Chapter 366: Fujiwara no Toyoshi’s Expectations, I Can’t Hide!!

After breakfast, the three of Xiaolin gentian looked very anxious and walked a little fluttering towards the outside of the school, you know, today is the weekend.

At this time, Ye Mu was also relieved, he was going to run an errand today, but it was not something related to the house and the car, but another thing.

It’s February, and in February there is a holiday for people in pairs, yes, Valentine’s Day, so Ye Mu is now going out to buy Valentine’s Day gifts.

She can just buy five copies, after all, lovers give gifts and chocolates, and friends can just give chocolate.

However, relatively, Ye Mu naturally made this chocolate by himself, his strength, you let him make instant chocolate made of cocoa powder? No kidding, you can’t afford to lose that person.

He makes pure chocolate, high-quality chocolate, so it has to start with the raw materials, and high-quality chocolate takes many days to make.

In order to keep the surprise, Ye Mu calculated the time, and naturally chose to skip class, found a chocolate factory, and then spent money to deal with a batch of cocoa fruits and the like.

Take time to deal with it every day, and it can be done tonight, and tomorrow Ye Mu can go out early to pack it.

In Dongying, there is a very strange opinion, their Valentine’s Day is when girls give boys chocolates and gifts, while on White Day, it is the other way around.

And in many places, boys send girls, and White Day is reversed. (This plot, remember, draw the point, several important points)

Ye Mu had already thought about what gifts to prepare for them, the problem was that these things had to run to several places comparatively, and the place he was going to today was not the city center, but… Ginza.

As one of the three busiest pedestrian streets and shopping malls in the world, Ginza definitely has what he wants, so he plans to go to hot pot for lunch.

At this time, the street is also particularly lively, some come out on weekends to play, some come out to choose gifts for their lovers and find chocolate materials, and some are district handmade chocolate workshops to learn how to make it, so as to confess to the boys they like.

Xiaolin gentian breathed a sigh of relief and said: “There are really many people, little peach, is the chocolate ready?” ”

Akane Kubo nodded and said, “It’s all ready, it’s in a sweet shop where Little Peach is a consultant, you can make it at any time, let’s go make it in the afternoon.” ”

“Okay, Ning Ning, have you made a list?”

Ji no Kuni nodded and said, “Well, Mu, Yabugi, Kume, Isshiki, Erina, Asuna, Sister Toji, Sister Hirataka, and well… Sister Gentian, how do you say to send it? ”

“What do you mean?”

Ji Zhiguo Ning tilted his head and said: “Because, Valentine’s Day is on Monday, Kaoru has to go to school, and the two of them have to go to work, how to send it?” ”

Xiaolin Gentian was stunned for a moment before suddenly saying: “Oh! I know what you mean Ning Ning, are you thinking about who will send it? ”

“Yes, because on Valentine’s Day, girls send boys, and boys send girls, it will cause some misunderstanding.”

Akane Kubo nodded and said, “It makes sense, but the Celestial Empire is a boy sending a girl, well… Mu doesn’t remember it or not, he is good that you will most likely send it, and I feel that there will be a misunderstanding. ”

Xiaolin gentian sighed and said: “It’s really troublesome, forget it, no matter, they also know that her husband is from the Celestial Empire, besides, people are not bad, it’s a big deal to break the jar and break, me and Xiao Peach definitely can’t go out for too long, rather you have to go to school, only your husband.” ”


Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was stunned for a moment and said, “Unless what?” ”

“Unless you’d rather skip class.”

“Eh… However, if I skip class, how can I take notes for Mu? ”

“So, you can’t hide, so be it, have you all thought about what gifts to buy for your husband?” This is the first Valentine’s Day we have together, we must be serious! ”

Ji Zhiguo Ning thought for a while and shook his head and said, “To be honest, I couldn’t think of it at all, what should I send if my head is messy?” Mu is not short of money at all, but he knows that the piano likes it, but…”

Xiaolin gentian hurriedly said: “Ning Ning! Hold your head! The piano is too much! When I get married later, I don’t have any good ideas, and my husband doesn’t seem to like using accessories very much… Well? ”

The three of them looked at each other and laughed, and Xiaolin Gentian said with a smile: “Worthy of being a good sister…”

“Tacit understanding!” ×3。


“Oh!” ×2。

As soon as the three people left on their front feet, four people in the café on the other side also watched silently.

Qiloli smiled and said: “Ah, it’s really a good sister, it seems that I want to go together, Sister Fengshi, so believe me, that’s right.” ”

“Well, though, why can’t I go see him yet?”

Qiloli took a sip of coffee and said softly: “Sister Fengshi, although I know that you really want to find a good husband, but what, good things always need time to prove, and this is exactly it.” ”

Fujiwara Toyomi sighed and looked out the window with his face and said, “I’m really nervous, so when can I meet him?” ”

“Graduation ceremony, that is, two days before spring break, Sister Lilixiang and I will accompany you.”

Fujiwara Toyomi nodded and said, “That’s good, otherwise I’m really a little nervous, Kiloli, thanks to you, otherwise I really don’t know what to prepare, but is this gift okay?” ”

Qi Luoli said very casually: “A person with heavy feelings, what he cares about is often… Heart… Who can show their affection and heart of pure heart, it is still far from it. ”

“So let’s have a good chat, but I didn’t expect you two to make chocolate?”

“Following Grandpa Ye and Xiao Mu, you have to learn something interesting, don’t you?”

“Sure enough, I still don’t understand.”

“Hee… Learn slowly, Ah Hua. ”


“Go to checkout, go to Ginza.”


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