Chapter 303 Happy Kitagawa Sea Dream, maybe because he is more handsome!!

Ye Mu and the three had already left, Kitagawa Haimeng was carrying a paper bag full of all kinds of pastries, Fujiwara Moe Ye also bought some, Ye Mu bought a few half-cooked cheese and didn’t say anything.

Fujiwara Moeha still couldn’t resist his curiosity and said with some doubts: “Are you… Yuanyue’s student? ”

“Isn’t it like?”

“Then why don’t you attend the school festival?”

“I’m not interested, and if I participate in the school festival, it will be more or less interesting to participate next year.”

Kitagawa Haimeng said with some doubts: “I didn’t expect you to be from Yuanyue, but why did they call you Lord Ye Mu?” ”

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, “Is it possible that I am relatively handsome, so I am called out so involuntarily?” ”

“Poof…” x2.

Fujiwara Moeha smiled and said, “How can there be such a thing!” But you are really powerful, residential training, field training, these two have all survived the Yuanyue high school but there are no nearly one-tenth of the people, you are still there, really powerful. ”

“Try a little harder.”

“Sure enough. That’s right! They call you adult, is it because you are very powerful? ”

Kitagawa Haimeng was also surprised, what kind of strength can be called an adult in Yuanyue, especially a transfer student.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, “Can’t you think it’s because I’m more handsome?” ”

“Seriously, did you participate in the fall tryouts?”

“Well, I don’t deny that.”

“Then did you get a good grade?!”

Kitagawa Haimeng is also curious, Yuanyue’s accommodation training and field training may not be known, but when it comes to Yuanyue’s autumn election, it can be said that it is too famous, which will determine the next ten masters.

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: “If the results are not bad, they have slightly entered the top eight.” ”

“That’s already amazing! I can’t see it at all! It is said that the people who survived the distant moon are all arrogant, and they can’t see anything arrogant about you. ”

Ye Mu said with a smile: “Arrogance is divided into many kinds, and it is also divided into places, and it is arrogant everywhere, isn’t that neuropathy?” ”

“That’s right, right! Faux pas! I forgot to introduce myself! I am Moeha Fujiwara from the third grade of Hidechiin Junior High School! ”

“I’m Katagawa Haimon in the third grade of Katagiri Junior High School!”

Ye Mu raised his eyebrows, the sea dream of the third year of junior high school, good fellow, it was really unexpected, Ye Mu coughed lightly and said: “The first grade of Yuanyue High School, Ye Mu.” ”

“So it’s the seniors who moved? Senior Ye, I didn’t expect Senior Ye that you still watch anime, unexpectedly. ”

“It’s nothing unexpected, like most people don’t think I’m a cook when they see me.”

“That’s right, Senior Ye! You have friends from COSER, you also visit Comic Con, didn’t you try it yourself? ”

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, “Don’t say it, I was pulled to count it once a long time ago.” ”

“What character?!”

“It seems to be a male character in a magical girl anime, a masked character, and a deacon character.”

“Oh! These are all classic characters! Any photos?! ”

“Sea Dream! What a faux pas! ”

“Oooh oh! Sorry, I’m sorry, but when it comes to anime, I can’t control myself. ”

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said: “It’s nothing, it’s a good thing to have a hobby that you like, otherwise it’s quite boring, if you take photos, I really have reservations, look for it.” ”

The two people looked at Ye Mu expectantly, and Ye Mu looked for a while before pointing his mobile phone at the two people Xiduchuan Haimeng and said in surprise: “The cos is very good!” If you don’t know, you think it’s professional! ”

“I probably like to watch movies and anime and the like, so it’s more like learning, after all, it is the first time in my life, and I have to leave some memorials, to be honest, it’s quite shameful.”

“Nope! That’s great! ”

Ye Mu tilted his head and said; “If you like anime so much, it’s also a COSER?”

“Sort of, but I want to make my own costume for the character I like, but unfortunately… I don’t seem to be doing very well.”

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, “Make clothes.”

“Senior Ye, what’s wrong?”

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: “I know a friend who does fashion design, but in Northern Europe, she has a store that also sells COS clothing, if you need help, I can ask her to help.” (Please remember this passerby, there will be interesting connections)

“Really?! But… Wouldn’t the price be high? ”

“You don’t have to worry about this, if you’re a true anime lover, she’ll be interested, then. If you provide materials, she may have a very low price or no money to help you, but you have to pay for the postage. ”


“If you need help, you can contact me, come to Yuanyue or call, and what I say to her will be fine.”

Kitagawa Haimeng’s eyes lit up and said, “Thank you, Senior Ye!” ”

“It’s okay, after all, it’s more fateful.”

“Uh-huh! Senior Ye, your contact information is…”

“My contact information, mobile phone number or”

“I feel that social media accounts are more convenient, and I can make voice calls.”

Ye Mu nodded and didn’t say anything, after the two exchanged contact information, Kitagawa Haimeng’s stomach suddenly screamed, and Ye Mu said with a smile: “It’s worthy of the age of a long body, and the protest is very loud.” ”

Kitagawa Haimeng also blushed, but Ye Mu did not embarrass her at all, and the impression of this senior, who had a good first impression, was a lot more in her heart, “That’s right!” Ye senior! Do you know what shops are full and delicious? ”

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, “You two, can you eat spicy?” ”

“Yes!” x2.

Ye Mu nodded and said, “Then come with me.” ”

“Good!” x2.

What Ye Mu didn’t notice was that at the moment when the three people left, Miyazono Kaoru happened to come over from the side…

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