stunned for a moment and said, “Chop, how do you know that Ye Jun can play the piano?” ”

Tianyu cut the corner of his eyes and jumped softly, “You told me.” ”

“No, I only told you that Ye Jun knows how to play the guitar, when did you say that you can play the piano?”

Tianyu cut off naturally it is impossible to say what she has watched Ye Mu’s dynamics all night, she doesn’t want face?

As for why she watched the dynamics, the reason is very simple, first, she wants to see what the man Poison Island Yazi likes looks like, and second, she also said that in addition to being unable to beat her, Ye Mu satisfies all her thoughts about the other half, and this evaluation was determined after watching the dynamic week.

Finally, there is a very heart-wrenching thing, in her list, there are only a few people in total, it is more difficult to be one person, she is sorry for herself if she doesn’t look at it.

“So, when are you going to talk to him tomorrow?”

“Well, tomorrow afternoon… I want to take a day off…”

Tianyu glanced at Poison Island before nodding and saying, “You want so much, you don’t have so much to say, so say… Tooth, what are you going to do? ”

Poison Island said softly with a slight tilt: “It’s just to leave enough time and fight with you.” ”

“Huh? Yes, you don’t have to go to class tomorrow. ”

“Huh?! Can you decide by chopping it?! ”

Tianyu chopped a piece of steak and said softly: “Qunxiu Zhiyuan, what I said, you can go directly to do it.” ”

“Chop, it always feels like you’re shielding.”


“Oh… By the way, I want to talk to you about the noodle matter. ”

Tianyu was stunned for a while, feeling a little bad, and Tianyu chopped and said suspiciously: “What do you want to say?” ”

“Chop, I bought you a gift too.”

“Buy a gift? Valentine’s Day you give me a gift? ”

A trace of strangeness flashed in Tianyu’s eyes, his girlfriend will, then snatch Ye Mu over and whether he wants to leave her in the future, if he stays, will he be very dangerous.

Poison Island Renzi also turned red and hurriedly said, “What do you think!” How could I possibly give you a Valentine’s Day present! I bought you a gift too, and when the time comes, I will cut you off and give it to Ye Jun!” ”

Tianyu raised his eyebrows and said, “Me? Give him a Valentine’s Day gift?

Why? ”

“You think, whether you lose or win, aren’t you all single? Even if you win, you can’t say don’t give anything, you want chocolate without chocolate, you want gifts without gifts, how embarrassing. ”

Tianyu squinted her eyes and always felt that Poison Island Renzi was pitting herself, but she felt that it was still very reasonable, and for a while, Tianyu looked at Poison Island Renzi with a gentle smile, feeling that this girlfriend seemed to be about to knock and knock ah.

No, you have to knock the following Ye Mu first, Poison Island Renzi was originally a very simple guy in her eyes, and she was taken away, and when she won, she had to teach these two people well.

“Chop, aren’t you curious about what I’ve prepared for you?”

“Huh? I asked, you would say? ”



Sure enough, the learning was broken, and Tianyu chopped and said softly: “Tooth you.”



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